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CHIPINGE | Bro Farai Makandeni

Preaching here is going very well, as we had ten students doing Shona lessons, of whom six are from Ratelshoeck and the other four in various areas within Chipinge district. We also have seven students taking English lessons, four of whom are also from this Estate.

The Word of God must be spread to all corners of the world because the Bible brings the good news of the Kingdom of God which will be set up on the earth, and speaks of the forgiveness of sins through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The message is found in both the Old and New Testaments. Gen. 22:17,18, Daniel 2:44, also Matt.4:23, 6:12-18, 24:14. Study of the Bible is the only way to learn about God. It tells us all we need to know about Him and what He requires of us. God is the true author of the Bible. We need to read it every day.

Bible prophecy is being fulfilled, and there are many signs today to show that the coming of Jesus is near. People are experiencing many problems in the world today.

MAYUNJE | Bro Misheck Hondoma

Now I can write again to you and the Advancement Trust for book supplies as the bone in my right arm is healed. Without CAT we would not have the books and literature you send us. We need more as we need to improve our knowledge of the Bible. This year we have two new members: one brother and one sister. We need copies of English Bibles as without them we cannot go preaching from door to door. In our area, the Jehovah’s Witnesses are like ants. We write and write to other people but nothing ever comes, but we know that you send us books.

NKULUMANE | Bro Mesheck Shoko

We must remember that God created us with a purpose, to become a special part of His creation. Naturally sometimes through weakness we fail to live the lives we would like to, but by repentance we can obtain forgiveness through the Lord Jesus Christ, and our failings blotted out before him.

We want to always please God, as He has called us to be saints and wants us to finally enter into the rest of the Kingdom. Humanly it is impossible to live perfect lives, but by the mercy and grace of God the naturally impossible is possible. So let us press on trying to do our best for He wants us, indeed has promised those who try to serve Him a place in the Kingdom.

TONGOGORA | Bro Shukuru Isa

On behalf of Tongogora Ecclesia, we all say, “God bless you” for sending Gospel News and many other mailing items. As an ecclesia, we find that important, and we hope these will be of interest to us, together with our Bible lessons.

Be more concerned with what God thinks about you than what people think about you.

“But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you.”

Matthew 6:33 NKJV

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