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The Ecclesia at Dzaleka Refugee Camp

I am very happy to write to you and tell you about the continuation of the Ecclesia of Dzaleka. We all greet you in the name of Jesus Christ.

It is my sincere hope that you still remember that when Brother Ikola Bernard was still here in Dzaleka Refugee Camp we were two distinct groups under the same church. But when brother Bernard was resettled to the United States of America, I and the other group met, prayed to God and reached a very important step of forgiving each other and forgetting what had happened in the past. Therefore, we are united and we are very happy. For assurance from your side, we have enclosed two photos for you, of members standing in front of the Ecclesia of Dzaleka brothers, sisters and the children of the Sunday School.

When we were united, we had new church members, among whom some brothers and sisters went to the extent of becoming baptised. Those who accepted the gospel of good news were six in total, and we took them to Salima in Lake Malawi for baptism, after getting an assistance of 50 USD from Brother Bernard, and this, with an added 60 USD for trip expenditures (hiring a car and food) helped to make the trip successful. The trip and baptisms took place, by the grace of our Almighty God, on 20th July 2016, and we have enclosed a photo showing the new baptised church members for your assurance (pictured below). At this point, seven more people are taking baptism lessons and this makes us feel very happy for the prospect of having new born again members in Jesus Christ.

The Ecclesia of Dzaleka has made their request to you to help us with Bibles, books of songs and Misingi ya Biblia in Swahili versions. Here in Dzaleka, Bibles are sold at 12000 Malawi Kwacha, which is around 20 USD. These Bibles originated from Tanzania.

I am pleased to say our church is making good progress, without any problems. We number 67 in total. There are 31 adults, among whom 24 are baptised and seven are following baptism sessions. The number of children is 36. But we have the problem to face of the food crisis. It is now 3 months since we received any food, and we have no hope of getting any within these few coming days. Children and pregnant women are suffering a lot due to lack of food, hence your help is of great importance to us.

KASUNGU | Bro Harmony

Thank you very much for passing on to me your student who is at the baptism stage in my area. I have contacted him and after further instruction am arranging for his baptism at Mzima, God willing. The 180 booklets you sent on “When Will Jesus Return to the Earth?” has encouraged and strengthened Brethren and Sisters. Others are shocked at the message which is not taught in the churches, but are reluctant to resign from their churches and join us.

In the centre is Peter who is about to be baptised with Bro Harmony on his left

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