The Event of the Ages?
The general population of the world today is about to experience ‘The Event of the Ages’ – the second coming of the Lord from heaven: first, to His elect of all ages, and then to the secular nations of the earth. His purpose then shall be the subjection of all rule and authority of the Kingdoms of men, making them to bow to His righteous reign, and to enjoy the peace which they have always claimed to have desired, but have never attained. What assurance do believers have of these facts?
There are many Biblical ones, they are the only valid assurances.
Although accounted as nothing by most nations, and as insignificant by world bodies, such as the United Nations, Israel’s establishment in the end time was the signal event which marked the beginning of the countdown to the Kingdom of God. The Lord Jesus’ words recorded in Luke’s 21st chapter, prominently mention the end of “The Times of the Gentiles.”
“... Thus saith the Lord GOD; I will even gather you from the people, and assemble you out of the countrieswhere ye have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.” Ezekiel 11:17
Bro Austin Mwaka standing with Bro David Nicholls and his wife, Sis Linda, (UK) pictured long back
Bro Austin Mwaka (Kapiri-Mposhi, Zambia)
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