News from Africa
NENO | Bro David Liwawa
I went to the Malawi Government department of Mines and Mineral Act, to apply for a prospecting licence, which I now have.
I have not moved anywhere – I am still in Neno, which is my home. As I was near to retirement, I asked the Ministry of Health to post me to New District Hospital, and I had my retirement while working at home.
Here there are times when we use Western medicines, and there are also times when we use herbs as medicine – this depends on how you feel in your body. I will be 67 on October 15, and I am thankful to say I am enjoying good health. I rarely eat processed food, usually it is garden produced and home cooked.
I am very sorry for you, with all you have gone through. May the gracious Lord be with you. Read Psalms 20, 121 and 126; Isaiah 26:3.
August has been an incredibly blessed month for the Kempton Park meeting. We were privileged to host a P2P (Prepare to Preach) team consisting of Sis Deb Lea, Sis Jeanne Ploetz, Sis Judy MacKinnon, Bro William DeFord and Adam Ross from various ecclesias in the States and Canada. This lovely group stayed with us for two weeks, their energy and resources gave our existing preaching and outreach projects a huge boost!
The visiting sisters led the studies at the annual ‘Women at the Well’ Retreat. This beautiful weekend in the Drakensberg was enjoyed by the majority of the Kempton Park sisters, who returned refreshed and ready to do our best to live “in the Spirit” rather than allow our actions to be determined by our human instincts. Everyone enjoyed the many little treats we were spoiled with throughout the weekend, and we would like to express our gratitude to everyone who was part of the amazing team that organized the weekend. During the long weekend the Kempton Park Meeting hosted a Youth Gathering at the Altelekker Campgrounds just outside of Olifantsfontein. We had youth from the Aphiwe, Yeoville and Kensington meetings join the Kempton Park youth for an encouraging, fun-filled weekend of Bible study and fellowship.
Bro Michael Furstenburg was the cook for the weekend, for which we would like to thank him - scrambling ten dozen eggs each morning is no mean feat!
The Furstenburg family had a rather horrid experience when little Alexis, who is now almost 30 months old, fell backward while playing with a puppy, and suffered a greenstick fracture to the radial bone in her left arm. She had to have a cast which will God Willing, be removed in 4 weeks’ time.
MBEYA | Bro James A Mwangomo
I write to acknowledge receipt of the two parcels of the New Testaments with commentaries in Kiswahili. I failed to write to you immediately due to the fact that I had been in financial trouble when the heavy rainfall in our district swept away all the crops we depend upon and left us wandering from one place to the other looking for the means to make ends meet. Although I am not yet settled as the matters are not yet solved I am forced to thank you for these precious books. Zomba members were very happy to receive them and immediately contributed some money for storage charges of the Post Office. After a week I made an arrangement of distributing some to our nearby ecclesias:
Mwajelwa Ecclesia – 4 copies
Wanga Ecclesia – 4 copies
Ilysle Ecclesia – 4 copies
Igale Ecclesia – 4 copies
Mlowo Ecclesia – 8 copies
The remainder were given to Ilomba members and 8 copies remained for our library.
BUSIA | Bro Mangeni Rogers
Mark 1:14. John the Baptist was imprisoned. Mark 6:11-29 gives us the full events that led to the death of John. It is recorded that King Herod had committed adultery with his brother Philip’s wife. Mark 6:17. John the Baptist was a prophet of miraculous capabilities who would not see evil and keep silent. He therefore condemned the adulterous act and warned King Herod to end the relationship.
John the Baptist’s act did not please Herodias. She therefore wanted John to be arrested. Herodias then convinced King Herod to kill John. King Herod had a lot of fear and respect for John, Mark 6:20. Herod just put him in prison to protect him. Mark 6:21 informs us that King Herod celebrated his birthday with a party and invited a number of important guests. They were served with wine and food stuff and properly entertained.
The daughter of Herodias came in and danced which pleased Herod and his dinner guests, Mark 6:23. King Herod was so proud that he promised her with an oath, “Whatever you ask I will give you up to the half of my Kingdom.” v.23. Then the girl went to her mother Herodias who told her to ask for the head of John the Baptist. Then the daughter of Herodias took her mother’s advice and told King Herod “I want you to give me right now the head of John the Baptist on a platter!” v.25.
Herod was greatly distressed but because of his oath and his dinner guests he immediately sent an executioner with orders to bring John’s head. The man went and beheaded John in prison, v.27. The guard soon returned with the head of John the Baptist on the dish. He handed it over to the girl who in turn handed it to her mother, v.28. Then the disciples of John came and took his body and laid it in the tomb, v.29.
So we should stand in truth just like John the Baptist did. Death is not the end of human life for true believers. There is the life after death. So we should call on the help of God.
KASESE | Bro Kule Remegio
It is quite a long time since I received any teaching material that makes me strong in both my spiritual and health matters. Kindly have mercy on me and try your level best to get me at least one copy of “Where there is no doctor” and a new Bible. I trust to hear from you. May God bless and guide you as we wait for the return of Our Lord. Jesus is coming soon, I am ready for him now, come dear Lord.

Top: Sis Kule Yonia instructing Bro Remegio’s two sons who are advanced on the CBM correspondence course.

Above: Bro Kule Remegio
P.S. Sorry, owing to cost we no longer send out “Where there is no doctor”. M.H.