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NENO | Bro David Liwawa

I went to the Malawi Government department of Mines and Mineral Act, to apply for a prospecting licence, which I now have.

I have not moved anywhere – I am still in Neno, which is my home. As I was near to retirement, I asked the Ministry of Health to post me to New District Hospital, and I had my retirement while working at home.

Here there are times when we use Western medicines, and there are also times when we use herbs as medicine – this depends on how you feel in your body. I will be 67 on October 15, and I am thankful to say I am enjoying good health. I rarely eat processed food, usually it is garden produced and home cooked.

I am very sorry for you, with all you have gone through. May the gracious Lord be with you. Read Psalms 20, 121 and 126; Isaiah 26:3.

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