Carelinks | Germany
There have been many baptisms recently in Germany. One was of Rochester, originally from Guyana, whose mother was one of that country’s earliest Christadelphians and whose brother is in a Canadian ecclesia. Now in advancing years, Rochester turned to the Truth and was baptized- what a wonderful surprise for his mother when she awakes at the resurrection, to find her son also there! The baptism was performed with other Guyanese brethren present by Skype; you can see a screen shot opposite.
Here’s a report from the North Americans present: “What a wonderful and blessed occasion! It was with great joy that we from: Canada: Sis Esther Worrell, Greenaway Ecclesia, Sis June Neblett, Toronto East Ecclesia, residing in Panama, and Bro Vernon Barrow, McNabb St. Ecclesia. US: Bro Joseph and Sis Veronica Badlu, South Ozone Park Ecclesia, New York. UK: Bro Duncan Heaster of Walton Ecclesia... were able to witness on Wednesday, August 12, 2015, the baptism of our now brother, Rochester (“Junior”) Washington, which took place at his home in Germany.
Junior who is in isolation, having discovered the great blessing of eternal life that Our Heavenly Father has in store for us in his soon coming Kingdom, was very eager to put on the Saving Name of Christ assuring him of an inheritance in this joy. Junior did the online Bible Basics course and completed his answers successfully. Bro Duncan always in readiness to assist in this worthwhile activity, immediately responded to his call for assistance. So we were able on Wednesday August 12, 2015 to online join in and witness the baptismal service via Skype, with a hymn, prayers and a short talk, and then participated in Breaking of Bread and welcoming our new brother into fellowship with the right hand of fellowship.
In responding to our wishes for God’s blessing and guidance in his new life, Junior requested our continued prayers for him in the journey on which he has now embarked and also our continued fellowship in the breaking of bread via Skype. As we parted, we felt so spiritually exhilarated, thanking Our Heavenly Father for this privilege and opportunity in participating in this exceptional experience, and will soon spread the joyous news to our brethren and sisters in Guyana, where Junior, as a lad then, had connections with the Truth. He is the son of the late Sis Amy Washington, a sister greatly beloved in that country, and the brother of Bro Keith Washington of the Greenaway Ecclesia, who unfortunately could not be present at his baptism.”

Bro Rochester ‘Junior’ with our bre and sis via Skype

Above: Sis Esther Worrell, Sis June Neblett and Bro Vernon Barrow Right top: Bro Joseph and Sis Veronica Badlu Right: Bro Rochester and Bro Duncan
Sis Esther Worrell and Bro Joe Badlu