Carelinks | Amazing response in the United Kingdom
Just one insertion of an advert for the NEV Bibles in a national newspaper has produced around 1300 replies. A group of eleven adults and three children assembled at the Chelmsford meeting room and spent a very happy and spiritual day writing envelopes and packing the Bibles for the requests. It was wonderful to see such widespread interest; and the names and surnames would indicate the response was largely from local Anglo-Saxon folks, whom we might consider the least interested sector of British society. There’s nothing like all practically working together with hymns and songs in the background, talking with each other about spiritual things as we stuff envelopes with Bibles, and praying together for blessing on the recipients. That same day witnessed the baptism of Gloria, who three years ago had seen the same advertisement, and only now come to baptism. We believe the word will not return void.

Our newly baptised Sis Lara chatting with Sis Cardia. Sis Deb with the copy of Wrested Scriptures we gave Sis Lara (amongst other literature)
Over the past few months, there have been around twenty baptisms in the UK as a result of Bible Basics and NEV Bible distribution work.
A happy group of us gathered to baptize Lara at her home; all up we were three children plus six brethren and sisters who met up with her and her daughter. It was a truly happy occasion. Originally from Brazil, Lara had read the Bible carefully for many years before coming to the UK. She was an active member of a local church, and brought over 20 Portuguese speakers to the church. But as she figured out that the trinity was not Biblical and speaking in tongues, as they practiced it, wasn’t at all Biblical, she shared those truths with her Portuguese speaking friends and they left the church. She encountered us online and actually purchased a copy of Bible Basics from eBay even though we give it away free. She is very zealous to believe and do what is right. She works long hours doing various jobs and yet makes Bible study a priority, and is teaching her young daughter from Bible Basics. We have given her supplies of Portuguese Bible Basics and she is sharing them with her friends and also posting them to family members back in Brazil. We now seek to encourage her to connect with her friends who left church in order to get them together with her in a house group, lest they wander from the pathway completely, as so many do.

Saying goodbye to Lara and her daughter
Please pray for Lara. She has made great use of our literature; material like the CAT edition of Bro Ron Abel’s book Wrested Scriptures has been invaluable to her.
Our policy is to give away literature free of charge, but we do appeal for donations so that we can publish and distribute it. So please do keep supporting, because the literature ministry, both online and in hard copy, is the backbone of all this work.
Our recently baptized sister Lara continues to preach actively and along with her daughter came to Croydon to help us distribute fliers to folks from it seemed every nation under Heaven. The kids distributed far more leaflets than the adults- it was hard to say no to them.
What’s amazing is that we got 1 reply per 100 leaflets distributed!

The children’s enthusiasm for leaflet distribution was infectious - how could anyone say ‘No’ to them!

The disused phone boxes in some UK villages have been turned into simple libraries. We encourage all of you to be preaching minded, and to carry literature and leaflets with you which you can leave around. God seems to like working through such things. Remember Paul's advice to Timothy to “preach the word; be ready in season and out of season” (2 Tim. 4:2).