A Bible talk about the word ‘evil’ is worth considering. Paul tells us to “abstain from evil”. Jesus Christ in his prayer says; “deliver us from evil”. Moses in the book of Genesis chapter 6 described the world before the flood as being full of evil, corrupt and deceitful people. The God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob punished these wicked, ‘evil’ people because they never listened to his voice given at different times through prophets, disciples and Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Today, in the Christian era, the same thing is happening: people are evil, wicked, corrupt and deceitful but they still have the opportunity to believe the gospel and be saved through the abundant love, mercy and grace from the God of Israel through our Saviour, mediator, High Priest and Advocate, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
In Genesis chapter 4, Cain versus Abel is an example of why we should note the word ‘evil’ in our everyday life, along with temptation, test and trial and the kingdom of God. Cain murdered his brother because of an evil mind (thought, heart) while his brother had a righteous mind. In Hebrews 11:4 God commends Abel as an example of human nature following in the way of God and Jesus Christ (1 John 3:11-12).
So my appeal is to be aware of evil thoughts (mind, heart) because they are a threat to salvation. Instead, let us follow the mind of Jesus Christ: “Have this mind in you which was in Christ Jesus … that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:5,11).
I was baptized on 21st August 1976 by Bro David Rowley of England (38 years in the truth in Kenya), the same day as Bro John Muraya of Bungoma who is also still alive, living witnesses for Christadelphia in Kenya. What is the secret of such existence? My success by reading the Bible every day to strive for the mind of God and of Jesus Christ and to be a strong witness of the truth to all we meet. I do not know when God will stop my life, but I keep my lamp full of oil like the five wise (Matthew 25:113). Jesus’ parable tells us to “Stay awake, for you do not know the day nor the hour.” We must always remember our first love for Christ that we had at our baptism. When we accepted the gospel message, we agreed to walk with Christ, to bury the old man of the flesh and to walk in the new spirit of love. Only death should separate us from the truth (Romans 8:38-39).
Bro John Onani (Sinda, Kenya)