Gospel News · January - April 2015

Resettlement of our Refugee Brethren ~ The Purpose of my Appeals
generally our:
- Thoughts are that we pray to be helped
from the undesirable conditions of the camp
to a place away from this environment.
- Concerns are how will we fare to start life
afresh with our families.
- Anxieties are that we need to be resettled
in stable areas where there are jobs oppor-
tunities to work in order to meet the family
- Fears are that we do not know how long we
will get over with this distressing refugee
life? Also some of us would not like to return
back to the areas they lived in before. In our
present situation, we see that the future for
us and our families is completely dark. There
is not any prospect, and it is difficult for us
to handle this because we are extremely
poor - we do not how and with what to
This revelation is heart rending. I think there
are capable individuals in our brotherhood
worldwide who may be able to spearhead
the undertaking of resettlement, using their
expertise and available tools to great
advantage if approached prayerfully with the
blessing and power of our Heavenly Father.
Bible talk about the word ‘evil’ is worth
considering. Paul tells us to “abstain
from evil”. Jesus Christ in his prayer says;
“deliver us from evil”. Moses in the book
of Genesis chapter 6 described the world
before the flood as being full of evil,
corrupt and deceitful people. The God of
our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
punished these wicked, ‘evil’ people
because they never listened to his voice
given at different times through prophets,
disciples and Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Today, in the Christian era, the same thing
is happening: people are evil, wicked,
corrupt and deceitful but they still have the
opportunity to believe the gospel and be
saved through the abundant love, mercy
and grace from the God of Israel through
our Saviour, mediator, High Priest and
Advocate, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
In Genesis chapter 4, Cain versus Abel is an
example of why we should note the word
‘evil’ in our everyday life, along with temp-
tation, test and trial and the kingdom of
God. Cain murdered his brother because of
an evil mind (thought, heart) while his
brother had a righteous mind. In Hebrews
11:4 God commends Abel as an example of
human nature following in the way of God
and Jesus Christ (I John 3:11-12).
So my appeal is to be aware of evil thoughts
(mind, heart) because they are a threat to
salvation. Instead, let us follow the mind of
Jesus Christ: “Have this mind in you which
was in Christ Jesus that every tongue
should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to
the glory of God the Father” (Philippians
I was baptized on 21st August 1976 by Bro
David Rowley of England (38 years in the
truth in Kenya), the same day as Bro John
Muraya of Bungoma who is also still alive,
living witnesses for Christadelphia in Kenya.
What is the secret of such existence? My
success by reading the Bible every day to
strive for the mind of God and of Jesus
Christ and to be a strong witness of the
truth to all we meet. I do not know when
God will stop my life, but I keep my lamp
full of oil like the five wise (Matthew 25:1-
13). Jesus’ parable tells us to “Stay awake,
for you do not know the day nor the hour.”
We must always remember our first love for
Christ that we had at our baptism. When we
accepted the gospel message, we agreed to
walk with Christ, to bury the old man of the
flesh and to walk in the new spirit of love.
Only death should separate us from the
truth (Romans 8:38-39).
| Bro John Onani (Sinda, Kenya)