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News from Africa

NEWS FROM BENINview as web pdf  

| Bro John Aduje

I write to express my gratitude to you for your concern about my spiritual growth by sending me regularly the Gospel News, and especially the European version Bible with commentary. I am so delighted with them. May Yahweh continue to strengthen you in this great work you are doing in His vineyard.

I also want to take this opportunity to let you know the change of my postal address which is now:

Carr188 Missebo 05BP 1392 Cotonou Rep.Bu Benin.

NEWS FROM BURUNDIview as web pdf  

| Bro John Kiyago

I am a father of 5 children twins twice! I was a refugee in Nyarugusu camp before the government of Tanzania suspended my refugee status and I was forced with other Burundians to go back to Burundi.

At last I found that it is better to go back to Burundi than to remain in a foreign country illegally. I talked to my wife and decided to go. With our decision, I found that there is no government assistance even from NGO'S. I do not have even a ticket and do not know how I shall start a new life there without land for agriculture or a house to live in or food for my family.

NEWS FROM CAMEROONview as web pdf  

| Bro Bua Moses

Greetings in the ‘Sure mercies of David’ which we are privileged to now share, hoping that his great, great, great grandson will soon come to this earth for good and divine things to be seen in those worthy.

Thanks for the Bibles you sent to the brothers and sisters in Cameroon. We are making use of them to those in real need. We have 12 contacts around our area who are studying the book 'Introducing Bible Basics' we also follow-up with them some scriptural passages. We are grateful for the support from you.

Brother Bua Moses, Cameroon

NEWS FROM CONGOview as web pdf  

| Bro Kims Mukambilwa

It gives me great pleasure to report the baptisms of five Sisters in Kinshasa, pictured right and below.

We visited Bro Zambrotha in Maluku for the Gospel News, which was very nice, they are in need of Bibles, as there were only three Bibles amongst thirteen.

The meeting at Maluku
NEWS FROM GHANAview as web pdf  

Pictured above Bro Wonder and Sis Sarah during their traditional marriage.

NEWS FROM KENYAview as web pdf  

ACOCKS SCHOOL | Sis Emmy Millicent

I am pleased to tell you I am well and looking forward to the return of our Lord. The work with the needy children I strive to look after within my slender resources is still going strong and I attach a photo of some of them, pictured below.

BUNGOMA | Bro Edward Kunikina

I really say many thanks for the Gospel News you send me. I get them in good time and I pray that God will bless you for the work you are doing in these last days. Many things are being done in our country which are not usual for a person of good health and mind to do. The Word of God is good and may we continue encouraging each other so that when our Lord Jesus comes we may, by His grace, enter the Kingdom of God.

EL DORET | Bro Jacob Okoth

Biblical prosperity is not based on the amount of money, possessions or real estate you have, it begins with “Your relationship with the Lord”. The key to success begins with recognising who we are in Christ – your relationship to the Word and Jesus, the Lord.

God’s purpose is that when He blesses you, you can be a blessing to others. Remember Jesus in all the storms of life that you are undergoing and its vices. Don’t be so much absorbed with your own affairs, trying your best to steer straight, anxiously watching the events around us and allowing ourselves to be overwhelmed. We must keep our eyes and total attention on the only one who can help us - Jesus.

KITALE| Bro Anthony Kafula

We are all watching and waiting for the return of Jesus Christ. We are hoping that you are also fine in the presence of our Almighty God. I would like to say how much I appreciate the Bibles and lovely calendar you sent. May God bless you and enable you to continue to do the work of God without ceasing because the Bible tells us that we have to be watchful always by reading the Scriptures daily and praying so that we may be saved in the coming day of our Master. I have distributed the Bibles and calendar that you sent as you can see in the photos, I have sent you one of my family and others, and everyone is very happy to have them.

I know very well that if you are doing the work of God sometimes this will be difficult but God will make everything simple and light by showing you the way. In my Church there are a lot of challenges such as brothers, sisters and children who are living with HIV AIDS. In my Church there are 20 members – 13 sisters, 7 brethren and 12 children, all of them are in my Sunday School. Here in Africa if anyone is suffering with AIDS other people think they are cursed so they refuse to live with them or help them so that they suffer from lack of food, medicine or even a blanket.

I and Bro Herman Kisaboli and Bro Christopher have spent a lot of time to teach them and give them food like porridge, and medicine to comfort them. Although we don’t have enough funds to make them happy it’s very difficult to help these people without it, but God will do something because we don’t have anyone to help us with this project. Brother, if you know anyone, a brother, sister or friend who will stand with us please tell them and inform me and I will send you photos and details of those who are affected in our Valley Area.

My second request is for a copy of the book “Beyond Bible Basics” to enable me to understand more difficult teaching.

Bro Anthony Kafula with three copies of the Bible in his house

From back right – Bro Herman Kisaboli, followed by Bro Abraham Keiza, then Sis Annan Ondego, then Sis Mercy Baresa. Back again, in black, is Bro Kelvin Kanjala, followed by Sis Elizabeth Klamalus. In red T-shirt is Bro Bill Kisaboli. In front of him is Sis Rhodah Kafula and lastly is Bro John Lumbasi. In front are 4 Sunday School scholars – Mercy Kafula, Vivian Kafula, Faith Barasa and Brihton Barasa.

LURAMBI | Bro Martin Clemiati

Our Ecclesia very much like Gospel News and would like to have more copies. We would very much like to have some more Bible Companions for the daily readings. We have found ‘Revision Studies’ very helpful in instructing the 17 Brothers and Sisters who have recently been baptised and would be very happy if it is possible to send us about 20 more copies to be used in our preaching efforts.

MANYUANDA | Bro Gordon Ochieng

It’s marvellous the kind of work the spirit word is doing here in North Nyanza, Kenya. The parcel you sent has been so helpful and as fishers of men we cast our nets wide and managed to catch fish. Bro Vincent, Bro Joshua Ayal and Bro Aimo and I organized an outreach campaign where we encountered people still serving idols. The image being worshiped at Yamoloko village is pictured above right.

I am happy to report that we baptized Rose Mary and Maureen from that village. They have embraced true Christian faith  and have abandoned the worship of their god of fortune (Village Baal). It’s our prayer that they will grow spiritually and bring more to know the truth. Please kindly send us more literature to help us in this work of following up gospel proclamation. We do appreciate the literature you have already sent but please, if possible, send us more Bibles, Doctrinal leaflets and CDs.

New Sister receiving Bible and Hymn Book Our Brothers standing in front of the Yamoloko village idol MOMBASA | Bro Walter Wanyama Wasike Bro John Onani and his son Protus Omondi

SINDO | Bro John Onani

Why do not more people accept it if it is a good religion? Remember that Jesus Christ himself only had a small number of disciples. What he preached was too hard for most people to accept, many people hated him and the crowd of people shouted “Crucify him”. He himself said that only a few people would be his real followers, Matthew 7:13-23. History reveals God saves by few and through those whom he has called, both men and women of faith.

We have seen how the ten tribes’ leaders were punished, their minds were evil, corrupt and deceitful. The two tribes led by Joshua followed the God of Israel with their whole

TARBO | Bro Nzai instructing Sunday School Teachers heart. We have learnt through the flood how Noah, son of Lamech, survived because he did God’s Will and God saved them from destruction. Genesis 6,7,8,9.

Today we witness in this so called Christian era, how Christendom has gone astray for preaching the Gospel message of the serpent. The Bible reveals how the human heart and mind is deceitful in Jeremiah 17:9.

We are promised eternal life in Titus 1:2 and Numbers 23:19 by God, who cannot lie and we must endure until the end, only death can stop us, but in obeying the Truth God has assured us of resurrection by raising Jesus of Nazareth with great power and glory. We must pass under three T’s – tempted, tried and tested and finally receive the reward of eternal life promised in Hebrews 2:14-16, Hebrews 4:15,16, Philippines 2:5-11. We must never give up and our efforts will be rewarded. 1 Corinthians 15:58.

I received the book entitled “The Real Christ” by Bro Duncan Heaster and other Bible literature for spiritual growth. I must accept that you have loved me with all your heart. You have tried to maintain your brotherly love to me and shown it in action by doing your best to save me.

TONGAREN | Sis Nancy Isaac

We were very glad when we received the parcel of Bibles which have helped considerable with our Youth Studies. The Ecclesia has considerably expanded to 40 members which has been the result of the Agape project which is sponsoring 30 children from our Ecclesia to higher education. For which we thank them and God.

Sister Nancy Isaac

NEWS FROM MALAWIview as web pdf  

BALAKA | Bro Harry Benito

I would like to thank you for providing me with a disc and the Gospel News. I still wait for more good and new things to happen to us and may God keep blessing you.

Here at Balata we have a church but it is only made with clay, so if it is possible please help us so that we may build it with cement. Secondly, this year we have ten members who have been baptised and need Chichewa Bibles, so please send us ten Bibles. We also want to preach and teach others about the Gospel so that they may know about God and Jesus Christ and the hope of eternal life, so please send us more preaching materials to use in spreading the Gospel. Thank you.

Student Estar James

CHIMIMBE | Sis Maicook

Thank you for the nice CD which I managed to get played at a friend’s and since he has been to the meetings.

My granddaughter Estar James has been attending the meeting and wants to be baptized which means there are now five preparing for baptism. I have been away to Mozambique to help my son and now back in Malawi we are moulding bricks and hope to buy some corrugated iron next year so as to build a beautiful hall like other meetings.

MZUZU | Bro Sylvester Tembo

The prophet Isaiah had this to say to Israel:

“But your iniquities have separated you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you so that He will not hear.” Our sins may be one of the contributing factors for not knowing God who is above all things both in heaven and under heaven. The wise King of Israel, Solomon observed, “Only a fool can say there is no God.”

To know God needs wisdom. The Bible is clear regarding wisdom:- “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but the foolish despise wisdom and instruction.” (Proverbs 1:7). How can we know God then? God has revealed himself to us through his own given instructions – the Bible.

In the first chapter of Genesis verse 1 we read: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This is emphatic. We can know God through things He has created. Now because we are sinners, we might fail to come to this wonderful knowledge. To overcome this problem God has His own messengers who are sent out to proclaim His Name and wishes. Sometimes these messengers are known as preachers or witnesses. The preachers are aided by the spirit Word of God Himself which is His Word - the Bible. Read Mark 16:15-16. There we find Jesus’ instructions to the apostles: “And he said to them: you are to go into all the world and preach the gospel to the whole creation. He that believes and is baptised shall be saved, but he that disbelieves shall be condemned.”

So you can see that knowledge of God gives responsibility. That is that believers, because of their knowledge of God will be saved. Hence disbelievers will be condemned.

PHALOMBE | Bro Thom Bicycle

I write to announce the death of my dear elder brother, Friday Bicycle, who died after a long illness lasting three years.

Comment: We do send our condolence to Bro Thom. MH

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

SALIMA | Bro Austin Nyurenda

I sincerely report to you all my fellow Brothers, the demise of Brother Gamah who we have laid to rest. He left a wife, two children, and grand children.

I delivered the speech to the people who attended the ceremony from the following books; Genesis 2:7 (the origin of man), Genesis 3:19 (the state of sin upon man), Ecclesiastes 9:5-10 (the behaviour of dead people) and 1 Corinthians 15:20-26 (the resurrection of the mortal saints to judgement after the last trumpet), that is the hope of those who remain faithful to God until death.

I am just finishing harvesting maize and ground nuts. The rains were a bit favourable here in Salima district this year, but in some other areas it stopped while crops were flowering, therefore they will experience hunger situations towards the end of this year.

ZOMA| Brother Lameck Niwawala and his family who regularly study the scriptures together

NEWS FROM MAURITIUSview as web pdf  

| Bro Herold Lafrance

Greeting in the name we share. Please find the baptism photo of Sister Ony who came from Madagascar to be baptised by the Mauritius ecclesia on 09 March 2014.

She was accompanied by her sister in the Lord, Colombe. They have spent two weeks with us. Please could you put this info in Gospel News.

Our new Sister Ony following her baptism

NEWS FROM MOZAMBIQUEview as web pdf  

NAMPULA | Bro Alphonse MauridiI Kasindi

Brothers, I am going to summarize my answer to your questions and if, perhaps, you will need more details, feel free to ask more questions. I was born in a Christian family. My parents were both full church members of “Brethren Church” in Congo. When I was born I was brought up in the same faith as my parents. When I was subject to persecution and torture in my home country by members of my extended family due to property, plantation and other assets that my father left, after this I felt compelled to leave the country because they realised that I am heir of those belongings, and while I am still alive they will not possess them with a full freedom. So I left the country and looked for asylum in another country far from them.

This incidence took place in June 2004. My intention was to look for asylum in South Africa where I could be far from my enemies. On my journey when I arrived in Lichinga, the capital city of Niassa province in the west of Mozambique, I met by chance one of my cousins on the side of my mother who was a refugee there. He welcomed me and we stayed together for 7 years before we were separated. It is from him I knew about Christadelphians because he was also of this faith. He had many literatures and books and some copies of Bible Correspondence Course. As we lived together, one day he told me about Christadelphians, but I replied him that there is no other belief than what I believed in before. And I told him not to pay attention to join any denominations because the world is corrupted and many are Devil worshippers and anti-Christ, referring to his belief. As I did not have any occupation yet, and my hobby is reading, I began reading the literatures and other books which were in the house. When he came from job he found me reading from time to time and he used to tell me there is no other true belief than the Christadelphian one. Because other churches teach the Bible in a wrong way, he added. But even if he told me that, I continued to harden my heart and told him that each one says what you are saying. As I continued to read those literatures, books and Bible correspondence course, after 4 years of study, I was convinced and found out the difference from Christadelphian Bible teachings and other denominations, including mine (Brethren Church). For example, other denominations teach that: Jesus is God; There is God Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; The kingdom of God will be in heaven; satan is a rebelled angel of God; Jesus existed since the creation of the world; someone with the Holy Spirit can speak in tongues ... all these are false Bible teachings.

After finding the truth I agreed with my cousin and told him he was right because his belief teaches the Bible the way it must be taught without adding or omitting. Then I asked him what can I do to join Christadelphians. He replied, that I have to be baptized. I asked him why, as I have already been baptized. He replied that the baptism I received was from a wrong belief. This means it was a wrong baptism. This also took me a good time meditating on it. Finally I found it was true, because the Bible declares: “There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to one hope when you were called - one Lord, one faith, one baptism” Ephesians 4:4-5. To have the same faith we have to have also the same baptism. And on September 15, 2010, when one of our brothers from UK came to visit Mozambique, he baptized my wife and I after an interview that lasted about one hour. This is a short story of how I became a Christadelphian. God bless you. Bro Alphonse MauridiI Kasindi


Tete Meeting

TETE | Bro Emmanuel Maugente

I do thank you for the CD, and ‘The Real Devil’, which is really helpful and deals with the history of the idea of Satan. It helped me to understand the Satan in the book of Job. If possible I would like the CD in Portuguese and also the book, The Real Devil, the CD on refugees and other CDs of our Christadelphian songs.

I thank Bro James Hunter of Canada for the 40 lessons in Portuguese and the pamphlets. May the Almighty God bless this work. We are all fishers of men as in Matthew 4:19, “Jesus said unto them, follow me and I will make you fishers of men”.

At the moment I am in Mozambique in the central provinces, living in the city of Tete, which has 152.909 inhabitants. The province has 1,832,339 inhabitants and the Mozambique area is 799,380 square kilometres and population 20,530,714 inhabitants, Tete Province area is 100,724 sq. kms., native language Nyungwe and approximately 26 languages from Romana to Maputo. Tete is a province known for its blistering heat and burgeoning coal economy and is considered to be a place best suited to men. At least 52 nationalities are represented in the province with a colourful mix of the first and third world cultures.

I hope this letter will find you well. Please continue sending me more books, C.D.s and videos, both Portuguese and English and Sunday School material about the Lord’s coming. Tete/Mozambique is still needing the push start from the U.K. in terms of the Gospel. I have been blessed to have been visited by brothers and sisters from the U.K. – Trevor and Denis and Mary Woodgate and I have been happy now to have baptised brothers and sisters in the city of Tete after a long period of isolation and hope to have more people knowing the Truth here.

I have explained to you in my previous letter that there is so much to do and everyone over here really needs your help so I am going to make one request of you. Keep Mozambique in your thoughts and prayers and try to involve yourself in it either through prayer or some other means. God really has been blessing us here. God bless you from the bustling cities and deep jungles of Mozambique; I think that just about sums up Mozambique – it is a gold mine for the Truth waiting for us and you to reach out and pull these people out of the soil of death. Over here we have a chance to share the hope we possess with a people who without us will never have this hope.

Bro Ricardo King and his daughter Laura

Tete gathering

Tete Ecclesia

I am personally doing what I can. Who are the missionaries? The missionaries offer the pearl of great price, they open doors, they are members of the family, they are the arm of the Lord. Missionaries are not ‘them’, they are who have a responsibility to preach to whomsoever, (Joel 2:32). Small in number they may be but their enthusiasm in serving God is an example we can follow from week to week. I will be looking forward to hearing from you.

NEWS FROM NIGERIAview as web pdf  

ALAYI | At the Fraternal gathering we did not expect more than 200, but we thank God there were nearly 500, despite the condition of things and everything went very well and there were five baptisms. The five baptised at Alayi are pictured above: Bre Festus Nkawkw, Michael Ovrebo, Paul Obioma, Adundu and Sis Comfort Nwachukwu

ENUGU | Bro Goddy Nwosu

With sorrow we announce that our dearly beloved Bro Gabriel Chukwuani, has fallen asleep in Christ. He was an example to us all in his strong beliefs and trust in the Lord. He now sleeps awaiting the day of the glorious return of our Lord.

NEWS FROM RWANDAview as web pdf  

| Bro Omar Ndamutsa

It is very hard for me to find words to express my heartfelt gratitude for the package containing four treasured Bibles in English, three NT in French and other literature. To tell the truth, the materials are really helpful.

Once more thank you for your labour in Christ as you devote yourselves to win souls to God.

NEWS FROM SOUTH AFRICAview as web pdf  


We are humbled and thankful, again, as we see God at work! Sis Arlene McKlunsky (Isolation) is now living in Benoni. We look forward to seeing her fortnightly. The McKlunsky’s breed dogs. Bro Peter Mulima is still employed, in the midst of his colleagues being retrenched. We are thankful and humbled when God answers prayers. April saw the whole ecclesia praying on Bro Peter’s petition and on May 3rd he finally heard with a very definite “NO - you won't lose your job” and “YES - we very much need your efficient services.” Praise God!!

A Congolese refugee family (Jimmy) from Randfontein has found it easier to join us for fellowship at Aphiwe, Tembisa. Their trip is now only 1.5 hours long, instead of 2.5 hours and they get home before midnight. We are reminded to be thankful for the blessings of having motor cars, making travel a luxury taken for granted, when we have brethren and sisters who struggle to come together.

Bro Stewart Walker (UK) has been out and exhorted us to remember three important P's. Prayer. Priorities. Purpose. As we move forward on our journey, we need to take time to realign ourselves with what is important. How we get there and why are we doing this? Through all, we must pray, as the scriptures remind us “Pray without ceasing” 1 Thessalonians 5:17.

The Women at the Well ‘W@W 2014’ was a huge success, the Winterton weather was anything but wintery. Sis Hannah Fadel travelled across the globe from USA to this tiny village in the KZN Bundu. For those who have not been to this charming little town, we had the pleasure of driving through the only robot intersection, and over both its speed humps! The food was delicious (Christadelphians always enjoy the food!) the lodgings charming, and the fellowship enriching. Sis Hannah guided us through learning to Fear Man or Fear God, in a down to earth and easy to absorb manner. We cannot wait for her to return to Africa again.

Sisters gathering, Bundu KwaZulu-Natal


A little Sunday school is on the grow at the Congolese meeting (Pretoria West). New challenges arise as everyone is accommodated in a very small kitchen! And, it seems the kids enjoy it so much that they want to bring their friends! Maybe it will be Sunday Schooling in the passage way outside!?!

A little Sunday school is on the grow at the Congolese meeting (Pretoria West). New challenges arise as everyone is accommodated in a very small kitchen! And, it seems the kids enjoy it so much that they want to bring their friends! Maybe it will be Sunday Schooling in the passage way outside!?!


We in Soweto have a “Mother of note”. We celebrated another decade fulfilled for our beloved Sis Leonie Verster. She, who touches all our hearts and lives in some special and unforgettable way, celebrated with candles on her cake and a home filled with a flurry of the flowers that she loves.

The joyful news continues, in that our Bro Austin Mataka is back from Zimbabwe, much to our surprise and delight, who we are pleased to report is looking and feeling very much better and where he belongs in our midst. Bro Daniel Makhado has been away in Limpopo to keep the work alive in that area. He goes for his driver’s licence in the next fortnight, after which we will all benefit from the vehicle he has bought. All our movements in this part of the world are governed by the lack of independent transport, and so this is a great asset to the busy ecclesias we have here in the “City with a heart of gold”.

We were very happy to welcome visitors from near and very far. At one of our Tuesday Bible classes 10 brethren and sisters from Australia and Canada, on one of the Christadelphian tours, were able to join us for a short tour to some of the sights in Soweto after which Bro Rod Ghent (Toronto, Canada) led us in a very interesting and exhortational Bible Class on Baalim. We were very sorry to hear that Bro Rod had to be hospitalized in Durban with a blocked carotid artery. Our prayers for him and Sis Linda.

Other visitors have been Bre Gary Smith and Stewart Gomeza (Yeoville) who presented two of our seminars in our new 10 week Bible Basics series that we started on 11 May. We thank them for their labours. It is by God’s grace that we have a constant stream of interested students from the area. It really is a privilege and a joy to share the true gospel with so many who are serious about understanding God’s Word for themselves. We look forward to Bro Anthony Oosthuizen’s presentation at the end of the month. We sent a delegation of 7 from Soweto to attend the Women at the Well weekend.

South African news is via Sis Paddy Campbell in the Gauteng Newsletter

NEWS FROM TANZANIAview as web pdf  

KASULU | Bro Daniel Sabuni

We are pleased to report that we are all nurtured in the ways of the Lord and have pleasure in reporting five baptisms at the Nyarugusu Refugee Camp, Bre Abonimana, Anzuruni, Jafari, Pascal and Sis Byamonea in the Nyarugusu River at the camp.

We are finding the NEV Bibles very helpful in understanding God’s Word and have had one baptism as the direct result of the Bibles you sent us, but need three more in French and at least two in English.

Photo top right: Bro Amsini in the blue t-shirt and Bro Sabuni, baptising Bro Abonimana

MBEYA | Bro Ewaldi Mushi

I am a retired school teacher and run a weekly Bible Class and we can have as many as 40 from all sorts of denominations and even Muslims attending. We deeply study the commentary section of the NEV Bible as it teaches us the way of salvation. One of the attendees is a professor at the Arusha University and he is much impressed by the comments in the NEV Bible.


| Bro Alexandre Lukye

It is a long time since I wrote to you as I have been dangerously sick, but with God everything is possible and now I am o.k. For this reason, in our daily prayers we ask for the Kingdom to come right now so that we may leave this corrupt world. I appreciate your letter full of encouragement and appreciation which led me to fund and write to the various magazines for our contacts. Thank you very much for the book about James and the other studies. I am reading it today and I hope through it I will learn more about the Word of God as I know the Word of God gives health and spiritual riches.

NEWS FROM UGANDAview as web pdf  

DAKHA | Some of the members of the Lumino Dakha Ecclesia, Uganda pictured above. Seated: Sis Helen, Harriet, Bre Godrey, David, Patrick, Sis Dlello. Standing: Sis Natoch, Andrew, four contacts and Sis Stella with her baby, followed by two more contacts and in the front our Sunday School children Elisha, Joel, Vackline.

KASESE | Brother Samuel Wanga with his super weapon ~ The Bible, which he uses for winning souls for Christ

NEWS FROM ZAMBIAview as web pdf  

KAFUE | Bro Wilfred Chibomba

I have just received the two mails almost concurrently, one after the other, and I am so grateful for both, which included the book, Women in the Church and the Gospel News as well as other materials.

It has been a long time since I received information on world affairs in ‘The Present Day Events’, but I do have time to get some coverage on T.V. The changes in this country have had a bad effect on me as I lost my employment but now I am shortly taking up another job just to sustain my family, but it is hard to make up for lost time.

There are very many changes across the world now and we all should be careful not to let it hinder our progress in God’s work as there is a time for everything. Isaiah 35:3-4 and verses 5-7, “in the wilderness shall waters break out and streams in the desert.” So these are the last days we are experiencing which are spoken of in 2 Timothy 3:35, so let us win more souls to the Lord.

Lastly, let us tirelessly do His work by preaching His Word. 2 Timothy 4:1-5, the day is coming, 2 Peter 3:2-7, also Acts 3:18-26 and Acts 2:38-41.

KASAMA | Bro Boniface Simpanze

I and my family appreciate very much CAT’s work in preaching materials, books and the like. Thank you very much for the DVD or is it MP3 – one on Scripture Studies and the other about The Real Devil. We also received the NEV Bibles, New Testament but only one complete Bible. This is a bit difficult at family level when studying because I always have an extra task of explaining any word found in a different version. This would not be the case if all six of us had the same version.

KAZEMBE | Bro James Kambobe

I really thank you through the Almighty God for a job well done. I am pretty certain now that the process of publishing materials has almost reached the highest peak. Better still, the good news is actually broadcast so tremendously that it has reached all corners of the world so that no one will say he has not heard it when the Son of Man comes.

Regarding the Bible project of the NEV, I would like to bring to your attention the fact that the project has played a pivotal role in the teaching of the ‘Bible Messages’ to brothers and sisters not only at our ecclesia or in Zambia or in Africa, but in the world as a whole some students have enjoyed them. I have got a television set to connect a DVD and need some CDs on Bible messages. I don’t want my children to be watching these other films apart from the Divine messages. I would like my children to grow up in a manner that they understand the Word of God through actually watching and listening to CDs and DVDs.


Seven brethren and sisters recently interviewed and baptised by Bro Denis Kombe of Ndola at Mufulira.

LUSAKA | Bro Stephen Siamabi

Thank you for the care, love and protection through the Word of God and books you have been sending to me for the past nine years, I do appreciate the benefit I have gained from them.

I would like you to send me more books and spiritual guidance as we approach the Kingdom of God and to help me, if you can, to have some useful computer software which will enable me to read more books.

NEWS FROM ZIMBABWEview as web pdf  

BANKET | Bro Fibion Ngozi

Has God recently answered some prayer of yours? Has that filled you with praise and thanksgiving for His loving kindness?

Knowing God’s will is about looking outwards as well as inwards. Telling others about the way God has helped us. David in Psalm 40 tells us “ I waited patiently for the Lord, and he inclined unto me, and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of the horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings” (verses 1-2) He was at times down hearted, but not for long for he knew how to look beyond himself and fix his eyes upon God (verse 5) for him knowing God’s will was to be in close touch with Him (verse 6). Read verses 9-11 several times and notice his open heart, open eyes, ears and mouth and then meditate upon the following statement. I will never stop telling people about God’s word. I know you will never stop being merciful to me. I have not been silent about your loyal and constant love.


On the right Bro Tavaremba Mugova instructing a number of Bible students


Brother Mutambala Nondo

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