| Bro Herold Lafrance
Greeting in the name we share. Please find
the baptism photo of Sister Ony who came
from Madagascar to be baptised by the
Mauritius ecclesia on 09 March 2014.
She was accompanied by her sister in the
Lord, Colombe. They have spent two weeks
with us. Please could you put this info in
Gospel News.
News from Mauritius
Our new Sister Ony following her baptism
Brothers, I am going to summarize my answer
to your questions and if, perhaps, you will
need more details, feel free to ask more
questions. I was born in a Christian family. My
parents were both full church members of
“Brethren Church” in Congo. When I was born
I was brought up in the same faith as my
parents. When I was subject to persecution
and torture in my home country by members
of my extended family due to property, plan-
tation and other assets that my father left,
after this I felt compelled to leave the
country because they realised that I am heir
of those belongings, and while I am still alive
they will not possess them with a full
freedom. So I left the country and looked for
asylum in another country far from them.
This incidence took place in June 2004. My
intention was to look for asylum in South
Africa where I could be far from my enemies.
On my journey when I arrived in Lichinga, the
capital city of Niassa province in the west of
Mozambique, I met by chance one of my
cousins on the side of my mother who was a
refugee there. He welcomed me and we
stayed together for 7 years before we were
separated. It is from him I knew about
Christadelphians because he was also of this
faith. He had many literatures and books and
some copies of Bible Correspondence Course.
As we lived together, one day he told me
about Christadelphians, but I replied him that
News from Mozambique
NAMPULA | Bro Alphonse MauridiI Kasindi
there is no other belief than what I believed
in before. And I told him not to pay attention
to join any denominations because the world
is corrupted and many are Devil worshippers
and anti-Christ, referring to his belief.
As I did not have any occupation yet, and my
hobby is reading, I began reading the litera-
tures and other books which were in the
house. When he came from job he found me
reading from time to time and he used to tell
me there is no other true belief than the
Christadelphian one. Because other churches
teach the Bible in a wrong way, he added. But
even if he told me that, I continued to harden
my heart and told him that each one says
what you are saying. As I continued to read
those literatures, books and Bible correspon-
dence course, after 4 years of study, I was
convinced and found out the difference from
Christadelphian Bible teachings and other
denominations, including mine (Brethren
Church). For example, other denominations
teach that: Jesus is God; There is God Father,
God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; The
kingdom of God will be in heaven; satan is a
rebelled angel of God; Jesus existed since the
creation of the world; someone with the Holy
Spirit can speak in tongues ... all these are
false Bible teachings.
~ continued ...