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It's been long since I communicated with you though my eyes always cherish every new issue of the Gospel News. Hope you and your ministry, which I must say I love so much, is doing fine.

Please consider the following appeal for publication in Gospel News Magazine : "There is a time to stand up. Now is the time, in Africa, we are rich yet poor. We have a problem, The benevolent missionaries have fed us for over 40 years yet we are still learning to crawl. Over 40 years? Yes, but we must refuse to play the fool. We must learn, like others, to endure and prayerfully solve some of our problems. Next time you receive a brother from afar, do everything possible to tap from his loaded spiritual wealth and flown from a distant land. Merry your heart with as much of this spiritual treasure as you can get, but please, please, learn to spare their gold, by this we shall learn to walk and not fall, run and not faint".

~ Bro. Peter Ojike


I thank God, our Almighty Father in Heaven, for strengthening me and the world-wide ecclesias in the Truth. Thank you, too, for the books and CDs you sent me, about which I am very excited.

Please remember us, the Christadelphians in Northern Nigeria, in your prayers, as Christ said to Peter, "But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not; and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren" (Luke

22:32). As some of us live in the most difficult areas, where there are terrorists (Boko Haram) and crises over religion, we need your prayers.

We know from Scripture that all the happenings around us now are heralding the return of our Master: "And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars; see that ye be not troubled, for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in diverse places." (Matt.24:6-7). Almost all of these are current happenings.

As the world today is in such a dreadful state, and all is in fulfilment of Scripture, all we need to do is to be strong in the faith, and patiently wait for our Master. We are to strive to proclaim the

Bro. Rukpa Isaac gospel of God's kingdom here on earth to the inhabitants of this planet. May God open our eyes and minds to see and understand more of His revealed ways to follow and serve him in love and truth.

~ Bro. Rukpu Isaac

COMMENT: The frequent, dreadfully gruesome attacks and killing of Christians by the terrorists in Northern Nigeria brings tears to one's eyes, especially when one has travelled to some of these areas and witnessed the strong determinate faith of our Brethren and Sisters there. It's a fearful place these days for Christadelphians and we must earnestly pray for their protection and that somehow the Lord will strengthen and deliver them. MH


Here is the picture I promised you which we took at Lagos CYC. By God's grace ten people were baptised: The theme of the gathering, `The Wind of Youthfulness'; Leader of the Youth Circle, Emenike Ekeoma. We thank the organisers for a job well done, and the hosts, Lagos Ecclesia. May Nigerian Christadelphians please try hard to keep on preaching ­ if we knew that our Lord Jesus Christ's return was tomorrow there would be more preaching.

~ Bro. Goddy Nwosu

Lagos CYC Gathering


Thank you always for all your fatherly care and support of my spiritual welfare. I am most grateful for all you have done for my growth and steadfastness in the Truth. Daily reading of the Scriptures is a habit that I try not to lose. I will keep reading and digging for hidden treasures in God's inexhaustible mine of pearls of great price. If my application for medical internship in Lagos works out successfully, I hope I will be closer to the ecclesia and be able to contribute my medical education to support our brothers and sisters there.

~ Bro. Timothy Temilola


Our ecclesia is moving on in Mbaise, both for public and private preaching; Bible study, and Memorial services are all progressing well.

I would like you to send some more copies of Old and New Testament Bibles to give to others; I have received two out of eight. In number we are now increasing, with those baptized and expecting to be. Last week the Aba brethren baptized some students, whom I sent to see them. I heard from them through those interviewed who live in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, that they are to worship in Rivers State, not at home, except if they return home on weekends or public holidays, when they will join us.

We are living in the last days, waiting for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to this earth, for which we are praying. We pray for you also and thank God for your recovery from the sickness that worried you. May the Lord be with you: remember us in your prayers.

~ Bro. Blessing Nwigwe

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