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Bro. Paul & Sis. Leonie Verster accompanied by Bre. Ollie Mahopo and Emmanuel Mphambo made a trip to Bloemfontein to baptize two more students from Kroonstad: this time Bre. SAMSON MATSEPE & JAPIE MKAKANE. After Bro. Emmanuel had delivered a spirited seminar on `One Bible Many Churches - Why?' The interviews were conducted late into the Saturday night by the Bloemfontein brothers. On Sunday we greatly rejoiced in witnessing the two baptisms and added to that joy, were two more requests from Bloemfontein students to be baptized. God willing, these will be done later.

The two newly baptized brethren with Bro. Phakiso Mophethe, also from Kroonstad, visited the Soweto ecclesia to meet the brethren and sisters and experience how a meeting is run.


Our dear Bro. James Sithole, (75) was brutally mugged last week at dusk when he and his niece were returning home after walking his cousin to catch a taxi at the Protea Gardens. He was attacked and struck on the head with a blunt metal bar and was left without his cell phone, and all his money was taken. He was rushed to a clinic where his two awful gashes on the head were stitched up; of course he is all bruised. His niece thankfully was only bruised. His head is full of stitches which testify to the fact that he could easily have been killed. Despite his ordeal he supported the literature stand on Friday... Bro. James is a great example of steadfast endurance. His attendance to the memorial is unaltered.

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