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Thank you for the booklets and leaflets I received from you. I will have to share them with my two young brothers. We are truly interested in reading the Gospel News, which Dad received from you. Yes, Dad has many books which you have sent him on the Truth, which we used to borrow from him for our studies. Thank you for the booklet entitled `Revision Studies' which we found to be most helpful for some questions which are asked regularly.

Father is not feeling well and is in hospital now and then, which is a great disadvantage. We love our Instructor ­ a courageous man who preaches the Truth boldly to the people in our vicinity. We yearn for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ to restore order to this troubled world.

~ Collen Banda Yelulani


In this country of ours we are all in good health, only facing the ups and downs of this present world of turmoil. At present I think I am just one of those who have enjoyed and welcomed the DVD and CD that were posted to me. I have managed to buy another DVD machine. The postage is rising on a daily basis, so this is a good economical way of providing us with spiritual material.

Truly the world is in a time of trouble, as we see what is happening world-wide ­ earthquakes, floods, uprisings, epidemics, famines, weather or climate changes, just to mention a few.

In our own country many people are out of work, as many companies have closed, while others are working short hours. My own company is still under judicial management, but no machine has run since 2009: we are praying that there may be an investor, if the Lord wills.

~ Bro. Ambrose Tanyepana


I'm delighted to announce my job transfer from Rateishoek Estate to New Year's Gift Estate, just near Chipinge town. My new address is New Year's Gift Estate, Bag 2024, Chipinge, Zimbabwe.

With a warm heart of thankfulness I send my thanks to you for your kindness to me both spiritual and physical, and I thank God for joining me with the new people in a new environment. At first we were busy getting settled into our new home, and adjusting ourselves to our fresh surroundings.

We have been received by the people here since they are now learning that the Bible is not merely a text book from which people can obtain texts for sermons, but that it is a book that can enter into the lives and mould the characters of men in the humblest walks of life. So far I have got a very good number of people around us with a knowledge of the Truth. God willing I will continue labouring in the Master's vineyard till the final day and hour.

Truly the Truth is, whether young or old, we are all going where we have never been before. Every day we face new decisions, new demands and new dangers. How are we to find our way safely through these? There are maps for every part of the world; but the Bible is a map for the greatest journey of all, to eternal life itself. Yes, in seeking a map for Life we should open the Bible, because of the claims it makes. All over the world today thousands of people are reading the Word of God to find the answers to where they came from, why they are here on earth, and where they are going after this life is over. There is a good time coming on the earth in the not-too-distant future, and this is the time spoken of in the 113th Psalm, where we read, `He (God) raiseth up the poor out of the dust and lifteth the needy out of the ash-heap, that he may set him with princes, even the princes of His people.'

At that great time men will no longer spend their lives in the headlong rush after money and pleasure, or in the mere struggle for existence, but will take time to think of the Creator, and their sweetest pleasure will be found in His worship and service. War will be abolished, for we are told in Isa.2:4 that `Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.' Keep on praying, for the time is near.

~ Bro. Simion Madhimba

Bro. Madhimba, in brown jacket, and a workmate


The word of the Lord came to Ezekiel, saying, `Son of man, speak to your countrymen and say to them, "When I bring the sword against a land, and the people of the land choose one of their men and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming against the land and blows the trumpet to warn the people: then if anyone hears the trumpet but does not take warning, and the sword comes and takes his life, his blood will be on his own head. If he had taken warning, he would have saved himself" (Ezek.33:1-4).

Ezekiel was made a watchman by God for the house of Israel. Ezekiel was made to warn the wicked to turn from his ways, and if he does not do so, he will die for his sin. Ezekiel 33:11: "Says the Sovereign Lord, `I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live. The righteous when he sins, will not be allowed to live because of his former righteousness, he will die for his sins.' Christ kept his righteousness for his whole lifetime, and was saved from death for that by God.

~ Bro. Ngoni Chikwata


It is a long time since I wrote to you, due to life's pains and pangs. With God nothing is hard. I love the way I live, however I fight hard to live. This is a lesson to me that God loves the poor and the rich: He put us on different levels. Many people in this world are fighting to get rich. Today in many countries people are attending churches which appear to give riches. For example, here in Zimbabwe people are flocking to a church which claims to have wonders and gifts that are not from God, of which we must beware.

My brothers, I know that the Word of God gives health and riches. The Word can also heal us from harsh conditions. With the Word we can walk in the light. We may plan our future life and try to cover our life from mishap, but we may fail. The only thing we must do is to put our trust in God like Jacob and so many others in the past have done, remembering that our Saviour Jesus is our Redeemer and Guide.

~ Bro. Dzingai Sumburera


I just wish to say that God, who created me, has helped me greatly. I say that because this year I was dangerously sick, with severe vomiting lasting two and a half months. I could eat nothing, and could not even keep water down. I prayed to God to save me from that sickness, and wish to thank Bro. Robinson, Bulawayo CBM Treasurer, who helped me to buy medicine to cure the illness.

So with God's blessing I am now walking again and doing my home jobs. Brothers and Sisters, pray to God for help, because He is the only one who can. Let's bless our God in heaven.

~ Bro. Joseph Ndoromazasi


Thank you for the Bibles you sent to us. They are very useful indeed. Could you please send us another six? Last week we welcomed back into fellowship Bro. Munhamo Mukova and Sis. Cluedza Mukova. We pray that our Lord may be with them as they travel on their journey into the Kingdom of God. We also pray for the return of our Lord.

~ Bro. Admire Museba


Thank you for the Discs you sent to me ­ all of them are wonderful and Bro. Thomas and I were very excited by the questions which were asked of the people in the streets, and their answers. Some of the answers showed me that some who call themselves pastors are causing people to go astray. So more work must be done in the field of God, so that the people will know the true gospel.

~ Sis. Esther Chigiji

Thank you for the DVD containing various books. I am today reading "The Nature of the Angels". My family and our Sunday School, join me in sending you greetings in the Lord Jesus. I will finish the 14 chapters on Angels. It would be hard to send the books in printed form, but the DVD, light as it is and very small, has many items on it. Please, God Willing, produce more DVDs as they take up less space.

~ Bro. Sylvester Kamuriwo


Thank you very much for the New European Version Bibles you sent me: they are wonderful and food for life to those who are seeking Him. The Bibles are especially useful with a commentary good for Bible studies. I would like more, if it would be possible, as people who are seeking the Truth in God are visiting me many times. The Lord is working hard extending the good news of salvation to the nations.

I do have some prayer problems: sometimes I use the same prayers when preaching to other people, though on different occasions, which worries me. Some time I hope the Lord will help me with some other prayers.

~ Bro. Maxwell Mlakah


I mostly leave my pamphlets in the Post Office for people to take and read, in the Post Master's knowledge. What is needed is `walk together,' and thus defeat sin. The day I opened the box they asked me our number, which I gave, and the names of who were responsible for keys, and their rights to collect mail sometimes without keys. This has run fairly well to the present day. Rentals are paid once a year, US$24. To tell the truth, the system is very good, otherwise some who want personal boxes would need to pay for it in person.

Some people want the NEV Bibles, but they do not want to change their churches. Many people are spoiled with politics. They are keen on NEV Bibles because of their good commentaries, which can be read easily and help with understanding the Bible. I gave two NEV Bibles to two people of two Reformed Churches in Zimbabwe. Many are coming begging for these Bibles.

~ Bro. Svuure Faustino

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