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Thank you very much for the Gospel News, which is quite interesting. God willing, I will write an article and send you, for the magazine. I would like you to send me the book "Wrested Scriptures". Here in Chingola we have no problems with our postal box as it has been registered in my name as a personal one. Bro. John Bwalya would like to receive the Gospel News.

~ Bro. Pinoty Chimbele


You are right, Brother, in several countries postal authorities have tightened up the rules regarding the use of postal boxes: I'm praying this will not happen here in our country. Could you please send me discs on Scriptural subjects, as I have a friend who is a believer whose disc player I am able to use. Please also continue to send me Gospel News, since I have not lost one since you started sending them to me.

The coming of Jesus Christ is very near, that's why things are changing every now and then, but many people don't know about our hope. About Bibles, please send me as many as you can spare: here we are so many and requests are being made for them.

Things here are not going well because of unemployment, so we have to work extra hard in order to survive. May God keep you.

~ Bro. Greenwell Kunda


There is a lovely example in Scripture of the servants of Solomon. I wonder whether they kept the words of the Queen of Sheba at the forefront of their minds, we read "Happy are thy men, happy are these thy servants which stand continually before thee, and that hear thy wisdom" (1Kings 10:8). The servants of Solomon lived happy and blessed lives because they stood before their king and listened to his wisdom.

From left: Bro. Costa and Okrey Kanembe, and a friend, Daniel Konayuma

~ Bro. Costa Kanembe


I am fine and thankful to be so. I have just received a CD and Gospel News from you, and appreciate you sending me these.

In Serenje, Kanona, there is a prison, where I visit the prisoners. I teach lessons to them every Monday and Saturday. I would like 25 full Bibles for them and also any more books by Duncan. I wish to make a community public library. I have also two outreach points: one of about 10 local students and another of 15.

~ Bro. Chrian Mambwe

(Pictured above)


We have been promised that we will be given strength for all eventualities (1 Cor.10:13).

Temptation and its Conquest. Overcoming temptation involves appreciating that danger exists, recognising the cause and taking appropriate action. Sometimes that action involves avoidance, sometimes confrontation. (Prov. 4:14-15; Matt.5:29-30; Mk.8:33; James 4:7-8.) We must not place ourselves in a situation where temptation will arise. We must remove ourselves from circumstances where temptation, or danger, has arisen. (Psa.1:1; Luke 4:30). We should seek the company of those who are wise and strong, and who will influence us for good. (Prov.9:6: 13:20; 22:17-18).

We must deny our wayward emotions and fleshly desires (Rom.13:14; Eph.4:22). We must be quick and decisive when we are confronted with temptation, and positive in our reaction against it. (Prov.1:10,15; Matt.16:23; Heb.12:1.) We must be awake to, and aware of the insidious nature of temptation, (Matt.26:41; Luke 12:15; 1 Cor.10:12; 1Peter 5:8-9).

We are inadequate on our own to conquer every temptation, and we must seek God's help in prayer and through His word. We have a pattern of perfection in Jesus ­ we need to emulate and adopt that model. (Matt.6:13; 26:41, Heb.12:1-2; 2 Peter 2:9).

~ Bro. Maxwell Choongo


Thank you for the latest copy of Gospel News, it is always lovely to hear and learn how others are doing in the mission areas they serve. We have had the visit of Bro. Andrew and Sis. Josie Walker in Mazabuka, and we have a newly baptised Brother Creighton who has no Bible, he has requested the NEV which has a commentary and abbreviated Bible Basics. Also I have a

Pastor who lives in Nega Nega and he is very interested as well and I would like to ask for three Bibles and three Bible Basics. In the Old Testament we read of Moses, who turned aside to see the bush that was not consumed by burning. In our daily lives God calls us in some way so that we turn aside to hear what He has to say to us through the Scriptures. Moses was 80 years old when God spoke to him but he was not too old for God to use. He was a shepherd, just an ordinary job, but God uses ordinary people like you and me, to minister to others the words of life.

Moses had a rod in his hand to help with his work as a shepherd; nothing special, just dead wood, but God took that and made it work with His power. That rod became powerful ­ it parted the Red Sea, brought water out of the rock, etc. God can take whatever talent we have and make it work in His service. God told Moses to put his hand into his coat and it came out leprous ­ a sign of sin. God told him to put it back into his coat, and when he obeyed it came out clean again. God is the only one who can cleanse us from sin. God had heard his people cry out to Him for deliverance, and Moses was the `ordinary' person God chose to bring that about. This recorded incident in Moses' life has been a real blessing to me, so that is why I am sharing it with you. We are nothing, but God is able to do more with our lives, than we can think or imagine, if they are dedicated to His service.

~ Bro. Gideon Hankomone

Some people are slaves to sin, doing evil is what they treasure. Without that they don't feel themselves, which does not help (Rom.6:21). Before repentance, people live under the rule of sin (bondage): they live a life that bears poisonous fruits ­ the fruit of death (Rom.7:5).

Paul tells and warns us that one who is enslaved by sin lives only to die, yet the slave of righteousness will live for ever. So He, God, wants us to be instruments of righteousness (Rom.6:13). It's up to an individual to choose life, having known that `the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus' (Rom 6:23).

Now what benefit does a slave have? We know that those giving themselves to sin are slaves to that, and the price is death. But there is great reward in being slaves of righteousness. People become enslaved to sin when they deliberately commit it. Jesus told the Jews that whoever committed sin was a slave of it (John 8:34). Paul in the letter he wrote to Titus said, `they are led astray by various passions of pleasure' (Tit.3:3). There are many ways by which men become enslaved: we become slaves of whatever overcomes us (2 Pet 2:19).

Why not give yourselves to God and become slave of righteousness? For sin leads only to death, yet righteousness to eternal life in Christ Jesus. Do not obey sin, rather obey God, who will set you free (Rom 6:16-20).

~ Bro. Chrivious Joseph


I have received the parcel you sent me ­ thank you for your help. May God our Father in heaven extend His hand upon you richly, that His work does not suffer due to financial problems. Yes, the financial situation is hindering in extending God's work in remotest areas. Covering a distance of 10 to 15 kilometers on foot becomes difficult to us who are living in isolation in rural areas.

~ Bro. Cephas Kalungah

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