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It is always on my mind to write, but one thing or other takes my mind away from doing that.

Aba Ecclesia is progressing well in their propagation of the Truth. For some years now we have been conducting a 30-minute Radio broadcasting programme of the Truth every Saturday. It is financially a co-sponsored programme with C.B.M. The Evangelical group on the other side is taking the Truth around the former Eastern Region, with some baptisms that have taken place, and among them was a local district chief. Arrangement is already going on with the baptised chief on how to start an ecclesia in his area, in Ohafia Local Government Area of Abia State.

Bro. Duncan's work is bringing good results. Therefore I have been asked to appeal to you to help us with more copies (as many as you can send) of the English Edition of Bible Basics. They are meeting many people with this, and it is yielding positive results. Even my reserved copy has been used. It is always a good agreement and testimony that unites us.

--Bro. James E. Ogbah


Thank you brother for the enclosed CD on the devil...its really very interesting. I wish to continue receiving a regular copy of the Gospel News, and may our good LORD continue to bless you richly in all your efforts.

--Sis. Lydia Ojike Endurance


Our All Nigeria CYC took place at Lagos-State Ecclesia. It started on 28.4.13. and ended on 1.5.13. Only my family in Enugu Ecclesia attended ­ three of us ­ myself, my wife and my daughter. Things went smoothly: we were about two hundred people from different Ecclesias. With the grace of God, ten people were baptised, which was the highest number baptised since we started the gathering. The names of those baptised were Bro. David Alaribe, Bro. Christopher Offor, Bro. Chukwu Eke, Sis. Uluoma Francis, Sis. Grace Goddey, Sis. Chizoba Alloy, Bro. Monday Samuel Chimaobi, Bro. Chika Earnest, Sis. Lois Lebechi and Bro. Dickson Obioha.

--Bro. Goddy Nwosu


I received some copies of helpful Christadelphian Expositor, and the passages' teachings on tithing and other important issues which I had asked for, and they are very helpful.

Please will you endeavour to help us by sending us some New Testament Bibles, say three? because of the new people studying, and they will soon be baptised. These new converts need Bibles.

Brother, is there any way you are able to assist me to have, in effect, a mini library of books on all sorts of subjects in order to help our studies of Scripture? People in this part of the country who had never come across Christadelphian teachings are very eager to have some literature to study. God willing, a lot of them are coming to a realization of the Truth, and we feel the need to do something to help them.

--Bro. Adolphe Effiong


Thank you so much for all your real fatherly concern and huge support of my faith and medical studies. I can never forget your help in alleviating my burdens with all your prayers and support, with helpful Bible-based resources and encouraging emails. Your significant support is ever in my heart: your spiritual counsel and advice is greatly appreciated.

I am still in Ibadan trying to sort out my internship placement and official registration with the Nigerian Medical Association and the Nigerian Medical and Dental Council and other essential university and library clearance fees. Kindly continue to pray for me and do not forget my interest in further helpful Christadelphian literature, e.g. the Gospel News, Carelinks messages and other available Bible teaching resources.

Happenings in Egypt, Syria and much of the Middle East have some implications on recorded prophetic words of the Holy Scriptures about the time of the end which we are in already and the return of the Lord draws near.

--Bro Timothy Temilola


Thank you for the books, Bibles, Bible Basics and study leaflets, Introducing Bible Basics books, The Real Christ, James and other studies. I am going to start to read them tomorrow, then on Wednesday I will send some to our Ecclesia for library reading and storing.

Our preaching will continue after we return from our CYC gathering, by next month. For the small leaflets you advise me to reproduce myself, adding my name and address on `Basic Bible Truths,' which is on both sides of an A4 piece of paper I will try to produce these.

We have been moving our preaching area all around since April till this time, but we don't have materials to give to others. Please, I need more Bibles, Old and New Testaments, to give to my brethren and sisters who don't have them.

--Bro. Blessing Nwigwe


Thank you very much for your hope-raising letter to me which I received recently.

It is my belief that as our expectation for Jesus' return increases rapidly because of the unlimited signs of the times, the office of the Christadelphian Advancement Trust is being inundated with requests for material about salvation from the time of trouble encompassing the world.

I will be 83 on 30th September and I am becoming weaker and weaker every day.

--Bro. Johnson Uwasomba

It might interest you to know that the only way to salvation is when we are working together for good in this life. If only we would trust God, we would live to see it so. All things are ours if we are Christ's. All things serve us.

Even those things which are most difficult and trying, are really moving our best interest forward! If we knew as much about them as God knows, we would go down on our bended knees and thank Him with streaming eyes for the most difficult of circumstances. Even if some of these may cut us to the bone, if we believe that the infinite love of God is working in them, and through them, we may sing like Paul and Silas in the prison (Acts 16), even though our feet are fast in the stocks! Let us grow the habit of looking at the bright side of things. If there are dangers looming in our way, don't complain that it is all cast over with danger. We really must be sure that God has a purpose in all our sorrows.

--Bro. F. E. Enyiogu.


The news of the successful treatment of your cancer kept me very happy. I am full of thanks to God Almighty for helping you to recover from such a deadly disease that is tormenting humanity.

I lack words with which to express my heart's feeling about the books you have sent to me ­ the Bible Basics and this very beautiful one I received yesterday ­ The Real Christ ­ are pointers to full understanding of God and His Son Jesus Christ.

The introduction to The Real Christ X-rays the position of the modern world. It is more- so nagging in Africa, where extreme neglect and insensibility to the plight of the majority poor has left everyone exasperated. However, for the Brethren in Christ it is a sure warning that the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is at hand. My reading through the direction of "Brethren in Christ" has opened my inner eye to strive to look towards Christ.

The Personality of God, which you included in the opening chapter of The Real Christ, for me emphasises the importance of understanding the personality of God.

Bible reading, following the Bible Reading Planner is very rewarding spiritually. I request that I be remembered in your daily prayers, to give me the Divine wisdom to understand and ACT as required by God. I thank God for His divine guidance towards the Word.

Thanks for feeding my mind with appropriate books that refresh my mind with spiritual water.

--Bro. Iheanacho Ihejirika

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