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With me here in Malawi at Bangula and around Nsanje District, we are well, but not so much because of a great problem we faced this year of flood. It started raining from December 2012 up to March 2013 without stopping, so that many houses fell down ­ even in our gardens the crops we had planted were taken away by water.

Although it is like that we don't forget what the book of Psalms spoken by David says in Psalm 16:8: `I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.' And the apostle Paul wrote in Philippians 4:19: `And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.' I used to recall these verses because it strengthens me to know the true God.

Brother Austin Nyirenda visited us on the Easter Convention here at Bangula Church Centre, and many of our number came on this occasion. Bro. Austin stayed two days and we benefited from more new teachings. The first lesson he taught was about `Knowing God.' The second lesson taught was `The Spirit of God.' The third one was `The Promises of

God.' These three subjects he taught were a great blessing to all of us believers, and we would like him to come again to continue with more lessons. But he said that he came from far away. Indeed, from Salima to Nsanje District he crosses five Districts.

He brought five Chichewa Bibles and one carton of 20 books of Chichewa entitled Mfundo, Zoonadi, Zeni Zeni Za, Bukhu, Lopatuwk. Alas, many were complaining that these Chichewa Bibles and books were too few to be shared amongst us all.

We have many people who have just received Christ as their personal Saviour very recently, but need to be baptised.

--Bro. John Phiri


Thanks a lot for the great job you are doing around the world. Let God through His mercy provide you everything to make it possible for the Gospel to reach every corner of the world.

I am making preparations for the Malawi School Certificate of Education (M.S.C.E.). I ask for your prayers that I may pass, in all subjects I need to pass Bible knowledge with a credit. As `God gives to those who knock', please assist me in prayers that it may be done. The books we are studying from the Bible are Acts of the Apostles, Luke and the book of Isaiah.

--Sis. Bertha Khonje


I have been preaching to 25 Muslims for sometime here and am pleased to report that another Ecclesia has been established and some Muslims have also been baptised and we have built a grass shelter. I and my wife Cathy did some further preaching in the area and some open air preaching in which I used the Chichewa Bible Basics, which many of them like and find easy to understand. There are many Muslims in this area as it was once a centre of the slave trade, they do not believe in the Trinity which is a problem we have to overcome with orthodox Christians.

--Bro Leonard Changa


When Christ commissioned his disciples to the serious work of evangelizing, spreading the gospel of the Kingdom, he told them, `Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; be you therefore wise as serpents and harmless as doves.' (Matt.10:16) He also promised, `Lo, I am with you always.' (Matt.28:20).

It is apparent that the wolf-like and hawk-like society around us is not a friend to grace. We are in enemy territory and can expect rejection and hatred from the sinful world around us. The power of sin seeks to overwhelm us, but John writes, `He that is in you is greater than he who is in the world.' (1John 4:4) By the grace of God we can be lamb- like and dove-like. Although the brother or sister is defenceless standing alone, he is well defended as God protects and preserves him. (Matt.10:17-31).

--Bro Henderson Sosola


I should go again to Bangula in Nsanje District, as soon as possible, Set backs are that, travelling and postage costs are so exhorbitant and prohibitive due to devaluation and floatation of our local currency. However, this will not stop me from travelling, because I know these are the last days, And the Gospel of the Kingdom, needs to be spread everywhere before the end of this world.[Math 24 v 19].

--Bro Austin Nyirenda

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