Computers are usually quick at doing work, that often take our time, files are transferred and calculation done within a shortest period of time, our expectations of computers performance is high and we sometimes get frustrated when the network is poor and we are delivering an important message, but delays tends to be in seconds or minute and we feel glad when a clear date is done and sent.
If we look at the beautiful handy work of God in creation, His intention was for man to worship and praise His name daily but we see man choosing his own way and disobeying Him, henceforth though one man death and sin came into the world, Romans 5:12-14.
Why then did God provide a saviour? so that our sins can be forgiven through His sons sacrifice on the cross, if we continue following Christ's example we too will be saved and be part of God kingdom on earth when He returns.
The Gospel is full of good news concerning God, His son Jesus and concerning the kingdom to come. Apostle Paul tells us in his letter to the Romans, Let each of us please his neighbour for his good, to build him up, for Christ did not please himself... For whatever was written was written for our instructions so that through endurance and encouragements of the scriptures we might have hope, Romans 15:2-4.
Christ is our example and our only hope of salvation that God provided for our own benefits and good. we should try to do our best to be Christ like in our dealings with other people, so that we show others that we truly belong to Christ and they learn something from us in the clean lives we try to live. When we are baptised, we put on Christ, Peter told us, since we have been born not of perishable seed of imperishable, through the living and abiding word of God,1 Peter 1:23.
Let us live and show others by our faith which we have attained in Christ our Lord, The bible tells us that the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are open to their prayers, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil,1 Peter 3:12.
Our duty is to teach the world with boldness without fear because the time of the end is near. The world is a wicked place to live because of mans evil intentions. we are warned by John that we must not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see if it comes from God for many false prophets have gone into the world 1 John 4:1.
When a farmer is planning his crops, he makes sure that he uses correct tools, seed fertilizers and chemicals. He must make sure that at the end of the day he gets a good harvest from his labour, we should make sure that those whom we teach must get a good message out of us tom make them stand in awe and repent and be baptised, let our work please the lord so that through his mercies we may be part of the kingdom.
Our discipleship is a journey which we must undertake for us to reach our destination safely, Paul told the Galatians not to grow weary at doing good, for in due course they would reap a reward if they do not give up, its applicable to us as well, Galatians 6:9-10.
As we journey towards the kingdom, lets us pray for one another as if we lived side by side, let us encourage one another to preach the word with complete patience knowing that the coming of the lord is near. Revelation 3:20 our lord tells us behold am standing at the door and knock, this to us means his return is near, may he find us worth of the kingdom when he returns.
Jesus told his followers in John 16:16 a little while and you will see me no more and then a little while you will see me, it does not matter how many years have gone of the lord been absent to us, to God a thousand years is the same as one day and we should put to mind that he will return one day to establish God kingdom. May God bless us all as we journey towards the kingdom.
Bro Gideon Timothy Hankomone, (Mazabuka,Zambia)