What Is The Purpose In Living? (John 4:34)
Everyone has asked this question at some time or another. Has life a purpose, or is it a meaningless struggle between birth and death? Is it necessary to have a goal? These and many similar questions haunt the minds of ordinary people.
Many set themselves goals that demand all their energy and concentration. They look forward to the time when they will be successful and hold positions of prestige and authority. Others, who are perhaps more farsighted, see success not in worldly terms, but in the service and caring for others. Everyone seeks their own purpose in living, and inevitably they seek to please themselves believing that in so doing they can have a purpose that will bring satisfaction.
As a committed Christian you should no longer live to please yourself but God. This may sound very prosaic to the uninitiated, but it is the key to a purposeful and satisfying way of life. There can be no greater purpose in life than to do the will of God. To this end you were born and to deviate from this purpose is to accept the second best that produces frustration and dissatisfaction.
To live to do God's will is a way of life that demands a high standard of dedication, but it is not a grievous burden that robs life of its joy. It is rather to live at the source of true joy, and experience the riches that only He can give to those who love and serve Him.
Bro. David Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe.)