Total Desolation (Mk 15:34)
Many people know spiritual desolation at some time or another in their spiritual journey. It usually comes as a result of some bad event a tragedy, a death, a grief, a disappointment, loss of employment, or a relationship breakdown. You feel that God has totally abandoned you. You wonder why he is punishing you when you haven't done anything bad. You feel all alone, forgotten, lost and defeated.
Jesus knew it too. In his most desperate hour on the cross he quoted Psalm 22:1, "My God, my God....." In that cry of dereliction Jesus enters into your loneliness, emptiness and pain. However low you may sink, however lonely you may seem, however desperate and desolate you may feel, Jesus is there in it with you. You may not see him, you won't hear him, you won't be able to get through to him, but he is there. You cannot sink below his grasp. You cannot wander away from his care. You cannot drift out of his sight. Jesus knows exactly how you feel. He has felt that way himself, he has been right there where you are now. He has known the midnight. And he knows that the Father held him even in his darkest hour. You can too. If you cannot hold on to God, let Jesus hold on to you. He can. He will.
Bro. David Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe.)