Carelinks: July 2013 Impressions of Latvia and Russia
July 2013 Impressions of Latvia and Russia
Brother John & Sister Erica Galbraith of the Castle Hill, Australia, ecclesia visited Latvia and Russia in July, where brother John gave studies at the Moscow Bible School. Here is their report and news from the field there:
On our way to the Moscow Bible School we were able to spend a few days in Riga. Being the middle of summer the weather was actually warm (certainly not hot) and Riga looked at its beautiful best, hiding the fact that in winter temperatures may get down to minus 20 degrees C and those without heating may freeze to death.
We spent some time with Bro Duncan and Sis Cindy Heaster and their two delightful little children. Then on Sunday we were able to participate in the activities and break bread with over 70 brothers and sisters in the Ecclesial hall. As we went through the three readings and partook of the emblems we pray that all were encouraged as we were, as we considered the great things God has done for us in Jesus Christ. After the meeting we were able to help a little (very little) in providing hot soup to all who came. Many were Russians with no job and no social security entitlements and so struggle to feed themselves and find shelter. They greatly appreciate the nourishing soup Cindy and Duncan provide. On Sunday afternoon we drove to the beach on the Baltic Sea and were delighted to witness the baptism of ANDRE and his mother EMMA. Emma is very sick with advanced cancer and Andre's care and love for his mother is apparent to all and very touching to witness. They have both been regular attendees at Riga meetings for 2-3 years. We drove them home to their one room containing a double bed and all their possessions. There is power but not enough for winter heating, no hot water or bathroom and only a shared outside toilet. Surviving winter will be a problem so as Duncan said "We will have to monitor their situation". On Monday we tripped around beautiful Riga before lunch at Duncan and Cindy's place. Erica and Cindy then headed off to peel potatoes and prepare the soup for bible class attendees in the afternoon/ evening. We are not sure what is called evening here in June as it is only dark for about 4 hours in 24. After consideration of Matthew 8, over 60 enjoyed Erica's and Cindy's beautiful thick soup and I enjoyed communicating with the few brothers and sisters that spoke a little English. Our reaction to what we see here in Riga? We thank God for the spiritual and physical food that He is providing for the poor here in Riga and urge Him to send His Son back to bring in the time when all those who hunger and thirst for physical and spiritual food will be filled.

Photos: (top) Sister Emma's baptism; John & Erica serving soup at the feeding scheme.
Erica and I have just finished lunch on the fourth day of the Moscow Bible school. We have been privileged to join nearly 80 of our Christadelphian brothers and sisters and friends from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Latvia and Moldova for a period of bible study and fellowship. Those from Moldavia spent 30 hours on a train to get to Moscow before a bus trip to the bible school venue from Moscow. We are at a large hotel/conference centre approximately 60 kilometers from Moscow situated in lush natural woodlands. We had always thought of Moscow as cold and snowy but here in July it is hot and humid so that most of the talks and activities are held out in the open in an amphitheatre. Lighting is no problem as it is light from 4:00 am to 11:00 pm.
After breakfast, the activities commence at 10am with the three readings. Following each reading a talk and what is becoming very lively discussion ensues. This discussion has to be terminated at midday to allow a bible talk before lunch which up to now has been on the letter to the Colossians led by myself. We would love to understand Russian and so follow the discussion and other talks by Bro Duncan and other Russian brothers but can sometimes pick up the gist of it from the broken English of brothers or sisters sitting near us or some comments in English by brother Duncan. In the question session questions included, the origin of the Israeli priests mentioned in Exodus before God ordained any, and why Abraham was asked to offer up Isaac. It is great to see so many of the brothers and sisters contributing to the discussion.
I found talking, with a brother interpreting, a challenge but I am sure the brethren doing the interpreting found me a greater challenge and I thank brothers Alexei, Igor and Duncan for their efforts.
As the Bible school has progressed the talking and discussion has become more lively and the enjoyment and fellowship between everyone here greater. I know leaving will be a "sweet sorrow" as we "commend all here to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and give you an inheritance among all them that are sanctified"
--Bro. John Galbraith
We're pleased to report the baptism of nine brothers and sisters: ALEXEI, a man who has studied Bible Basics from Kostroma, Russia; IRINA, mother of bro Zhenya who was baptized 20 years ago, one of the first we baptized in Russia; NATALYA, from Krasnodar in southern Russia; DIMA, ALEXEI and VLADIMIR from the Pavlograd ecclesia in Ukraine; PETYA, son of sis. Tamara from Poltava; OLYA, mother of bro
Alexei from Ukraine; and OLGA, sister in law of sis. Luba from Moldova. There was great rejoicing afterwards. In most bedrooms at the conference center, discussion about the Bible continued late into every night. There is really a great love of God's word and His Son in these dear brothers and sisters. Deep appreciation was expressed for all the donations which make these schools possible.

Photos: One of the nine baptized; enthusiastic Bible discussion in the evenings; John speaking with Bro Alexei translating; sister Luba sharing her joy in Christ
Sister Sarma
There are times when people respond to the Gospel initially as a result of a `carrot'- maybe the opportunity to study English, to participate in a Bible quiz and so forth. Carelinks don't need to offer many such carrots because we seem to have people all over the world coming direct to us online and in other ways, simply asking to be taught Biblical Christianity. One very small 'carrot' at our Riga Bible Center is the opportunity to play chess before and after our meetings. A while ago, Carelinks` readers responded magnificently to an appeal for chess sets. We have a wonderful collection, from South Africa, Holland, England, America and elsewhere. And they are well used. Sister SARMA was the former chess grandmaster of Latvia- unusual for a Soviet woman. And she is an unusual woman. She was an electrical engineer who rose to a senior management position and still found time to play chess with her workers. She was pensioned out of the workforce and lived quite well on her invalidity pension- until the collapse of the USSR. Now she has a tiny pension, and at 74 years old has various health issues which mean she speaks in a whisper. Lamenting the collapse of morality in society and what she calls `a spirit of anti-intellectualism', she was fascinated to hear that a group of men play serious chess at a center where the Bible is taught and free meals are provided. So she came along- initially for some company and to play chess. Here she is playing with some of our brethren:

She stayed for the Bible talks, read Bible Basics, and we're pleased to say she was baptized this week. The social time after her baptism service featured her playing a nailbiting game of chess with Duncan, which she won. She left the Bible Center rejoicing and very, very happy all round. And we rejoice that the Gospel continues to spread to those whom society has no place for.
Brother Erik
Amazing Example
Cindy's medical skills have been useful again with the work we are doing with many forgotten folk in care facilities in rural areas in the Baltic states. We're pleased to report this week the baptisms of YURI, LAILA, NORMUND, IVO, FRANCINKA, RIMMA, ILZE, EGILS and ILYA as a result of this work this week. We mentioned before the case of our brother Erik, who was baptized a couple of months ago. Erik has cerebral palsy and with no wheelchair or frame, drags himself around to get to the meetings, often losing his balance, falling and bruising himself. We have previously resisted taking a video clip of our brother struggling to and from the meetingplace, but really he is such an example that we forced ourselves and took 90 seconds of his coming and going from the meeting hall. Our Brother really he should become an international inspiration to those who can't be bothered to make a bit of effort to get out to meetings, and to all of us to keep on keeping on. So the brief clips are at
Those of you with Facebook could consider sharing this with others.

Bro Erik struggling to get to the meeting
Winter Heating Scheme / Special Challenge
We have decided to try to operate daily feeding at the Riga Bible Center over our coldest months--January, February and March, 2014. During those three months we are looking forward to the presence of some brothers and sisters from England who will help co-ordinate things; but we are also looking for volunteers to come over for one or two weeks to do the work of cooking and serving food.
If you would like more info or would like to come and help please get in touch with Bro Mike & Sis Vanessa <> or Bro Andy and Sis Mel Downton: <> <>
Which leads us to seriously remind you all of the absolutely huge amount of work and potential there is in the Lord's work at this time in Riga, Latvia. There is a large, established ecclesia, regular baptisms, and much potential for both pastoral as well as preaching work, as well as humanitarian work. Knowledge of local languages is not absolutely necessary. We wonder if anyone would consider committing to coming over for a year or more? That help is really, really needed. And without doubt it will be a fruitful experience. Please pray about it and think who you could encourage to respond to this Macedonian call- if you really can't yourself.
Bro. John & Sister Erica Galbraith