Learning To Hear God's Voice
Learning to hear God's voice seems to come so easily for some people, while others struggle to hear a single word. There was a time when Samuel struggled to recognise the Lord's voice, too. The first time God spoke to him we read about in 1Samuel 3:4-8. Many of us hear the voice of the Lord but don't recognise it as His.
Learning to recognise the Lord's voice comes with practice. If we slow down and take time to listen, while also listening as others share Godly wisdom with us (as Samuel heeded Eli's advice), we will grow in our ability to hear and recognise God's voice. The important thing to remember is that God wants to communicate with us.
From Genesis to Revelation we see Him talking with His people. He wants us all to `tune in'. It is a vital part of the way we grow in our relationship with Him, and move on towards our destiny. This we should do as we wait in faith for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, to establish God's Kingdom.
Bro. John Kasanda, (Kasumpa Ecclesia, Zambia.)