(Romans 5:1-11; 1 Corinthians 15:1-28) Our commitment to Jesus, by belief and baptism, means that we can be accepted as adopted
I'm just writing to say hello to you all and inform
"children of God" and so be forgiven our sins by our loving heavenly Father. We are also prom- you as well on the progress my father is making in ised a meaningful new life now, and continued life in the promised Kingdom of God when Jesus his search for the truth. I told you once that I had returns. We may need to be raised from the dead first so that we can work with given, him brother Duncan's book on "The Real Devil". Well the outcome is just simply unbelievable,
Jesus in that new age when the world will be filled with justice, peace and joy. for my dad agrees absolutely with what the Bible
(Luke 12:32) teaches about satan. He is also beginning to develop a kind of hatred for the mother church (Babylon) his in the memorial
Catholic Church he so dearly cherished. The truth
The bread is beginning to open his eyes to seeing many things. reminds us to feed, spiritually, upon the life of Jesus.
I have just given him Bible Basics to enhance his
The wine reminds us of the sacrifice that Jesus made, knowledge about the other aspects of the gospel of allowing his blood to be shed so that our sins may be the kingdom and the name of Jesus Christ. How I long forgiven. Remembering the Lord Jesus, and trying to that he finally comes to believe and accept the truth as revealed in the Bible. Brethren, please put him in follow his teaching, should help us to witness for him, your prayers as we all eagerly wait to ultimately rejoice in word and in action, until he returns, or until we "fall with the angels in heaven on the day of his baptism. asleep". Then when Jesus does return, we will be
--Bro Cyril Ndze raised from the sleep of death to serve him in that