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Just returned from Odochala where four were baptized 4 making it 11 baptisms so far there. I was glad to work on translating The Real Devil to Igbo.

--Bro. Peter Ojike


Prices of things are going higher and higher nowadays. About five years back I was paying below two thousand five hundred naira for my Post Box, but about three years ago it was three thousand five hundred naira, including a penalty for late payment. But this year it is five thousand five hundred naira, including ten percent surcharge. So before the end of the year I will relinquish the box and use that amount for other things, for that sum could buy me two bags of cement. Before then I must find where I can receive my letters.

People's conditions are getting worse daily. The poor are getting poorer, while the rich become

richer daily. This is the condition in Nigeria, especially in my own State. May God's `will be done in earth' by sending His beloved Son, who gave His life to redeem us from our sins.

--Bro. James Ogbah


We greet you all in the Lord and appreciate all you are doing in the Lord's Service. We are very much in touch with you and are always praying for more fruitful rewards. With time by God's grace, we shall be sending our contributions. We are being refreshed and enlightened the more by these mails, surprising to note that many people from the Arab World are being baptized into Christ, may God's holy Name be praised for ever. We should like to have copies of the NEV Bible that are being circulated presently as this will enhance our efforts at dispensing the truth to people out there. May God continue to bless this work.

--Sis. Abigail George


We are through with our services now. Last sunday it was the lessons of the flood; today we did hymn practice as it is, of course the last sunday of the month, which we use to practice our hymns for us to sing wonderfully to the Lord.

"Who dare stands idle on the harvest plain, while all around him waves the golden grain?" are lines in a famous hymn which we have in our hymn books. Already 2012 is nearly done and past, and we are so much nearer to the blessed second advent of the Lord. I am so, so happy and grateful for your help in providing me with literatures and other gospel materials as it has made study much, much easier and I say it's a real mind opener, may God bless and continue to help you for your tireless effort you have put in to make sure that the ecclesia of Christ grow with proper understanding of the gospel. Benin ecclesia always praise and thank you for the work which you have been doing for us.

--Bro. Diamond Chikwado

Bro. Diamond Chikwado


I am pleased to tell you that two big parcels with Bibles, Bible Basics and other books, the Gospel News reached me, and I sent you a reply. CAT, you have been a great help to my life in the Truth for many years, and I don't wish to miss your books.

--Bro. Igani Eteng


I write to express my appreciation to you for all the continued support with the helpful Christadelphian periodicals that you graciously send to me. Being in isolation, I found all the articles very helpful and encouraging. May the Lord bless you all. Kindly keep sending the periodicals with old or used books/ past issues of magazines-whenever you can.

--Bro. Timothy


Mbase Ecclesia was very happy to have newly baptized members and welcomed them

into the household of Faith: they are Bro. Chukwuma Ejike, Sis. Miriam Ejike, and Sis. Glory Effiong. We also welcomed our Bro. in Christ, Bro. Dr. Effiong. May God bless them all as they journey towards the Kingdom.

By God's grace, before the end of this year we will be baptizing more members, and we also expect to have a Bible Campaign, with gospel preaching from house to house, in offices and a market to let others know that our Ecclesia is around the corner, proclaiming the Gospel message of God's truth.

--Bro. Blessing Nwigwe


I have received all your letters, together with the complete Bible. We were thankful to hear about your family, may the Almighty God provide and keep them safe.

In my letter I promised you a copy of my photograph taken when I was 80, and here you see it. I thanked God that He has allowed my days up to date, and therefore I pray you to follow in asking Him for more years ahead.

I hereby request ten copies of complete Bibles for members and for two friends who are about to be baptized, as they have no Bible with footnotes. These are super Bibles!

--Bro. Friday Enyiogu

The Oboro Ecclesia


Thank you so much for your letter and leaflet that you sent me: they will help me during my witness of house-to-house outreach. We are surrounded by Africanzer Christians (Christendom), so I really need your help so that I can face them always and bring them to the Truth. Please, I need literature and Bibles.

One of them, a pastor, asked me why we do not set aside a day for prayer, but this pastor has now agreed that we hold and teach the Truth, after studying the Bible Basics book that I gave him. Another friend asked me why we don't use instruments of music and dance in our worship, and I rightly handled that.

By God's grace we are trying to convince some of them: we are sowing the seed, but only God can make it grow. So kindly continue to support our work here and send us materials for the goal ahead. Some of the people we meet don't even have a Bible, so can't read it, but only believe whatever their pastor says. Please kindly send us more copies of Bibles with both testaments.

We are certainly living in momentous times ­ what we see and hear really show us that the Lord our Master will soon be here.

--Bro. Uka Egwu

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