view as web pdf NEWS FROM MALI

Despite all political disturbances here we are progressing and we have a meeting place and people attending. We thank God for all His blessing and for our survival despite hiked food prices.

--Bro. Luc



For a long time I have not been able to write to you due to my eyesight. My left eye, with a cataract, has been operated on with success, by the grace of the Lord. My right eye has a severe tension, so that I cannot see anything. For more than two years I have not been able to read my Bible, even with large print.

Now, by the blessing of the Lord, I can read and write with special spectacles prescribed by my doctor, who followed my treatment for about five years. My operation, which was free, was done at the Government eye hospital; we have only one eye hospital, and four General hospitals in Mauritius. Also there are several health dispensaries ­ I have had good treatment. All the nurses have been very kind to me and I have had good care. I can now see, and I pray the Lord will bless them for their kindness, and I thank Him for allowing me this treatment and for being with me. I must each day put drops into my eyes. This treatment is expensive, and sometimes I cannot buy all the medicine. I have two kinds of drops to use and a vitamin `eye cup' to drink three times each week. I pray the Lord each day that I may see more.

In Mauritius the prophecy of 2 Timothy 3:1- 5 is accomplished each day; because there are many crimes, much violence, drugs, and robbery increases in a population of 1 million and 300 persons. Mauritius was a paradise 30 years ago, but more and more of its people become cruel and dangerous.

I am sending you my photo: with one eye I have tried to write something by the blessing of the Lord. I hope you will be happy to receive my news. Receive my love in Christ, and my blessing for your spiritual work, which is very much appreciated.

--Bro. Guy Thureea

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