news from zimbabwe


The coloured Gospel News is a great improvement. Before reading its pages you get attracted by it, and it makes you eager to read and digest its contents for spiritual maturity and uplifting.

Here in Zimbabwe we are fine, but seeing the chaos taking place in this wicked world. The world has become a playground for wars starting from the so-called developed countries and the Middle East, then here in Africa. These are the signs of the times mentioned in Matthew 24.

It’s a good idea to have a Bible of our true teaching rather than some paraphrased ones with theological teachings that contradict with the accuracy of the original Scriptures. These new versions are not properly translated, and make people think they are reliable and trustworthy. (Read Isaiah 55:11) We ought to learn the truth of the Bible from the true inspired and written work of the prophets (Jeremiah 36:2) and apostles (2 Peter 1:21). Many Bible translations are now being printed, but some of them have lost their values, as they seem not to teach the actual words in regard to God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the so-called paradise (the after-life), heaven-going and more.

Bro. Ambrose Tanyepana


God says we need to go, preach the Word and let all in the world know the message. As a matter of fact, it is our duty as dearly loved children to obey the Father.

Jonah was told by God to go to the people of Nineveh and proclaim His message to them:

Jonah 1:2: “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me”. It is the command of God. The word ‘Go’ has power for all those whom God wants to use. Abraham was told to leave his country (Gen.12:1) “Leave your country, your people and your father’s household and go to the land I will show you”. ‘Going’ is all that matters in obeying God and thereafter the blessings come.

Are we obeying the Word, or do we seem to not want to preach the Word? We look at ourselves, and at the people around and think to leave them, though God is saying ‘Preach to them’. Jonah ran away, but great problems struck him. Let us all look at our own ways and make good for others.

God told Moses to go (Ex.3:10): “So now go, I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt”. Yes, God wants us to preach the gospel so that those in darkness may come out and receive God’s glory. The mission is for us to ‘Go’ and thereafter we receive our rewards. We shy away from what God wants us to do. It’s our own fault, as already the Word had been told to us and what is only left is for the command ‘Go’ to be fulfilled. All we need to do is to understand that God wants us to be His obedient children. May the God of grace help us in our journey.

Bro. Farai Phiri


It’s now winter here and winter is very, very cold. All of our fruit trees are dead because of frost.

On 10th July 2011 we had a baptism of Bro. Shukuru Isa of Tongogara refugee camp. He is originally from the Congo and he studies the Truth using Bible Basics. The literature that you sent I gave them, and it is our hope that it will be put to good use for the advancement of the Truth.

We are very pleased also to report the baptism on May 29th of Bre. Shadreck Mapondo, and Shadmore Mapondo: they are twin brothers; and Sisters Saliwe Takawandirwa and Chiedra Bingepinge. These sisters were both studying the Truth through the Bible Education Centre programme. We pray for God’s richest blessing on our newly baptised members for the Kingdom. We now number 8 Christadelphians who will meet for a breaking of bread every Sunday at our farm.

I also would take this opportunity to thank Bro. Admore at Masvingo rural who helped us with interviews as well as the word of exhortation.

Bro. Moses Dhlakama


Warmest greetings to you and all brothers and sisters who seek to spread the light of God’s word by producing preaching material. Brother Marcus, thank you so much for the number of books you sent me, which I am happy to receive.

Chishumba ecclesia is a big one, and we don’t have enough material to help us preach, even using private libraries; but our brothers and sisters are working very hard to preach the true gospel. Chishumba Ecclesia was formed from large churches surrounding us, and it was difficult to form one part of another church. But we worked hard to spread the true gospel and now we have a big ecclesia in Zimbabwe, but still putting more effort into spreading the Word of God the Almighty.

In my Bible research and study I faced questions which were difficult for me to understand, but now I have books to help answer these questions. I was always writing to the U.K. for answers, but now the book “Wrested Scriptures,” the daily readings, books like “The Real Christ” and “The Real Devil” help with answers. So now I have been able to offer 8 Bible Basics to another ecclesial student study group.

Please continue to help us – we are Africans who want to learn more about God’s Kingdom.

Bro. Misheck Hondoma


This is the second letter to you, brother, with news to be included in Gospel News. Yes, life sometimes can be harsh or hard to bear. But consider your life to be like a grain of sand on the beach: a grain of sand can move unnoticed to the eye. I use this concept when you want to do something, but are afraid. God gives us this life, but we are evil and sinners. However, it is an ultimate challenge, not a race to the finish – rather a process of continual growth. I have to try, by all means, to pull through this challenge, but I fail. What I love most is to be honest in this dishonest world and serve God sincerely (Phil.4:8, Prov.16:16).

Brother, my life is full of downward trends. I try to improve but things always fall down upon me. I took my ‘O’ levels in 1999 and managed to pass five subjects. When I was in Byo in 2006 I lost my birth certificate and ‘O’ level certificate due to theft. Now I am trying to look for a better job, but without the certificate that is in vain.

Bro. Dzingai Sumburera


Here in our area at the growth point, waiting to board a bus to Guruve to collect mail at the Post Office, we see evidences of the ways of the world, as we board buses at night to any destination. It is a remote area and also a rural area which is not yet developed. There are bottle stores nearby and you find young ladies enjoying themselves with men. I wonder why these people don’t think of AIDS? Some of these young ladies are of school age.

They do not want to hear anything about the Word of God. Indeed, where are we heading? Do they think that Jesus will one day arrive? You could end up saying ‘why did God create night?’ He could have created day only, because during the night evils take place. Truly we are sick and tired of this way of life. People do not realise that there is a God, and do not think that there is life after death.

So let us preach day and night so that we, and others, may have a chance to survive. Truly when Jesus comes many will feel sorry, as will the Jews when our Lord comes.

Bro. Nice Yotamu

Many evil events each and every day are reported all around the world. These things remind us that the return of the Lord Jesus is around the corner. Matthew 24:12 says, ‘And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.’ This is a special warning to all of us, brothers and sisters: we must be ready to welcome our Master, without any blame. We must continue to preach the gospel of the Kingdom, as there are many who may yet be called to his Name – so let us not grow cold.

As our journey has not yet come to an end, we must stand firm, as when we first received the gospel. If we feel we are growing cold, Revelation 2:4 tells us, “I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember therefore from where you have fallen, repent, and do the works you did at first. If not I will remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent”. So there we are, brethren and sisters, we all know when we fall. Let’s get back to our first works and push away this coldness from us.

Bro. Fanuel Mawodzeka


I have enclosed a photograph of some of the members of Harare ecclesia taken some years back. Some of the members are still with us today, but sadly some are not.

Present world events are pointing to the nearness of the coming of Christ. There are wars and rumours of wars. Full wars and civil wars are being fought in many parts of the world. The situation is so volatile, and is only short of a wide-scale conflict.

In other parts of the world there are earthquakes and great loss of life and huge destruction to property. Signs of Christ’s coming are so clear, especially to the Bible student who is keen to read his Bible, and also watchful so that these things won’t overtake him without his/her knowledge.

It may take time before Christ appears. By then a lot more things will have passed. Today’s world is so uncertain. We ought always to be prepared for the unknown and eventualities. Sudden occurrences or emergencies are of great concern to us all.

Little did I know that I would be separated by death from my wife and baby. God works for us in mysterious ways. And it is also our great duty to serve Him always. He knows what is best for each of us – after all His will is to be followed accordingly, and also to be done.

Bro. Alexio Kajowe

Harare Ecclesia a few years ago

Thank you for the pocket Bibles. Our Brothers and Sisters were so pleased to have them. I went to my rural house to help with harvesting what God has provided for us in our fields. God provided my family with enough crops to feed them. I thank my wife for the work she did alone. Not alone as such, but with God’s grace she managed more jobs while I was employed about 400Kms from home: Harare-Nyanga.

While on my leave I managed to meet Brother and Sister Moore who visited our Ecclesia. We had a good day sharing the living Word. We must not forget that we are living in a world of troubles. Without the protection of the Lord we will not succeed in these troubles caused by earthly man.

Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses. Eccl.3:1. The world now is not in good order. But Bible readers know that God sets every matter with its time. We should learn the words of Solomon: Eccl.3:1-8. What is happening nowadays in Africa, Asia etc. should not worry us, for it is the chosen time by God. V.11 He has set the right time for everything. He has given us a desire to know the future, but never gives us a full understanding of what he does. v.12 “All we can do is to be happy and do the best we can while we live”. V.13: “We should eat and drink and enjoy what we have worked for – it is God’s gift.’ If all the nations of this world knew the words of the teacher Solomon, peace would be all over the world; to know that what they are fighting for is only chasing the wind. Eccl.2:16-18 – “No-one remembers the wise, and no-one remembers the fool. In days to come, we will all be forgotten. We must all die, wise and foolish alike. So life comes to mean nothing to me, because everything in it had brought me nothing but trouble. It had all been useless; I had been chasing the wind”.

What is causing problems on earth nowadays? People are lovers of money rather than of God. Solomon wrote, Eccl.5:10-13 “If you love money, you will never be satisfied; if you long to be rich, you will never get all you want. It is useless. The richer you are, the more mouths you must feed. All you gain is knowledge that you are rich”.

When God created the world, He wanted man to be happy and enjoy his gifts from God. But man by self-loving has destroyed the gift of peace with God and followed the deceitfulness of greed. So, like today, the love of money is more than the love of Christ, who suffered for us on the cross; man is still behaving like Judas, who betrayed Jesus for the sake of money. My last words to my Brothers and Sisters come from the letter to the Galatians (5:24-26): “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have put to death their human nature with all its passions and desires. The Spirit has given us life, it must also control our lives. We must not be proud nor irritate one another, or be jealous of one another”.

Bro. Israel Mutunduwe

God created man in His own image so that man can carry His likeness. Man was a creature of dominion to dominate and take rule over everything else that had been created. The man was Adam. The first man, Adam, later lost the dominion by sinning. But thank God for His master-plan, that mankind did not remain lost.

God’s plan was forof restoration. He sent His Son to die on the cross and restore that which was lost (Luke 19:10). He fully accomplished this mission when he declared on the cross, “It is finished” (John 19:30), and on the third day Jesus rose from the dead. A new beginning was ushered in. 2 Cor.5:17 tells us, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away.”

Bro. Calvin Chitano

Thank you very much for the NEV New Testaments sent to us. I have enclosed a ‘photo of our brothers and sisters in Christ who have received these, although unfortunately some who received them were not with us when the ‘photo was taken. At our ecclesia everyone is now happy and enjoying the New Testament Bibles and our Bible study is in motion with their help.

Let’s look at 2 Tim.3:v.16-17: “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.”

May God bless you in spreading the Gospel. We are requesting some of the Bibles, if possible, for visitors who usually come who are not yet baptised.

Bro. Johannes John

Some of the Harare members with their New Testaments.

Thank you very much for your kindness, responding to my request for the address of Bro. Steve and Sis. Ruth Moore, as this really worked. I wrote to them telling them of my problems and in turn they replied, telling me they were coming to visit Zimbabwe. I went to Harare ecclesia in April and met them. We broke bread together with all Brothers and Sisters around Harare, and I went home full of gladness and much happier. They brought with them my reading glasses, which I really appreciate, as now I am able to read at night by a paraffin lamp. But I did not have time to discuss things with them because so many brothers and sisters wished to talk with them: they had a hard time trying to meet some of the students and interview them, so that’s how my problems could not be heard. Truly they had busy days here. But I’m helped by our Lord, who is caring for me always.

Someone was interested to read one of my books, and chose one which I had not finished reading, ‘The Real Devil.’ He asked me if he could borrow it for a few days, and took it to his home, but since then he has never returned it. While I am in need of it, I tried to trace him but don’t know his whereabouts, so I feel that it will never be returned. So, if it is possible, would you kindly send me another copy? That book helped me a lot in preaching, questioning and answering people of other sects, who are on their way to learning the Truth.

Bro. Maxwell Mlakah


We have been made in the image of God and so should reflect as far as possible, God’s character. However, we are naturally sinful creatures and fail to reflect in our lives, as we should, the Godly characteristics. Fortunately there is forgiveness with God, but we must strive continually to serve Him.

Having obtained God’s mercy, we should show this to others. Galatians 6:1-2: “If one of your Brothers or Sisters is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted. Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ”. Then those who look after widows and their children are told to share with them what they have. In Gal.5:19-21 we are told that those who do wrong and do not repent will never inherit the Kingdom of God, and so cannot be in the image of God.

God allowed His Son to be crucified for our sins and told us that he did this to teach us about sin and self-control. We must avoid sin and learn God’s ways of love and doing good. We are prone to sin in our present nature, and we can choose whether we sin or are righteous, but God knows all our natural tendencies and how we live our lives. He has sent us His Word in Scripture to teach and help us to see and learn the way we should follow Jesus, as we are the sons of God.

Let us thank God for His love and plans for us to live, following Jesus’ example, and so receive everlasting life in the coming Kingdom. His purpose was for His Son, Jesus, to die for us to have our sins forgiven. We must resist wrong-doing and pray that God will hear and forgive us if we fail. Let us enjoy God’s love and seek everlasting life today and tomorrow.

Bro. Misheck Hondoma


The Government has not started building on our old hall site. Thank you for the New Testament Bible. I am very glad because my husband is about to finish the course and my two elder children are doing the course too.

My right eye is going inside, so I was referred to Parerenyatwa Hospital eye unit, but it’s not so painful. I have now had the same problem for 13 years, but nothing is impossible with God. Faith will heal me (Matt.6:25-34). I ask only for your prayers.

Sis. Esther Chigiji


Brothers and Sisters, I am grieving very much after the falling asleep of my Father, Mr. Joel Tafirenyika Mhindu Madhimba, who passed away after a long illness at Mpengo village in Mozambique. We are going to miss him for his wise words in Gospel preaching. May the Lord Jesus Christ remember him at his second coming, to establish an everlasting Kingdom here on earth. It will be a great pleasure for all of us to be in that Kingdom, to rule with him in righteousness.

In my last letter (April-July) I was expecting a transfer, but it was God’s will that it should fail, except Bro. Farai Makandeni is now at Jersey Tea Estate and I remained here at Ratelshoek. But we always meet each other for our fellowship and Breaking of Bread meetings at Rimbi Ecclesia, Tanganda Halt and Christine Farm, and at Bro. Moses Dhlakama’s Farm.

Brothers and Sisters, let’s keep on praying, for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is near. The destiny of humanity is bound up in the future of Jerusalem. If that is not recognized, the Bible is not understood. Jerusalem is described by Christ as “the city of the great King”, (Matt.5:35) and is destined at his coming to become the metropolis of the world (Zech.14:16). It will then be known as “the city of Truth” (Zech.8:3); the “joy of the whole earth”, (Psalm 48:2); the metropolis of Christ’s reign (Isaiah 24:23); where he will sit in glory with his resurrected and glorified apostles, (Luke 1:31-33; Matt.19:28).

But before that time when world peace and equity will come, the world will be purged of its wickedness by the fires of Armageddon. It is not God’s desire that man should suffer; but man turns his back upon God and ‘sowing to the winds, will reap the whirlwind.’ The nations are busily preparing self emulation; they are expending their wealth in the manufacture or purchase of weapons of destruction, capable of wiping out life itself from the earth. Even nations of the ‘Third World’, whose populations face starvation, are busily spending money they cannot afford on weapons of destruction.

However, the signs of the times all point to the fact that Armageddon is looming. The modern revival of Israel, political antagonism in the Middle East, the divided state of the nations, are all the subject of Bible prophecy; they are signs indicating the imminence of Christ’s return. He will return to establish on earth an epoch of divine glory and peace, when the message of the angels at Christ’s birth will be fulfilled. “Glory to God in the highest; peace on earth and goodwill towards men,” and the Lord’s prayer will be wonderfully answered “Thy Kingdom come, that thy will may be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Bro. Simon Madhimba

Bro. Simon Madhimba (right) holding a radio, and Bro. Farai Makhandeni at work (Ratelshoek Tanganda Tea Company).


We are Swahili-speaking refugees in Zimbabwe (Tongogara refugee camp). We are now seven of us Christadelphian baptised Brothers and Sisters, and some others still on baptism lessons. The total number of us all is 27 now, but still struggling for meeting place and chairs. Not only that, but also Bibles and Hymn Books. As to the Bible Basics we received, we really appreciate them. We are very much willing to teach others around us the truth, but our resources are very limited as refugees.

Bro. Nondo Mutambala.


I thank CAT for the New Testament Bibles. They are of great help to me since I am working with some new students who have just joined the Triangle meeting. Please do send me more, or anything else that may help. It’s high time the world was shown the Truth in the Bible.

Many thanks to Bro. and Sis. Moore for coming to Zimbabwe on 10.5.11. We really had a good time together at Dunuza P. School, Triangle.

We started by reading Ex.25 and learnt a lot about the Tabernacle. We also learnt about the New Covenant and all its meaning. The Mosaic rituals pointed forward to Christ and were fulfilled in His death and resurrection. Heb.9:11-12: ‘Christ having become the High Priest of the good things to come, through the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands; that is to say not of this creation, nor yet through the blood of goats and calves, but through His blood; He entered in once for all into the Holy Place, having obtained eternal redemption.’

Bro. Servious Makendo

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