news from zambia


Three students from our Sunday School were baptised last year, and five are now at the preparation stage. We lack Sunday School teaching material.

Bro. Costa Kanembe

Bro. Costa Kanembe

Bro. Oscah Chikobela, who hopes to be married very soon.


I am writing to greet Brothers and Sisters in the Name of our mighty Lord. Please let us read our daily readings and teach people the Truth from the Bible. Therefore, let us observe God’s rules as we walk to His Kingdom. Let’s not be blown away by the wind of worldly pleasures, but stand firm and strong enough, living righteously in these last days.

I would like to announce my new post box, which is 93, Fringilla, Zambia.

Bro. Ignatius Chilekwa

Bro. Ignatius Chilekwa, his wife Babrah and Amose his son. The gates are the entrance to the farm where he works.


We joyfully thank you for the Bibles. Once new ones are printed, we would be glad if you could send us about 15 or 20 more copies. May God bless this work so that the target of spreading the Gospel reaches more people worldwide.

Bro. Harry Hambula

Bro. Ockrey Kamembe stressing a point during his talk on ‘The Nail of Sin.’

Bro. Harry
Hambula leading the Sunday School singing


The pictures in Gospel News make a great improvement, and this magazine needs support at all costs to make it even more interesting. I consider Christadelphians have very good material to read, more informative and educational.

The recently published pocket New Testament has been well received, and it will be very good if you print the whole Bible; I consider it will not be too big, and it is good to have the Old and New Testaments in a smaller edition.

What is happening now in the world are signs of the coming of our Master; people are too confused, but it’s right, we will be delivered indeed, God willing. No-one else can deliver us.

Bro. Greenwell Kunda


I liked the coloured photos which in the Gospel News make the pictures clearer. I would love many more ecclesial activities, baptisms and special events to make the magazine even more informative.

Is it possible to get me some video tapes of events in the U.K. and Bible subjects to help me understand the Bible more? These would help me in daily practice and help prepare me for Christ’s return.

Bro. Joshua Mushili

In your letter you stated that you are in a position to send Bible Basics. I think that will be of great help, seeing the Committee is proposing to appoint local tutors in our area, and I may happen to be one of those, God willing.

In most African countries we are disadvantaged in the sense that we are restricted to reading the translated Bible, and in most cases with no supportive materials at all. Books of our founders of our Faith such as ‘Eureka’ are essential pre-requisites to understanding difficult Scriptural books such as the Apocalypse. Our ecclesia does not have a copy of that, and we would highly appreciate one!

Bro. Boniface Simpanzye

Bro. Boniface Simpanzye, Sis. Christine, Sis. Eunice, Bro. Joshua and Bro. Zaccheow.


Some members of Kasumpa Ecclesia with New Testaments


The new ecclesial Secretary for Kitwe is Kenny Simbao. I talked to him and explained how these Bibles should be distributed in an advisory manner. Kenny has since received the Bibles and distributed them, with a few remaining for the ecclesia’s meetings.

I have given Bro. Elvin Jnr. one Bible, and two others to Mr. Bernard Longura and Emmanuel Kangaye. Emmanuel has since enrolled as a Bible student and has found the Bible very helpful. The English language is simple and very clear. I would need a further twelve Bibles if you can manage to send them. Thank you.

Bro. Elvin Muntemba

Left, Bro. Robert Miwele, Bro. Elvin Muntemba

I received the New Testaments you sent me and it was such a blessing. I managed to give four of them to some friends within the neighbourhood whom with I study the Bible – one is very keen to start Bible correspondence with us. I am also grateful to say that I received the Gospel News with coloured pictures.

My family and I join together in passing our heartfelt greetings to you and to all Brethren and Sisters around the globe.

Bro. Willies Simbowe


Thank you for your endless support for my spiritual wellbeing. I would like to inform you that God has enabled me to be granted ‘off’ days on Saturdays and Sundays, which has given me hope that I will learn much more from His Word, the Bible.

I am requesting the book ‘Wrested Scriptures’ by R. Abel: this will enable me to be knowledgeable about the Bible and help others as I share with them my belief. Lastly, I would like to know whether you have sent me those New Testament Bibles because I had promised some to a few of my friends and they are asking me about them? Thank you very much for all your help.

Bro. Stephen Siamabi


I pray that your current project of the printing of the complete Bible will be a success.

Here in Mazabuka, mostly the three of us meet, though there are many students but few baptised brethren and sisters.

Bro. Chrivious Chimuka

As I read of the current world affairs I am horrified to see that there are problems in different parts of the world. Man cannot solve his own problems, but God alone has the solution to all our difficulties.

The Bible tells us that when the Kingdom of God is established, things will be very good again. Peter spoke about this in Acts 3:19-21: “Repent therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; and that He will send Jesus Christ, who was preached to you before, whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things; of which God has spoken by the mouth of His holy prophets since the foundation of the earth.”

A few weeks ago I was attacked by unknown people who took away my ‘phone and money: thank God, the person to whom they tried to sell the ‘phone was my friend, and he helped to trace them, and I have my ‘phone back. Just two days ago a man was killed in Mazabuka and had his heart and other parts of his body removed. The world has become an unsafe place for us to live, and this is why we should pray for the soon return of our Lord Jesus to establish the Kingdom, so that all the present difficulties will be over. Come, Lord Jesus!

It came to me as wonderful news when I read that you are planning to print the whole Bible, with Duncan’s commentary. I guess this is a useful preaching tool, as many in Africa do not have a Bible of their own. It is always a good idea to listen to the preacher alongside our Bibles, so that we taste and prove all things in righteousness and truth.

Bro. Gideon Hankomone


Greetings in the hope of Israel we share. I am happy at Mufulira Ecclesia with the Brethren and Sisters there.

Thank you very much for sending us 12 Bibles, which we will put to good use. Being in the will of God you are secure, but if you are not doing God’s will and that of His Son Jesus Christ, you are in danger.

Bro. Fred Mumba

Sister Thresses’s illness is going on and on. Bro. David saw her when they came to Zambia from U.K. Bro. Kombe, also knows about it. Thank you for the Gospel News 2011 and a New Testament Bible. None of us are completely in charge of our own lives; we succumb to illness, our relationships sometimes go wrong, we lose our partners and our parents by death and in the end we die too, unless Jesus comes back soon and gives us peace in the Kingdom. To us who are in Christ death is not the end. Unemployment is everywhere on earth.

Bro Charles Daka


While time goes on it’s indeed time to trust in the Lord for everything, for every bondage that we may be enduring will surely soon be over. Our prayers will not be left unheard as Jesus will surely be with us soon, to rescue us all! So we need not get tired, or lose heart; let’s keep on learning, for without knowledge we might be moved away from wisdom and understanding which keep us from fearing the things of the world.

I was pleased and grateful to receive the Gospel News, which helps us all to share the experiences of others around us. It’s important to reach out to others in any way possible, sharing both our sad and good news worldwide, perhaps more than this, sharing ‘the word’ to others in isolation, due to unpleasant circumstances beyond our comprehension, is very important. Such people may depend on reading to keep in touch with the rest of the world, and to learn about things happening in mission areas. Learning of other people’s situations thus helps to find solutions for both growth in His work and ministry.

It is true that all things work together for good for those who love God. So we need to be careful – it’s quite possible to turn away from the love of God and sincere paths; the busyness of life can get in the way. ‘We shall be conquerors’ (Rom.8:35, 37-39.) He is unfailing – He can command wind to ‘blow,’ or to ‘stop,’ and who are we to ignore His love and His power to help us lose seemingly unconquerable habits, unsolvable problems that continuously hinder us from His ways? We ought to stand firm. Let’s look up to Daniel (1:8, 4:27): do not compromise, and you shall surely stand firm.

Bro. Wilfred Chibomba


I send my warm greetings to CAT for the good job they are doing in spreading the good news of the Gospel to everyone giving them the opportunity to be part of the Kingdom of God. Let us be transformed and turn away from evil to be good people.

The Mosaic Law was hard to follow, but in this time we have our Mediator, Jesus Christ, who speaks to our Heavenly Father, God, on our behalf. We should develop a habit of praying every day. Daniel prayed three times a day, morning, afternoon and evening: today is the day God gives. Sometimes we tend to forget praying. Read Psalm 55:17.

Bro. James Mwanza

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