news from ukraine

We’re pleased to report the baptism of ANTONINA in Kakhovka; may the Lord bless her in her journey to the Kingdom.


We are trying to share the Gospel with people here but they are so traditional. We give them a Bible for birthday presents, things like that, and we pray each morning together, that some will respond. We are sure you all also pray each morning, so you are praying also with us.

Bro. Vasily & Sis. Elena


I have been talking with my daughter about her being baptized. She is young but she is very serious. I pray for wisdom, and thanks for your concern for us!

Sis. Marina


I keep working with Nina to be baptized, but I don’t want to pressure her. Here it’s so hot and much work on our land. I look forward to meeting all at the Moscow Bible School.

Sis. Anna

Photo: Sis. Anna drying her brother Mikhail’s hair after his baptism at a Bible School


I need some more Bible Companions in English. I am working with some people from China and they are interested to begin to study the Bible.

Bro. Vladimir


Thank you for copy of New Testament in English that I have got by mail. God bless for this generous gift and project, I pray for your work.

Bro. Ihor


Brother Timothy from England visited us recently and celebrated my birthday with me. I have so many problems with my son living with me. I so wish I could get a separate apartment for him.

Sis. Veronika


Nadia and myself greet you all. We continue to get some interest from our friends who have also rejected the Trinity idea in various Messianic Christian groups around Ukraine, but we always find some other areas of difference with them and so we feel ourselves very alone here.

Bro. Piotr

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