news from russia


I’m so sorry I can’t come to the Bible School, I am working shifts all over the Summer which are every day with no days off. I am trying to persuade my wife to be baptized. Thank you very much for the literature. I am very aware I belong to your spiritual family and it gives me strength as here I live in a village with no other believers.

Bro. Mikhail


I get discouraged at the lack of response to my preaching here, and that we who are baptized are all getting older and some dying, albeit in hope of resurrection. I so wish we could have the great growth seen in Riga ecclesia. But I do believe that all those whom we have baptized here into Christ shall live for ever, and I look forward to that day.

Bro. Oleg

Brother Oleg at Bible School


I have been trying to arrange the Bible School here but I’m sorry for being slow, I work long hours and on the weekends the administrators at the venue aren’t around. I will continue doing my best

Bro Igor P


All is good for us here; we successfully finished our internship so we are now both doctors able to practice. We are going to Greece to visit my family there. We will try to spread the Gospel as best we can wherever we are. We very much miss you all!

Bro. Kostya & Sis. Nastya


I would love to bring all my family to the Moscow Bible School but I think only I can come as we fear to leave our home unattended in this place where we live. Thank you for the prayers for my health.

Bro. Sergej


I continue to worry so much about my grandson Dima and pray for him a lot, that the various operations and treatments will be successful and he may be able to have a normal life. I fear to come to the Bible School this year in Moscow, as at my age I find changing trains too much; going down the escalators in the metro is all getting beyond me, but I am very much with you all.

Sis. Raisa


Truly all our lives are but as the flower of the field, even our finest years of our youth soon withered. The Bible is so very true, and I feel the truth of it all the older I get. As I see all the changes in the world, especially climate change, I feel that we are moving towards the end, when Christ shall come at last.

Bro. Valerij


I want to say that I appreciate God’s truth in the Bible more and more as I go further into my old age and prepare for the inevitable. I see God’s kindness to me all the time, that I have my daughter and grandsons looking after me, that I am not totally alone as some old people are.

Sis. Tamara

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