news from morocco

A visit was made around Morocco, visiting contacts and Brothers and Sisters throughout this large, Saharan country. Four brethren and two sisters baptized and another two Brothers and a Sister baptized by local brethren since. For security reasons we've not put the names online nor in print, but they have been sent to Carelinks recipients by email; let us know if you would like to be added to the distribution list-

We are very shocked because of the death of our mother and the shame of not having the funeral expenses. Please note that to all brothers, we are so, so sad.

Bro. Badr

We are still praying that God will give us the power to announce His Truth in this country. Please remember our mum in your prayers and tell to our Brethren and Sisters with you in the fellowship that we love you a lot. God bless and love from us to you all.

Bro. Abdellah

We hope you will be safe and OK in your work in Morocco. Please pray for the recovering of our daughter Sara, we will be very appreciated of that, as we are in dire need of this. It is very good to knowing you and your good work you are doing for the people. Where we are in this place it is not good as all the people know each other and Morocco does not give the freedom to be religious in other religions, apart from Islam.

Sis. Zanoba

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