news from zambia
I have been extremely busy moving up and down, surveying land. We are situated about 15Km from town, but because of the big forest and heavy rains which destroy our roads, it is sometimes dangerous.
It is beautiful, we have abundant rainfall, but unfortunately the young and energetic men, although they have farms, don’t work as hard as they could, It makes me feel very sad. We sometimes give up to 100 hectares of land, but you find the owner is doing nothing.
Today a man came who has been borrowing my books, e.g. Bible etc. He says, given all the chances and support, he could open a Christadelphian Church in his area. I explained everything accordingly. So all he needs is your encouragement. Please write to him now; Wilson Sinyanga, care of my postal address. He is an educated and very intelligent person.
Bro. Duncan’s baby is cute. I will send photos of us in the next mail. It is difficult to see a photographer here. Thank you for all the books: I am reading them and they help me.
The local Pentecostal Church has supplied one member with a lap-top in our village: he uses solar and a battery to switch it on. We wish we could have the same – to flood you with real events happening here every day.
Please keep on up-dating me with the latest information
Sis Jane Bwalya Daka
Photo: Sis. Jane at her office reading Bible Basics
Sis. Jane in her sitting room at the Palace
I am happy to announce that I have secured a job, therefore I would like to extend my gratitude to all brothers and sisters who encouraged me during the time I was undergoing some problems. May the Almighty God richly bless you all. Myself, I have seen the hand of God lifting me and guiding me to the promised land, and for this I praise Him.
However, I would like to extend the warning to all brothers and sisters to remain faithful and never doubt God – God never fails. Let’s give thanks to Him with our warm hearts, like the seeds sown in good and fertile soil.
Lastly, let’s see to it that we keep going on the path that leads us to the Kingdom of God. Let’s not change to be like the world around us and where there are global problems. As Christadelphians, let’s strive hard to achieve our goal at the end of the race.
Bro. Ignatius Chilekwa
My wife Josephine was successfully interviewed and baptised. Now she is a full-time, baptised sister, joining the rest of the Christadelphian sisters and brothers worldwide, made possible by the blood of our Lord Jesus’.
Thanks for sending the book ‘The Real Christ.’ Indeed, Christ is real, and will come back, though not even the angels or Jesus himself know the time, only God Himself knows the time and day of our Lord Jesus’ return.
I would like to tell you these thoughts: many youths today hate farming and regard it as a dirty job, yet the Bible teaches us of God’s care of nature, e.g. Psalm 65 reminds us that God cares about the earth, with its fertile soils and everything in existence that God created.
However, there is a ‘taboo’ in our many cultures about touching dirty things like compost and cow dung, and education also reinforces this idea. Many people go to school in order to get a better, ‘cleaner’ job than farming. How did God then view the dirt that we shun? In the Bible poor and humble people are lifted high. Dirt and manure are at the heart of Jesus Christ’s place of birth message. The humble, probably dirty, shepherds in the fields at night are the first to be told about the Christ child, whom they saw wrapped in a blanket in a manger – a cow’s food trough. The message for us, too, as farmers, people on the margins, is to look among the poor to see God at work, as Christians in this tortuous world. Care of the poor, e.g. the orphans, the blind, disabled and many more needy, will signify true religion at the end of the age, when acceptance and praise will be shown by the Lord after judgement.
Bro. Wellington Mukuma
Bro. David Nicholls, the linkman for Zambia (North) and his wife, Sister Linda, had a successful visit to Kabompo Ecclesia and witnessed the good hand of the Lord working in Kabompo. Many people attended Four Bible students, Josephine Mukuma (wife of Bro. Wellington Mukuma, a fellow labourer in the gospel of Christ as well as Stephen Nkumbula, Peter Bulaya (my father-in-law), and my young brother Jonathan Kaambeu, were baptised in the Chikonwelo river.
Bro. Nicholls, told me to share the Bible Basics you sent me with Bro. Noah Kadyapu of Zambezi district, about 100 Kilometers west of Kabompo. Bro. Noah was accompanied by his wife and Sis. Beatrice, and eight Bible students from Zambezi. The use of Bible Basics is very much recommended by all Bible students in Kabompo, and Zambezi district. We are building a good library here and ensuring the books are well kept and lent to Bible students.
From Lelavana Farm my brother Jonathan’s Bible study group has been motivated by his baptism and 17 Bible students trekked the 45 kilometers from Malolwa to Kabompo to take part in the Bible studies conducted by Bro. David Nicholls, Sister Linda, Brother Dennis and Brother Silas. Others were 7 Bible students who travelled another 25 kilometers From Manyinga, one from Katendura East and 5 from Katendura West, about 15 kilometers away. The Bible studies lasted two days.
We are thankful that many people are being called to the Ecclesia, the body of Christ. As stones being shaped in the likeness of Christ, the ecclesia at Kabompo will grow, adding many to the worldwide ecclesia, as we wait for the soon return of the Lord Jesus Christ from heaven to set up his Kingdom worldwide, with its capital city in Jerusalem.
CAT efforts in sending us many books and preaching material has begun bearing fruit, and we have had more baptisms in addition to those above. At the North-Western Fraternal Gathering held here at Kabompo we baptised Boyd Chipoya and Douglas Chindumba of Kabompo and Daniel Bulaya of Zambezi. The members of our Ecclesia now number 20.
Last but not least, kindly pray for me and my wife Meldah: she has been in Kabompo district hospital once again for almost a month. Yesterday, after being very ill, she was discharged but still cannot walk on her own. I am overwhelmed by the Lord’s mercies that she is now able to sit, eat and talk. She is now at home, where we are nursing her. I am thanking all our brothers who visited her in hospital and prayed for her recovery.
Bro. Reuben Kaambeu
Being the ecclesial librarian and treasurer, under authorization of the ecclesia, I have distributed the booklets you sent (on ‘Suffering,’ ‘Baptism,’ and ‘Jesus Christ is Coming’) to about 200 people in different areas of Kabompo and shall be paying them regular visits, to make sure that they understand the Truth fully. I received an overwhelming response from each individual who received the leaflets, and am requesting that you please send us more leaflets covering all the topics.
Bro. Wellington Mukuma
I attended the regional Bible School grouping in Lusaka, and we learned a lot of things there. We had Study (1) ‘Jesus Christ, his nature, death and resurrection,’ by Bro. Martin Tembo of Matero Ecclesia, Lusaka; Study (2) ‘Armageddon,’ by Bro. Henry Mufalo of Kasaka Ecclesia. Study (3) ‘Elijah the Tishbite,’ by Bro. Kelly Simayumbula of Kafue ecclesia. Study (4) by Bro. Martin Tembo of Matero, Lusaka. Study (5) ‘The Names of God,’ by Bro. Sydney Kunda of Kabwe ecclesia.
The total number of brothers and sisters from Kapirimposhi, Lusaka, Mazabuka, Lusaka, Kabwe, Kafue, and Mufulira was 40. The daughter of Bro. Sydney Kunda of Kabwe ecclesia, Josephine Kunda, was baptised at this Bible School, so is now our sister in Christ.
Sister Lynda Nicholls gave me the student’s Bible Dictionary; it is a very nice book. Also, brother, do you have a book containing questions regarding baptism? If so, could you please send me one.
Brother, from the things that are happening here, and what people are doing, shows exactly that we are in the last days. Some people are behaving just like animals. They do whatever they want without any feeling of shyness or shame – they can insult you in public, and the way they dress is unacceptable. Prostitution is rife, especially amongst the young people. By the year 2030 most youths will be affected by many diseases. We pray for the coming of our Lord when all these things will change.
Bro. Greenwell Kunda
Michelo Ecclesia Members (Kalomo)
Bro Ackim Sikabuli & Sis Maria Siachitema (Michelo)
Sister Elisabeth Kasanda and myself are keen readers of Gospel News : it is e very helpful to all those who want to grow spiritually to read different articles by different writers, - just as books in the Bible – so helpful as we journey together to the Kingdom.
I am happy to inform you about our ecclesial news. Formerly Kazembe Ecclesia was divided into two separate groups; there is a river named Mbereshi, which is between the villages of Kasumpa and Mbereshi, with brethren and sisters in both villages. Mbereshi was the meeting place, where the meeting hall had been bought by CBM. Kasampa residents, where I belong, were suffered to walk 14 Km and cross the river to the meetings, making 28 Km return journey. All the Sunday School children could not make it, and now God has at last answered our prayers. Our newly born Kasumpa Ecclesia has six brethren and four sisters, with twenty-two Sunday School children.
I have clocked 70 years since 1940, and 16 years in the Faith on 12th August 2010 and praise the Lord for His saving grace.
Bro. John Kasanda
I am very glad to let you know that Brother Dennis Kombe has decided to transfer those in Nchelenge District from Mbereshi Ecclesia to Kasumpa School. The whole assembly of nine, short of Bro. John Kasanda who is presently in the Copper belt, decided that I should exhort.
The topic I chose was, “Let the Ecclesia at Kasumpa be an assembly of righteousness and good faith in the Lord.” This topic was based on the readings in Deut 33 and 34, Isa 6 and Col 3 and 4. I touched on issues affecting leaders, such as Moses and his brother Aaron. (Abihu and Nadab, Lev.10:1,2 were mentioned – their disobedience which led to death.) I encouraged them to remain faithful, and abandon the parables of false teachers.
In conclusion, we had an interim election of Secretary, Treasurer, Committee member and Visiting Brother. The Secretary, Bro. John Kasanda was elected in absentia; the new Treasurer is Bro. Kabunda Kamana; the Committee member is Bro. Benson Mupini. Then I was elected as a visiting brother.
I am very pleased and honoured that the true light has now shone brightly from the Lord and I have received the seven G.C.E. Certificates from Cambridge, including the original, which you arranged for me. I feel the G.C.E. School Certificate will suffice temporarily.
Bro. Vincent Moses Mwense
I am happy to inform you that I completed the course I was doing in Metal Fabrication & Welding here in Kitwe, got good results and am now working – this is my 2nd month of work! I thank you (and all bre. and Srs.) for all help and prayers that I should do well and eventually get to do something. And I thank most sincerely the Lord Almighty for giving me knowledge, ability and strength to do so.
I am glad too, to let you know that I was privileged to accompany Bro. David and Sis. Lynda Nicholls from the UK and Bro. Dennis Kombe on a trip to North-Western Province of Zambia, which produced four baptisms in Kabompo, one in Solwezi and e0n in Kitwe. It was such a ‘FRUITFUL’ trip, and we thank God for His love and faithfulness, adding another group to our number.
Always remember that you are ever in my prayers, despite no regular communication. And I miss you a lot.
Bro. Silas K. Chishimba
I received the book ‘The Law of Moses,’ as well as other material – thank you so much for the good gesture. Kitwe Ecclesia is going through many difficulties, materially and spiritually; we need your prayers.
If you could send me three English Bibles for the purpose of preaching the gospel, I would be grateful: I will lend these Bibles to those who want to study the Scriptures, and they will give them back to me after their studies.
Bad things are happening in this world – I wish the Lord Jesus to return soon to this earth.
Bro. Robert Miwele
Bro. Robert Miwele in 2006 at Kitwe Main Basic School
From left to right: Bro. Geoffrey Chabala and Bro. Robert Miwele at Copperbelt
Regional Group held 2nd – 5th April, 2010. From left to right: Bro. Jackson Nkweto, (Kitwe Ecclesia), Bro. David Katongo (Mufulira Eccl.) Bro. Changwe (Ndola Eccl.), Bro. Robert Miwele (Kitwe Eccl.), Bro. Simumba (Ndola Eccl.), Bro. Silas Chishimba (Kitwe Eccl.). At Front: Bro. Elvin Muntemba (Kitwe Eccl.) and Bro. from Chililabombwe.
Bro. Francis Odiko of Ghana is right in what he wrote in Gospel News, for example, we cannot expect good results from contacts we visit once a year. There is a need to make a follow-up during the twelve months period to encourage those who are interested to study the word of God.
I explained in the Gospel News how preaching in general is known by Africans. I was misunderstood by some people. I did not say that Christendom is better than Christadelphians. The method of their preaching is what Africans are accustomed to, though their teaching is not in conformity with Bible teaching. They constantly preach lies, but we should be constant in our preaching of the true teaching of the Bible.
Many thanks for the Bibles you sent to me.
Bro. Robert Miwele
There is misunderstanding about the Moslems and their religion, so if you have some copies of a booklet about this topic, could you send it to me, as I would really like to have it. I pray day and night that I may find answers to such questions, and am grateful to find a Christadelphian Ecclesia, because they teach about the Word of God and explain it accurately.
I would really like more books to read so that I can know more about the Scriptures: such material as Bible Basics study manual, and more booklets on the devil and Satan, and Angels.
Thank you for your help, and I know the Lord will bless you and your family as we wait for our Lord Jesus to come.
Bro. Joshua Banda
I am glad that your loving-kindness and your endless support will continue to be with me as I grow in the things of the Kingdom.
I am so happy that God is protecting me in hardship and He is sustaining my life every day. Thank you for those historical magazines, five volumes of them I received without any difficulty and they are good and inspiring.
Bro. Stephen Siamabi
The book, ‘The Real Christ’ is really excellent and well written, as it covers the plain message of Jesus Christ and the gospel in a nutshell. It is very good for group study, and it will help in suggesting topics to look at, especially with regard to false ideas of the Trinity, which has brought a lot of confusion among different religious bodies in the world.
I have had one illness after another; I have had a skin infection for the past few days. My skin was looking different, some kind of weathering. I saw the doctor who gave me an injection with a red liquid, and some other medicine, which gave me a lot of pain at night – I feel as if my skin is melting, so please pray for me. But I am not so bad, the doctor said it’s a normal disease and anybody can contract it (I was worried about this). I had to take the drug once a day for ten days, and now I feel a bit better on my sixth day.
We must stand firm to the Truth regardless of what happens to us. God has not delayed His plan, and the time will come, I strongly believe it to be near, when Christ will return and God will establish His Kingdom, when Christ shall rule and there will be justice for ever in the Kingdom.
I am very pleased to receive regular copies of the ‘Signs of the Times,’ which keep us abreast of what this world is coming to – they contain vital information about world affairs and their meaning in the Bible.
What a lovely idea to print pocket New Testament Bibles. In Africa it is difficult to buy a Bible, as most of the Brethren and Sisters have no work or are poor; so to make them free to contacts is good, as they need to read the word of God themselves. It is not always a good idea to hear just what the preacher says, but noting references as well and reading the Bible is very important.
There was a group of Christians in Paul’s time at Berea who knew that Paul was a good preacher: no matter how he taught the gospel they used to search in their Scriptures to see whether Paul’s teaching was right or not. There is also this vital idea of daily Bible readings that we do when we have a Bible.
Bro. Gideon Hankomone
At the moment I am enjoying reading the books you sent me and I say ‘many thanks’ to you for your love.
Bro. Harris Mulongesha
Matthew is the first book in the New Testament section of our Bible, and was written by Matthew, one of Jesus’ disciples. The Bible has two similar Gospel records written by Mark and Luke. These books are known as the Synoptic Gospels. Why? Because all of them mainly look at the life of Jesus, but each of them contains its own particular emphasis about Christ. John’s Gospel follows a different style.
Matthew begins by tracing the family history of Jesus Christ, starting from Abraham to Jacob, the father of Joseph, the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus the Son of God, who is called Christ. Matthew in his writing recounted various incidents concerning the birth and life of our Lord Jesus. His book was a carefully organized Gospel, because he was writing especially about his interest in what Jesus had said, e.g. the parables about the Kingdom of heaven and the Sermon on the mountainside, chapters 5-7, and chapter 25 is about the end of time. Importantly, Matthew makes it clear that Jesus is the true Messiah who is spoken of in the Old Testament.
So, brothers and sisters, let us read the Bible every day so that this true Messiah, when He comes back again to be our King, will find us prepared to receive Him.
Bro. Joseph Mulawo