God Will Provide

All good things come from God, and the scriptures continually remind us that it is by asking, that we receive from Him. The difficulty seems to be that we often ask with secret reservations as to God’s ability to meet our need. We ask, then laughingly say that God helps those who help themselves, and before God has time to act, we have sprung into action ourselves.

Swift action can be a contradiction of faith. When we want something urgently with all our heart and mind, first ask God for it then, having asked Him, wait for His will. This waiting for the divine will of God will mean that we spend time, sometimes a very long time, in the silence of God. God can, of course, grant our request immediately, for He has said “Ask and you shall receive”. Or He may have a special reason why there is a delay. This is a time during which we have to demonstrate our implicit trust in Him.

God works in many different ways, and it is our privilege to trust Him, not necessarily knowing the ways and methods He will use to answer our prayers. The glorious truth is that God does answer our prayers out of His divine abundance.

As we offer our prayers to the divine Father, it is always wise to ask Him for the wisdom to know when our prayers are answered. So often, He answers them in His own way, not our way. It is then very easy to miss the answer He gives. When you have asked, then thank Him for giving what is good for you. The spirit of thanksgiving is the key which unlocks the bounty of God.

Bro David Yelulani (Banket, Zimbabwe)

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