news from trinidad
You know how it is with letter-writing for me now, so I am only now able to write to you, but of course you are all in my prayers every day.
I have been keeping okay, thanks to God. I was disappointed that we lost our court case, but that has not really affected me: we have two appeals – to our local Appeal Court and to the Privy Council in London, our country’s highest Court of Appeal. I am just trusting in God to give us success in one of these appeals, so that I will be given a fixed length of sentence, and can look forward to being outside to fellowship with my brethren and sisters in the Truth. If we are not successful before the local court of appeal, I feel confident that the Privy Council will not tolerate the authorities keeping us in prison much longer. But if we have to reach that far, the process could possibly take about two years. In the meantime, I will just continue to work on trying to make myself a better Christian, as we look forward to our Master’s return.
Teaching English has kept me pretty busy, but I am enjoying it. Last week Bernadette’s husband, Bro. Sam, came to see me, together with Bro. Gary Smith from Canada. Bernadette came last month.
You are right in saying that if I hadn’t been through this experience, I would not have found the Truth; I realized that years ago.
Because of few computers the lessons are going at a slow pace, but they expect to receive some new computers soon, which should help the situation. We have no Internet connections, though.
Good to hear that Duncan continues his great work for our Lord: we pray for God’s blessing on his efforts.
Bro. George Constantine