news from china

We are delighted to report the baptisms of DAI and WANG; may God keep them in the path to His Kingdom. We have 10-15 Christians in our company and we study the Bible twice a week in our factory. I feel I am not good at spreading THE TRUTH to my colleagues, in fact we have 150 workers.

I was wondering if you can send me five Bible Basics in Chinese and five in English, I will join some English Corner (a place in University to practice English) to chat with some people, maybe I can talk with them about our understanding of the Gospel, then I can give them the book if they are interested in it.

Bro. Jack

Thanks for your prayers! I have prayed so often, simply, Lord, please guide my path. Well, I passed national entrance exam paper test, and so I’m ready for the graduate school interview soon. I leave my future in God’s hands and try to serve Him meanwhile.

Bro. Ai

All the earthquakes and physical changes in the earth are to me a sign that Christ must return soon, and I think that even thoughtful people who are yet unbelievers, are thinking the same. May it be soon!

Bro. Zhang

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