news from malawi

We’re delighted to announce the baptism of Brothers PAUL, GERALD, DELYSON, BEBI-SABI, STANLEY, INNOCENT, JIMMY and Sisters SALOME and FLORA, all currently staying at the Dzaleka Refugee Camp. They are originally from Congo and Burundi. May the Lord be with them all the journey through, to His Kingdom.

Photos: The constant search for firewood and water takes up the lives of many women and children in the refugee camps.

I decided not to attend any church until I could start our Christadelphian group on 31 October 2009. Our Mission is to proclaim the good news about the Kingdom of GOD here on earth. I was once serving as an elder with the Jehovah’s Witnesses that is why I enjoy preaching despite the condition of poverty /refugee I am in. I believe God is answering my daily prayers. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity towards the poor in spirit.

Bro. Innocent


Adam and Eve sinned because they disobeyed God by eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and so eventually died. If we believe the Truth, we should strive to obey God’s Word and in God’s mercy we will be granted a place in His Kingdom. By grace we will rejoice together in the Kingdom – may it be soon.

Bro. J. H. Momola

Bro. Momola


I request that you do not delete my name from the mailing list, as I wish to regularly receive Gospel News and the magazines you have been sending me for some considerable time.

I agree with you that due to advancement in technology many people are using the internet and emails. However, in my case, I don’t have access to this but am now using our Ecclesial secretary’s mobile phone (Bro Morton Mkandawire).

I have enclosed a photo of members of our Ecclesia.

Bro. Cleverson Ngulube

Mbawa Ecclesia


Thank you for sending me ‘Present Day Events’ and other magazines which I feel are essential. They help us to know more about events in these last days and things which are happening in the world, - especially in Israel. Please do not give up sending me these magazines, which increase our spiritual knowledge.

Could you please send me Bible Basics in Chichewa.

Bro. Diverson Folley

As of now I feel better and still keep taking the T.B. tablets until I finish the number of days I was told to use them, and not to work hard: this will be accomplished soon, God willing.

I am very thankful for your note concerning the increasing costs of postage, which is stimulating more people to use the internet. I would like to use this method, but I am unable to do this as I have insufficient money each year. If God will bless me with more money I could do this, and I know that with God everything is possible, according to His will.

Bro. Robert Folley


I thank you very much for your letter asking me to confirm if I wish to continue being sent the Gospel News. In the Lord Jesus Christ, I hereby confirm this. Please continue to send me the Gospel News – do not delete my name from the mailing list. Being one of the members of Badwa Ecclesia, where I gather with other brothers and sisters, we find the Gospel News is of great help to us.

We wish you every blessing on your work as we all wait for the appearing of our great Brother Jesus Christ.

Bro. Ralph Jickie


The photo shows where I preached the Word of God together with my family team.

But here I am facing a lot of challenges: I always go out evangelizing door-to-door, visiting the patients in hospital, those in prison and many people are coming to hear of Jesus through that method. I do go far away from my home. Sometimes I sleep in the field due to lack of transport.

Thank you for sending me a book and Gospel News. I want to say how we appreciate the wonderful ministry that has made a difference in many lost hearts.

Here in Malawi we are eager to preach in many ways; open air fellowship, crusades, door-to-door evangelism and home calls, but we don’t have enough material such as books and free gospel tracts which could make the ministry go further. So please assist us.

Bro. Alfred Josi Kondowe

Alfred Josi and family


We have been going through the book of Proverbs, amongst other books. It is full of guidance on what we should do to live a practical life on this earth. Emphasis is given on the need to ask for wisdom, Prov.1v.1-5, 4v.1-6, 5v.1-6, 7v.1-5. Also we are advised to avoid indolence, Prov.6v.6-11, 10v.4, 13v.4, 11, 19v.15-16. Solomon says a great deal on the upbringing of a child, of the dangers of being a tale-bearer etc. In short, king Solomon is playing back what he asked God to give him in 2 Chron 1v.8-10. God approved of what he requested and added to him riches, wealth and honour (2 Chron.1v.12). Even a Gentile King like Hiram was convinced that the Lord made heaven and earth, and loved His people (2 Chron.2v.11-12). Maybe it was the wealth that made king Solomon acquire so many wives and concubines, which was an abuse of wealth.

Another abuse of wealth is with us right now. We hear of global economic downturn or melt-down, or credit crunch. It has so many interesting names. Could it be that those in the world didn’t ask for the right wisdom first? Or is our wealth causing man to react as in the prophecy in Luke 21 v.25-26?

Bro. Ignatius Maluwa


Well I am fine under the Lord’s guidance and very much happy to thank you for the book The Real Christ I received from you, indeed it is good, we do discuss the topics with my family. Thanks a lot. We realize we are short on the English Bibles, could you please kindly send us two English for adults and two for the Sunday School.  God bless thee abundantly. My postal address Bro. SAMWEL MASAWA. P.O. Box 1040. SUNA-40400. KENYA.


We enjoy Gospel News and it helps us to change our bad habits. By this magazine we feel we are together with you. Because of your letters and other gifts which you sent us, we feel stronger, as we know that any problem we face we can ask other people who will help us, by God’s grace. Please forgive me for my poor communication.

Bro. Peter Mbingwani

The Mbingwani Family


Agines, Jasiteni & Alranfe Chifundo


I am glad since I have received a new bicycle from my friend who lives in the United States of America. You can see him in the picture standing together with me.

I believe that everything is possible because of your prayers. I also thank God because you have sent me Gospel News.

Bro. Nathan and Lameck

I believe, and with faith in God, trust you are feeling fine.

I would like to thank you for the books you sent me: Bible Basics, a study manual and Revision Studies. I am happy with your teachings. I declare that from now onwards, I am a member in your ministry. I went to the mission and we discussed my baptism, which is a very crucial thing in my life.

Brother, I would like to ask you if it is possible to send Bible Basics in Chichewa language? Here I have four people who want to work hand in hand with me spreading the gospel through our Christadelphian Church, and they do not know how to speak or read English.

I have sent a picture to you of when I was in the city of Zomba. I am on the left of the disabled person, to whom I was giving soap. I just want to tell you about this man – he uses two rods to propel his bicycle.

Bro. Lameck Niwawala

Bro. Lameck Niwawala and Mwabwino

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