news from mauritius

Health and blessings in the Name of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who will return as promised 2,000 years ago, to reign as King, High Priest and rewarder! I hope and pray that you are quite well. I suffered greatly in the past. I had hypo glycaema, the level of sugar was lower than normal. I stayed in hospital for 9 days, was given insulin while various tests were being done. Sometimes I became unconscious and fell down. We do not fear tomorrow, for God is already there.

We are already well into another year. The bygone year was disastrous. Flu, Aids, Cancer or other viruses are present to decimate us. Live in the Lord, die in the Lord! “When you are in distress and all these things have happened to you, then in later days you will return to the Lord your God and obey Him, for the Lord your God is a merciful God; He will not abandon or destroy you.” (Deut 4:30-31).

Bro. Lilkan Ancharaz

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