news from mozambique

Greetings to you in the hope we, as brethren and sisters, share together. In the time when you live alone and very isolated, there is nothing more precious than to have a visit or letter from a Christadelphian brother or sister. I write this to inform you that all your letters have reached my hands, but truly things are hard for me.

Last year I requested you to send me Portuguese Bible Basics, but suddenly you stopped giving other material, as previously in Zimbabwe. This envelope I am sending someone to post via Zimbabwe, not here in Mozambique, where it is very difficult to post paid envelopes. It is a year and nine months now without my having a breaking of bread with my family in Christ, and no communication with my family in Zimbabwe.

In terms of preaching work, Mozambique has not received much attention from the Christadelphian brotherhood for various reasons. The campaign in 1975 which removed the Portuguese colony from power, was followed by war and Civil war between factions that lasted until the end of 1992, and it was really unsafe to go there.

In the days of Jesus’ ministry he was asked by his disciples, ‘Why speakest thou to them in parables?’ The background to Matthew 13 is the second year of Jesus’ ministry. There are great numbers of people coming to see and hear him, but without any understanding of what he was about, or any real faith in him. The Pharisees and leaders of the people sought to catch him in his words and in his actions at every opportunity. In this series of parables, Jesus begins his teaching of the Kingdom of heaven. Abundant sowing, scanty growth, as one commentator puts it.

Moses made a request of God, ‘Show me thy Glory’ (Exodus 33:18). The Lord responded, ‘I will make all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the Name.’ Hidden in a cleft of a rock, Moses saw and heard the character of God proclaimed: ‘Merciful and gracious, longsuffering, abundant in goodness and truth, keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity, transgression and sin, and will by no means clear the guilty.’ Exodus 34:5-7.

Bro. Emmanuel Maugente

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