The Perfect Church

If you should find the perfect church
 Without one fault or smear
For goodness sake, don’t join that church –
 You’ll spoil the atmosphere.

If you should find that perfect church
 Where all excuses cease,
Then pass it – lest by joining it
 You mar the masterpiece.

If still you find this perfect church,
 Then don’t you ever DARE
To tread upon such holy ground –
 You’d be a misfit there!

But since no perfect church exists
 Made of imperfect men,
Then let’s stop looking for it – NOW –
 And love the one we’re in.

Of course, it’s not a perfect church;
 That’s easy to discern,
But you and I – and all of us
 Could cause the tide to turn!

What fools we’d be to leave our posts
 In an unfruitful search,
And find out that where problems are
 Is where God builds His church.

So let’s keep working in THIS church
 Until the resurrection,
And then we each can join a church,
 Without one imperfection!

Bro. Mike Floyd, PE ecclesia

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