news from zimbabwe
Congratulations to Duncan and his wife Cindy for having a baby girl. I am very pleased to learn that the meeting hall at Latvia, which holds seventy people, was completed. We thank our Heavenly Father for providing guidance and protection.
We are with you all in our prayers, though separated by long distances. Thanks to God for your quick recovery from your hospitalisation. Once again I would like to thank you very much for your invaluable help. I have received the book, ‘The Real Christ.’ May God bless all your efforts to bring the news to all nations.
Bro. David Banda Yelulani
I thank God for His calling. I received God as my personal Saviour in 1998 at Muriel Mine. God called me to the Truth and I responded – the darkness which was in me was outshone by the light that shone and lifted me high to become a child of God. I have helped many people to shun the darkness, and then suddenly the mine closed and God directed me to Redwing Mine, Penhalonga in Mutare.
This was not a natural transfer but it was a spiritual one between me and my God. Before I accomplished my teaching ministry there was another call at Mazowe mine. At Redwing I stayed for three weeks. Now at Mazowe it’s been nine years and God has used me in winning some to the Truth, and has even shown me that I can do more in the teaching ministry. If we stick to God’s Word, He will never forsake us.
Now God has called me to Bindura for a purpose; after I went to Ngezi area for greener pastures, when I thought physically that it was ripe, spiritually God diverted me to Bindura where I am set to live, God willing.
I am now meeting regularly with Bro Cliff Madziyo and Brother Joseph Wlucheri for fellowship. May God bless my new home. Remember we were commanded to preach the gospel to all nations. As Mashonaland Central Co-ordinator I have planned to visit all the brothers and sisters in the province, God willing. I know that with God nothing is impossible.
Bro. John Wise
Bro. John Wise & family members at Mazowe.
Why at the time of the last Supper, when Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, were the women not washed on that day?
A Students question
Comment: There is no mention of Sisters being present at this meal. Jesus said, ‘Ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you’ (John 15v.3). Paul refers to the Word of God as the cleansing agent in our lives, ‘That he might sanctify and cleanse it (the church) with the washing of water by the Word’ (Eph.5v.26; Heb.10v.10-22). All races, male and female, are united to Christ through belief and water baptism (Gal.3v.27-29). So, you have, as it were, already been washed by your acceptance of the Word and baptism (1 Cor.6v.11). MH
I would like to thank you very much for the great work all your people are doing in spreading the word. Meanwhile, I have regained my health and I am endeavouring to find employment and work for the upkeep of my family. I pray that God willing I will accomplish this mission
Bro. Richard Phiri
The Gospel has been going on well here, although things are not yet stable at the moment. I have been trying very hard to do my best to spread the Word so that people in our area know who are the Christadelphians.
The message that Paul wrote to the Corinthians was true, (1 Cor 11v.17-34)
and it’s happening in our meetings. Also when I look at how some of us take the emblems, it seems to be in a wrong way. We overlook the message and at the end, why do we blame someone? Verse 17, ‘In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good. In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you.’ v.19 ‘No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval.’ Yet why take the emblems when there is a dispute among us, be it socially or at our meeting? We are quick to think that the emblems will make us pure, when in our hearts there is hatred. First we must purify our hearts, then we are able to face the Lord’s Table.
Verse 27: ‘Therefore whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord’. This verse makes me tremble when I come to face the table and my mind runs around to see if I have any black spot that will make me unsuitable to take the emblems v.28: ‘A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup.’ It is our duty first to see to it that we are pure, and then take the Supper. But do we do that, or do we carry on because we don’t want to be seen not taking the emblems by the brother or sister next to us? Rather, let us remember that God sees us. v.29-30: ‘For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the body of the Lord, eats and drinks judgment on himself. That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep.’ The Word says it all, but do we actually want to do what it says? Now let us heed the warning given by Paul, first examine ourselves, repent and pray for forgiveness and then partake in a worthy manner of the emblems of the body and blood of our Saviour Jesus.
Bro. Farai Phiri
Greetings in the sure hope of the Kingdom of God here on earth.
I am sorry this letter is short, but please see the enclosed photos of our Village Bible Education Centre.
Bible students pause for photography. We normally do our Bible studies under the trees because we don’t have a good place to use as a study room.
Left to right: Sis. Evelyn and a Bible student who has been marvelous in her Bible studies, following Bible Basics and is now waiting for her interview.
This is how we show people what we are offering, and our aim is to make our beliefs known throughout the village.
We are building a two-roomed house which, once finished, I will move into from the thatched house, and use the 2nd room as a study, God willing.
The Truth meets with small success here as elsewhere. As brethren of Christ I think we should cease to hide our light under a bushel, so that men might be attracted by the glimmering and be drawn to the blessed light of life. I always ask myself this question, “Can I expect to get into the Kingdom if I do nothing and live like the rest of the world?” Our duty is to let the truth be known and leave the rest to God, who gives the increase.
Bro. Moses Dhlakama
As I was preparing to go to Rimbi, I was shocked to hear the sad news, that my grandmother, who was at a fragile age of 104 years had died, so felt I must go to help my father with everything wanted for the funeral. We had a great loss with my grandmother’s death.
Bro. Farai Makandeni
Bro. Makandeni, his wife Florance and their daughter.
I want to thank the Lord who gave me this chance of sharing the good Word. How are you all, Brothers and Sisters in Christ worldwide? I do hope and pray all are OK and your families, in the mercy of our loving God.
‘The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.’ One day He will fulfil the desire of those who fear Him. He will also hear their cry and save them, that is, if we remain faithful to Him like Abraham, Noah and others in the Bible who remained humble to Him. These were His good, faithful friends who feared Him, so let’s be like them. Read Psalm 18:18-21.
We are naturally sinful, Brothers and Sisters: why do we break God’s law? Breaking the law means we are living in sin. If we can shun sin, then we can keep God’s law and then we will have grace and mercy, so as to live as Jesus Christ did. Jesus was tempted and yet did not sin, and so he kept God’s law: he then received grace and is now living in God’s presence. Why not us? Although we are of sinful nature, let us conquer it by keeping God’s law and praying for strength to do so and forgiveness where we fail.
Nowadays people are worried about what they will eat or drink, about sleep or clothing. Read Matt.6:25-34 and you will get the answer. Matt.18:8-10: let’s not be caught in this way because we will be judged. If we live like the Apostle Paul, surely all will enjoy life in the Kingdom at the last day. I could say more, but the word I would like to leave with everybody is, let us pray to God each day, for one day we will meet in the capital of the world, Jerusalem, when the world will be ruled by our sinless Immanuel, Jesus Christ.
Here in Triangle ecclesia we are OK and would like to thank the CBM for their help. Thank you, Brothers and Sisters in Christ for the good being done. Currently the situation in Zimbabwe is calm, but there is a problem still with cash – we are using foreign currency USD, which is at times very difficult to obtain.
Bro. Mobie Siziba
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we must praise God because He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, and His grace stands for ever. He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. By God’s grace we are given morning, evening and night; and the moon and stars at night to light the whole earth. The Lord God is our Saviour – we must praise Him. If we look in our Bibles at Psalm 136, we see such words.
Brothers, please send me Gospel News. Here in Chishumba our ecclesia is growing. I was baptized on 16th August 2009, and I praise God. We shall meet together in Christ.
God the Creator made us and the creatures great and small. When I think about God’s love I am afraid of getting lost: I pray to God in the morning, evening and at night because the Bible is my guide. That’s why I praise God, for giving us His Son and allowed him to die for us to take away our sins. How great is God’s love, Brothers and Sisters! These are the last days, and we pray for all Christians to be happy.
Sis. Rangi Mauzhent
May I first thank God for sparing our lives. In Chishumba Ecclesia two brothers and one sister fell asleep, namely Bro. Patrick Hwakwani, Bro. Norman Kamutikaoma and Sis. Mercy Mbirimi. We held memorial services for them all. ‘Thank you’ to the Brothers and Sisters who volunteered to feed the people on every occasion.
On the other hand, we have had nine baptisms, namely Bro. David Mapfungautsi, Sis. Chenai Chikwata, Bro. Sebastine Chikwata, Sis. Edzai Kanyoro, Bro. Isaac Mbirimi, Bro. Tarasika Shambamuto, Sis. Winnet Mapfungautsi, Rejoice Chikwata, and lastly Mobie Ziwera. Now after all these baptisms we thank the late Bro. Norman for having taught most of these new brothers and sisters.
To all Brothers and Sisters: we should always remember it is the Spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail.
Bro. Lamiel Mazvaramhaka
Thank you for your letter and spiritual encouragement you sent me. I did wrong by marrying outside the fellowship: yes this is bad and such a sin that even removed the Jews from the face of the Lord. Brother, help me, what can I do to regain my spiritual strength, which I used to have? – as I feel that to be disfellowshipped one loses out on faith and truth. I feel lost and wandering. I am meeting others each time, but feel discomfort in my mind and strength.
I have sinned against God and all my fellow brothers and sisters. I do not want to live like Saul: I have discovered that Saul remained as king after his sin, but the spirit of God departed from him and an evil spirit tormented him. (1 Sam.16v.14). So I do not want to be tormented by being outside the fellowship for so long. My wife is learning the Truth and I think, with help from God, I shall be happy one day, when the Lord answers me.
My brother, life is hard and each time things are bad I pray to God, so that He will help me. What I think is that God wants me to be very honest and gain His spiritual food.
Dzingai Sumburera
Comment: We are thrilled that Dzingai has been received back into fellowship and his wife has now been baptized. MH
All the Bible Basics and other books were received safely. But the first book received called ‘The Real Christ’ is the book which adds to some Christians’ Biblical knowledge, is food for the spirit and is a book that everyone who is seeking the truth should read and understand. It is not a book such as a novel, but a book carrying God’s Word, therefore it takes time to read it carefully and understand it.
In my reading I’m selecting the most difficult parts for me – just to mention a few, e.g. ‘Did Jesus create the earth?’ ‘The Real Cross Today’; ‘Finding Meaning in everyday experiences,’ and also ‘Who was Melchizedek?’ To me these parts and others are very useful.
Since I met Bro. Duncan in 1988 I have only seen him on three occasions in Zimbabwe, but to date I can still recall his face, though it was in his mid-youth, and his preaching is well remembered.
My health these days is just pain clinging in my legs, backaches and other parts of my body. In 2004, Brother Swain brought me some tablets for these cramps and pains and they stopped until the beginning of 2009. As the cost of living and health care is hard to obtain, I’m just really in the Lord’s care. I have been missing fellowship with others for about nine months. Things are not settled, and though people are talking about it, I know it will never fully settle unless the Lord Jesus Christ comes to earth soon to establish the Kingdom of God.
Bro. Maxwell Mlakah
With sadness we learnt of the death of our beloved Brother Fred Milburn who is now asleep in the Lord. We shall be with him when Christ returns, but we greatly miss him. His illness and death came as a big shock to the Truth’s community in Zimbabwe.
I did enjoy reading some literature which you sent some time ago. I handed some of the booklets to our brothers and sisters and they also enjoyed reading them. But now since I am left with almost nothing to read except my Bible, can you please send me some literature if you have any spare? I would be happy indeed.
We all have to put the cares of this world aside and put God first in our lives.
Bro. Alexio Kajowe
Thank you so much for the educative papers and Present Day Events and their meaning. I was pleased to hear that the article which I sent to you will soon be published in Gospel News.
Bro. Gilbert Tevere
I am very eager to study the Bible to prepare for the second coming of our Lord here on earth. Our journey to that destination is full of obstacles, but what it needs is a devoted heart to God, which will overcome them. Our only hope is in Jesus.
We have a big class of students at our local Secondary School. I used to visit them frequently, doing lessons and Bible discussion. Now there are thirty-seven students who are willing to commence the 40-lesson course.
Bro. Tavaremba Mugova
I am delighted to report the baptisms of the following brothers: Never Larghton, Munyardzi Msitell, Evans Ridi and Amidu Gopore.
Zumba Ecclesia is growing larger: we thank our Heavenly Father who is making the harvest possible. Preaching is going very well. We can sing almost all the songs in the CBM Yellow book. We want to bring many people to God through singing. With God and faith nothing is impossible.
Zumba Ecclesia has 8 brothers and five sisters. Our new brothers need prayers so that they can be strengthened for their travel to the Kingdom of God. The following magazines are of great value for preaching and daily learning of God’s principles: the Gospel News; the Christadelphian Magazine; Glad Tidings; the Bible Missionary; the Testimony; Faith Alive and Bible Basics. May the Lord bless those who are contributing toward the publication and distribution of this literature. My last message is the following poem:
It’s good to read the Word of God, rather than moral-corrupting newspapers and novels;
It’s good to listen to the Word of God rather than to rumours and gossip;
It’s good to sing hymns of worship, rather than immoral songs;
It’s good to dance to the Lord, rather than to the ways of the world;
It’s good to be with those who mourn, rather than with those who are partying.
Bro. Obert Wiki