news from zambia


I would like to let you know that Innocent Kalyoka Ng'ambi was baptized by Bro.Denis of Ndola recently. We pray, God willing we will work together and form ecclessia in Chambishi soon

Bro Christopher Mwewa

I have received 28 copies of the Bible Basics books and thank you very much for your evangelism and your words of hope; please may it continue. My prayer is to God in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ that He will control all things according to his purpose. My wife Ann greets you and wishes you the best of health. Please give my regards to all who are called to the coming Kingdom of our Lord Jesus.

Bro. Kalyoka Ng’ambi


My living has become worse since I last wrote. The fact is, that since I was evicted from the house that I was renting I have not yet found another house for renting because of lack of money. My family is not with me at all as my wife and children have gone to her parents and I am with my young brother in the flesh.

Bro. Pinoty Chimbele


“The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John: Who bare record, and of the testimony of Jesus Christ, and of all things that he saw. Blessed in he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things that are written therein: for the time is at hand.” Rev. 1:1-3. The book of Revelation is a prophecy written by Jesus. As such it follows on from the previous prophecy given by Jesus, the Mount Olivet prophecy. In Matt. 24 and Luke 21, these chapters deal with the fall of Israel in AD 70 and the times of the Gentiles. Revelation deals with the times of the Gentiles until the return of the Lord Jesus. Note that by “the times of the Gentiles” we mean the period during which the land of Israel is occupied by the Gentiles. This is still continuous today.

Bro. Edwin Mfula

From right to left – Bro. Charles Kayula, Chinkumba Ecclesia, Bro. Edwin Mfula, Mandona Ecclesia, left, holding a sheep, a shepherd, at Fringilla Bible School, 30th July – 3rd August 2004.


We are all waiting patiently for peace to come on this evil, violent world, even come now Lord! I hope this letter finds you well. Thank you very much for the letter that you sent which contains good news and encouraging words. My wife Diana and I are still enjoying your magazines, which others are borrowing; please continue sending them to me, together with any other spare books and pamphlets, like “The Fruit of the Spirit”. As you know, I had plenty of books but when Chinsali ecclesia started, I left most of them and shifted to Kapiri Mposhi and then again when I came to Chipata.

Just to think about some of the Scriptures, we have to study them carefully otherwise we will go astray. Let us try to build, not to destroy. Our Bible teaches us to ENCOURAGE one another, 1Thess.5:18. In v.14 it says in my version, “Now I exhort you brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all.” In v.15 we read, “See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all. We are all on a journey, like the Israelites, and we have to check in our heart if we are reacting to circumstances as they did. If anyone is, is it our duty to push him or to pick him up and encourage him? Hebrews 10:19-25 will tell us what to do because THE DAY IS APPROACHING.

Diana, my wife, and I, together with my children, Caroline, Beatrice, Junior and Phillimon, late Nelson’s last born, have joined me to send spiritual greetings through the Lord’s love.

Bro. Alfred Bwalya


Greetings in the hope of Israel we share. I have received the book about a sustainable organic farming course and a dictionary. I would like to have a book on vegetables and rabbits because as you know our economy is biting if you have no employment so if I find some funds I may start a project. These days I am not in good health as I am suffering with asthma.

The period in which we are living is in the last days, read 2 Tim.3:1-5. As real Christians we have already started seeing the signs, hence we need to avoid or challenge these times as we see things happening exactly as it is written. However, as Christians it is our humble duty to preach the Word of God everywhere and serve the spiritually dying people. Let us spiritually uplift our neighbours, friends, schoolmates and everyone. If we do what God expects us to do then we will have fought a good fight. Let us fear the one who kills the soul rather than the one who only kills the body. Lastly, I would like to announce to brothers and sisters and especially those who are interested to know my phone number, which is 0978 288 188 and my PO Box No. 63, Fringilla, Zambia. The code number for Zambia is +026.

Bro. Ignatius Chilekwa


I am sending warm greetings in the name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Please do not delete me from the Gospel News mailing list as I am so interested in it and I want you to continue sending the magazine every time. The magazine means a lot, not only to me but also to my family members, especially my wife, who is a Bible student and I am her tutor. She is happy when she reads the news from brothers and sisters around the world and how Christadelphians are carrying the word of God around the globe. This all encourages her and she is asking for baptism and, God willing, one of the C.B.M. representatives will come and interview her.

Finally, the New King James version Bible I was using has been stolen so I would be grateful if you could send me another Bible, as I do not now have one.

Bro Emmanuel Mubanga


Warmest greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is love in Christ to allow me to translate the book “Introducing Bible Basics” from the English language into the Luchazi language. Such love in the Lord has overwhelmed me and it is like medicine and oil poured on me, the least of the least in our brotherhood, for I did not expect you would even consider me to undertake this noble task. Yes I know I can, for there is nothing impossible with God. His mighty hand will guide me. Pray for me my beloved brother for I hope, God willing, to complete translating the book in three months time and then send the translated materials to you for printing as we are doing the Birmingham statement of faith.

The Sunday School is going on well but I have not yet received Sunday School materials from the CBM. U.K. In this respect I need especially Sunday School books with pictures to tell Bible stories to help them to understand, since I teach them in Luchazi. When sending these they should use my address, not any other, for it appears that some materials meant for Malolwa Bible students have been diverted elsewhere, so they may have been used at someone else’s address.

Many thanks for your love in Jesus Christ even to the people at Malolwa. There is no government school yet at Malolwa but a community school, run by the community, from grade 1 to grade 4 and I am one of the people who organized assistance from the government in the form of education materials. This is therefore an opportunity for me as it is the same pupils that I teach the Scriptures to on Saturday and Sunday. They are aged from 6 to 10 years and are doing well in understanding the Scriptures. Pray for me that this work is blessed.

Soon, when the Lord returns from heaven and sets up his Kingdom, we shall no longer suffer diseases; even the mortal population we rule will enjoy its health benefits – no hospitals, no war, no famine, but abundant good health, abundant food, etc. I have put the Latvian project names on my prayer list to enable me to pray for them on a daily basis. May the Lord bless them all.

It is sad that there is growing in the United Kingdom a strong anti-Christian flavour in many of the political decisions made in the country which are really part of the time of trouble spoken of by the prophets and the Lord Jesus Christ. This is in fact true because even the number of people attending churches is dropping in contrast to those attending football matches and musical dances here in our country. This is a time like the days of Noah and Sodom. The Lord said that many are called but few are chosen. Happy are we, brother, because our names are written in the Book of Life in heaven.

On the issue of setting up a stall, I am pleased to inform you that I have set up a stall at Malolwa at the farm for essential commodities, such as soap, detergents, salt, sugar and mealie meal as well as cooking oil. I have obtained a stall licence from the local council and it would be a good idea if you could post more materials for free distribution so that as the boy sells items, he also gives at least a leaflet to each customer or selected customers who are able to read or write English. I have been doing this already but am faced with the problem of photocopying. God willing, it is my desire and prayer that the Lord will provide me with a photocopier machine and also a computer and printer so that I may even be connected to the internet. Pray for me that God our Father gives me strength to work hard and diligently to save money to buy these machines fit for the last age we are in. Nothing is impossible with God.

Bro. Reuben Musole Kaambeu


I received the parcel on 26th October 2009 and it was nice also to find that my photo appeared in the Gospel News and also to have the book “The Real Christ”. Continue sending me more books to read if it is possible for you to do so.

Bro. Greenwell Kunda


I would like to inform you that I do not have internet or e-mail therefore you need to use my postal address. For sure, I would like to receive regular “Signs of the Times” and doctrinal information and “The Teaching of Jehovah’s Witnesses” and to assist, where you can, with preaching material.

Bro. Josiah Siame


Thank you for your continued effort in spreading the good news through Gospel News and other Bible literature. We are benefiting from your tireless efforts and may Our Omniscient God continue to bless the work.

Bro. Alfred Mututwa


Let us see what is happening around the continent. It is really terrible to see what is happening in the world and it is telling us that the hand of God is at work and everyone should accept this. To prove this we should accept what Paul wrote in 2 Tim.3:1-4, where he mentions some very important issues, the daily activities of mankind. He says, “Understand this, that in the last days there will be times of difficulty, for people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, slanderers, without self control, brutal, not loving God, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God”. This is what is happening; all prophecies are being fulfilled. Jesus said, “Truly, I say unto you, that this generation shall not pass away till all these things be fulfilled.” Matt.24:34.

In 2 Tim.3:4, says “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God”. If we look and see what is happening today around the world we see this is the case. I give an example in my own country; it is very sad to see at a shopping complex or centre there are many bars or taverns, you cannot walk past 3 or 4 shops without finding a bar or some sort of pleasure house. You find these places fully occupied with different kinds of people, men, women and young ones. Many people have chosen to go to these places rather than to a church. Again we see around the world, from the T.V. how people go to watch football, spending their time and money there, being lovers or pleasures rather than lovers of God.

In Matt.24:36-39 we read of Jesus saying to his disciples, “But concerning that day and hour, no man knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the son, but the Father only.” Warning them again he said, “As were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of man. For as in the days before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark and they were unaware until the flood came and swept them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” Surely many people will be caught unaware because they feel free and give much of their time to pleasure which God does not want. Surely the time of Noah is almost the same with us today. What can we do now? We should run away, the Day of the Lord is at hand, because we are seeing many things happening to human life that have been foretold. Jesus says in Matt.24:42, “Watch therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord is coming.”

In Gen.7:11, we read, “In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.” All living creatures, including man, were swept away, except Noah’s family (because they did not love the pleasures as those did). Even today many shall be caught up with pleasures, unaware that Christ’s coming is at hand. Therefore we are warned by Christ Jesus finally in Matt.24:45-51, “Who then is a faithful servant and wise, whom his master has set over his household, to give them their food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whom his master will find so doing when he comes. Truly, I say to you, he will set him over all his possessions. But if that wicked servant says to himself, my master is delayed and begins to beat his fellow servant and eats and drinks with drunkards, the master of that servant will come in an hour he does not know and will cut him in pieces and put him with the hypocrites. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

Bro. Katongo Davies Mulenga


Warm greetings of peace and love in the Lord. It was great to hear that you have received my letter and all the photos I have sent to you so that you can see how the servants of the Lord are doing as the day of his coming approaches. In the last letter I wrote to you we requested three English Bibles, NIV version. There are some brethren in our exhortation plan who do not have Bibles so it is very difficult for them to prepare some topics without reference chapters.

Bro. Chisosa Ostine

Bro. Chisosa Ostine’s house and his wife, Sis. Aginess


Please help me by finding out the syllabus from London City and Guilds for my son Joshua Willie Ilananye, as he is keen on building engineering and would like to do a building engineering course. I send my love and appreciation for your support.

Bro. Joshua Mushili


Warmest greetings of love and peace in Christ. I am sorry for being silent for a long time due to difficulties I am facing in this present world; however, God is in control and I am back indeed strong in the Lord, the only certain hope in life. I have to express my sincere thanks to you for granting my request and I look forward to receiving some notes on my questions and other spiritual material. I really appreciate all the wonderful things sent to me about the Bible, through our Lord Jesus Christ. The events of today are a sign that this world is not perfect; nearly everyone wants to be rich and be proud of his wealth.

In the past God blessed some of his servants with material wealth, King Solomon being a good example of that, (1 Kings 10:23). Solomon lived in luxury and that sort of life always endangers a person’s relationship to God. That is why God warned him to be careful how he lived from then on and wanted him to remember that obedience to His commandments is more important in His sight than all the best and biggest things one can have, (1 Kings 9:3-5). He blesses those who please Him, (Prov.10:22). Jesus taught that narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it, (Matt.7:14). Our task is to grow from the natural ways of men to spiritual principles (Col.3:16). We must trust in God’s promises and we shall be blessed and empowered to gain the good things of this life and rewarded as well as we look forward to Christ’s return.

With sadness, but in the hope of the resurrection, we inform you of the falling asleep of Bro. Elijah Zulu. After his baptism he was active in ecclesial work.

Bro. Cephas Sikanyika

I was delighted to receive a letter of thanks from Brother  Caphes Sikanyika for the carpentry book that I sent via yourself. He enclosed a photo and I hope that you receive it with this e-mail. I shall reply to him and I hope that we can create a relationship. With love in the Truth, Bro. Roy Soffe.

Bro. Caphes Sikanyika


Thank you so much for the endless support you have shown me. My prayer is that we can continue to labour together for Our Master and do everything in the interests of our brothers and sisters as they continue to read and write more articles. I am well, despite struggling to find a job which I will call my stepping stone as I try to make a living and I hope that the God I serve will never disappoint me even though I am unstable until now. Please continue to send me books that will help me to stand firm in the Lord. Please include me in your prayers so that I may find a job. I thank CAT for the King James Bible, which has helped me to understand some of my studies.

Bro. Stephen Siamabi


Greetings in the same hope we have in Christ. Thank you for your letter and also for the book “The Real Christ”, which Bro. Duncan has written and was sent to me. Also thank you for that letter which you sent for me to Bro. Graham Clements and the two coupons.

Bro. Charles M. Daka


Thanks to the Lord for your letter and the parcel and I pray for His good hands to be upon you up to the end of time. In Zambia we are all well but the bad thing is that unknown people entered into my room and got away with my shoes and clothes and my book “Where there is no Doctor”.

I thank the CBM Zambia for giving me the opportunity to accompany Bro. Arnold Kunda of Lusaka, Matero Ecclesia to visit Bro. James Kahjinga of Mwinilunga who reported that he had 20 students. To our surprise on arrival at The Boma we did not meet one of those students for three days. It was a disappointing journey as it was fruitless.

I was also given another opportunity to visit brothers and sisters in Kabompo and I accompanied Bro. Denis Kombe of Ndola. It was a fruitful journey but we lost one of our brothers in the Lord, Bro. Charles Muhupu, who has fallen asleep in the Lord. As we read in 1 Thessolonians 4:13-15, “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.” And v.18 says, “Wherefore comfort one another with these words.” The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen.

Bro. Harris Ndong’a Mulongesha

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