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News from Africa

news from burundi 

We have spent time in preaching the gospel around the country and God has blessed us. Now we are at Bujumbura and those we preached to were satisfied and wished to have Christadelphian books of songs and Bibles in Kiswahili We have no possibility of doing this and so ask for your help. We get all correspondence without any difficulty. Do not forget us in your prayers so that the gospel goes well. We also have difficulties with getting wine for the Lord’s supper.
Bro. Julien Sululu

Photo: Bro Costantin Mwangalwa, Bujumbura, Burundi

news from cameroon 

With sadness we report the falling asleep on Feb.23 of our Bro.Ebong Abel Elong, aged 64. Bro Ebong was baptized in 1996 and was the Arranging Brother of Epen ecclesia. He lived a life for the Lord, devoting his efforts to ecclesial duties. He now awaits the sure hope of resurrection at the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Bro.Brain Ebong.

Knowing the truth myself, I have been trying to make others also know it and follow the right track. So, brethren. the 'track' we are talking about is what the Christadelphians believe, and this has been requested by some interested people. Thank God for this. So I am pleading that you try to save some of them by telling them of the Gospel. Thank you for your help by leading us to the truth as we continue to stay prayerfully and patiently waiting for his coming.
Bro. Kum Donatus

With happiness I am delighted to inform you that Bro. Songsom Samson who was in isolation and needed help from a near-by ecclesia, as contained in the last edition of Gospel News, has been visited by brethren from the Bamenda ecclesia with help from Brethren in the UK. I will also thank the Lord for extending a hand to the needy. My Sister, Wife, Evelyne attended a seminar on HIV/AIDS taking along a copy of the book 'Where There Is No Doctor'. She introduced herself as a Christadelphian and went ahead to explain how she came about the book. She also shared quite a number of the Bible Reading Companions and some few copies of Glad Tidings magazines. She was nominated a resource person to lecture on HIV/AIDS to nearby communities.

With help from the CBM, we are organising a Bible and vocational trainning seminar from 3rd to 28 July God willing. It should be mentioned that at last year's seminar seven were finally prepared for baptism during the visit in Nov. by UK brethren. This year's seminar will run in two shifts of a fortnight each as there promises to be more attending than last year. There will be four representatives from four different villages where we have over 27 preparing for baptism. We where also able to donate First Aid drugs and materials to a remote village with no medical facilities thanks to the book, 'Where There Is No Doctor'. The health department has also approved the CBM to open small Health Centres in rural areas . Two two Sisters are training as community health workers to care for this. They are using the 'Where There Is No Doctor' book. Our spiritual growth has increased enormously, as we take the daily readings a life-and-death commitment, knowing fully that we are exiles in the present world order and hope to be citizens of the Kingdom from above, by God's grace, at the return of the Master. We can only comfort you with the words of the apostle Paul, that you are fighting a good fight and a crown of glory awaits you and all who patiently work behind the scene at the revelation of our King.
Bro Emmanuel Nanji.

I was baptised by total immersion into the saving name of the Lord Jesus Christ in Nov. 2005. I had been sprinkled in the Presbytarian church some 26 years ago while I was a child. I knew nothing, and after my primary school I was again sprinkled after some few Bible quotations as confirmation of what I did not understand. My baptism as a Christadelphian is the best thing that has ever happened to me. First, it was unique in that my interview was done by UK brethren on their yearly visit. I had studied the 40 lessons Basic Bible Truths for four months. My other delight is that my baptism was done by my husband, with four others who had also prepared for baptism. I now know the one needful thing in my life which Jesus said Mary had found but Martha was still weak on. This one needful thing can be seen in Eccl. 12:13-14. Seek the things about God and His KINGDOM.
Sis. Evelyn Nanji 

I am a young convert and was baptized in November, 2005, when our brethren from the UK came for the Bible School. I am so happy to know the Truth and dream to take it to my nation. I am a school proprietor and will see that this truth is taken to teachers, students and the community where my school is.
Bro. Amin Formin

There is one Bible - Why are there so many different Churches? There are so many religions in the world because after the death of Jesus and his apostles, wrong teaching entered the Christain congregation and drew believers away Matt.7:13-14; Act 20:29-30.This is the reason why there are so many religions in the world today.

How can we identify a true religion? The mark of a true religion is that the Christains of that religion have real love among themselves ( John 15:12,13,17; 1 John 4:20.21).They have deep respect for the Bible and believe what it says Jn 17:17, 2 Tim 3:16-17. They treat God's words as being more important than human ideas or customs. They try to live by the Bible in their everyday lives. They don't preach one thing and practice another (Titus 1:15-16). True religion must honour God's Name (Matt 6:9). True religion must preach about God's kingdom (Luke 8:1). Jesus always talked about God's Kingdom. True religion must believe that only God's Kingdom will bring peace and security to this sinful world Ps 146:3-10.
Bro Nicolas Menjuah 

Our mid-week Bible discovery: "That we should take time not to enter into temptation". Matthew 26:41 says we should keep on the watch and pray continually, that we may not enter into temptation. The pressure on Jesus at this time was intense, unlike any he had experienced before. Jesus, the Son of God, was near the end of his earthly life. He realized that soon he would be arrested, condemned to death and impaled on a stake. He knew that his every decision and action would reflect on his Father's Name. Jesus also knew that the future life prospects of mankind hung in the balance. Faced with all this pressure, what did he do?

Jesus went to the garden of Gethsemane with his disciples. It was a favourite spot with Jesus. There he withdrew a short distance from his disciples. When alone, he turned to his Heavenly Father for strength, pouring out his heart in fervent prayer, not just once, but three times; Jesus did not feel that he could face the pressure on his own (Matt. 26:36-44).
Today we, too, are under pressure. We are living in the final days of this wicked system. The temptations and stresses of this world are intensifying. The decisions and actions of any of us who profess to serve the true God reflect on His Name and have a profound effect on our individual prospects for life in His new world.
We love God, we want to endure to the end - the end of our life or the end of this system, whichever comes first ( See Mat 24:13). But how can we maintain our sense of urgency and keep on the watch?
Knowing that his disciples then, and those today, would also be under pressure, Jesus urged: "Keep on the watch and pray continually, that you may not enter into temptation".
Bro. Tanyinjia Atabong Martin

Personal Testimonies

I was born on June 1, 1973 in Fontem. I first attended the Catholic church at the age of 17 where I was sprinkled with water as a form of so-called baptism and I began attending Catholic church services without any knowledge of the Bible. When I came across Bro. Atabong Martin and his wife, Sis. Lucy, I was encouraged and I knew God had poured His blessings on me by showing me the light. I was really moving in total darkness. I was baptized on June 25th, 2005, at Magenge, and I am proud of being a Christadelphian. "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity" (Ps. 133: 11). I am married and blessed with two boys and a girl. Our Lord Jesus Christ will soon come and set up the Kingdom of God for which we are all waiting, and may that happy day be of joy to us all.
Bro Akamin Romanus

Photo: Baptism of Bro Akamin Romanus

I wish to thank Bro. Martin and Bro. Thadius of my ecclesia for their wonderful support which helped me find the Truth. I was baptized into the saving name of our Lord Jesus Christ on June 25th, 2005 by Bro. Alam and Bro. George. John 14:15 says, "If you love me, obey my commandments", because baptism alone cannot save. We should be grateful to God that Jesus came into our sinful lives in this dirty world in order to save us and give us such a hope as we have in the truth Luke 24:47 says, "That repentance and remission of sins should be preached". If we know this and walk accordingly, then the coming Kingdom and eternal life will be for us.
Bro. Kungang Hilary

I am very happy and peaceful due to having been baptized into the Lord Jesus. I prepared myself by reading the Bible with the 'Companion' for a good two years, with the help of the Brethren and Sisters of our ecclesia. They taught me many doctrinal things; I used to believe that after death the sinful ones went to hell, which I believed was a place full of fire ever burning, where sinners were thrown. But I learnt that hell is simply the grave, also that the Kingdom to come is to be here on earth. In fact, I am very pleased with God's true message of salvation to mankind for Jesus said, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied�"(Matt. 5:6). My baptism took place on June 25th, 2005, at Magenge and I am very happy to be part of those who await the coming Kingdom. So, Brethren and Sisters, let us all live our lives according to the teaching of our Lord Jesus until he returns. I am in a family of eight; apart from my little brother and sister, all have been baptized into Christ.
Sis. Susan Ntenwgwa

news from ghana 

I am writing from Queen Ann’s Point “Ekon” near Cape Coast. You will be very glad to hear that, with the assistance of our Almighty Father, we have baptised two to join the race to the Kingdom. They are the wife of Brother Joseph Agyemang, Sister Monica Williams Agyemang , and the nephew of Brother Joel Acquah, Brother Stephenson Joel Aidoo. Brethren Joseph and Thomas from Accra witnessed this baptism. We pray that our Almighty Father will guide them to the Kingdom.
Bro Lawrence Nkrumah

news from kenya 

I haven’t recently received any news, parcel or letter from any of you. Sometimes I wonder if you are almost forgetting me so please may all of you bear me in mind, your beloved Brother Sadique. In our family my father and mother are Muslim members, including all my brothers and sisters. I am the only individual who decided to convert and join the Christadelphians in our village. I have no peace with my family. I am alone. My parents have refused to give me food because of being a member of the Christian faith. They have snatched from me all the items that they had bought for me. I am living a life without harmony, peace, love or unity with my biological parents and my brothers and sisters. I thank God for enabling me to have peace of mind with Him. I take this opportunity to assure all of you that since I have decided with all my heart and soul to follow Jesus, I will never backslide, even with the situation as difficult as it is in my life.
Bro Sadique Bukhebi Joumer

The Answer

Go to all the nations
And spread to them this news,
About a powerful Name,
That heals the lame,
And protects the righteous,
In happy and sad moments,
The Name has the answer.
It is only the Name of Christ
That has the rightful answer.
He is the anointed one,
The true Son of the Most High.
He is a rock of ages
That does not wither
For his Name is great.

Bro Emmanuel Joumea

I’m very happy for your assistance to my fellow brothers. We congratulate CAT on their support of the word of God by sending them some books like Bible Basics. Now the word of God is stable to my fellow brothers. They are spreading the gospel through the guidance of that book. Those brothers are really working hard to spread the gospel to the entire community, they are actually struggling to see that the people should enter into the Kingdom of God. Moreover, although I’m so far away, fortunately at the place where I stay there are many people who want to hear the good news. However, the bad news is that we have such limited resources that we are not able to spread the gospel as much as we would like. Therefore I beg you to assist with more literature.
Bro Aggrey Muyila.

Photo from right: Bro Anazetu Khaemba, Sis Christin N. Kasili (my wife), Sis Metrin Maina with her baby (wife of Bro George), Bro Aggrey ou sent toMuyila (the one with a guitar). Bro George Maina.

First of all I wish to take this opportunity, to show my appreciation for Gospel News and the book entitled ‘A Woman’s Place’ which you sent to me. Receive abundant blessings because you have made my life to become godly. This book – ‘A Woman’s Place’ – has clearly portrayed the position of women and has thereby strengthened our ecclesia, as every person knows what is expected of him/her. Here in Kenya, you may have heard of the claims of ‘New Constitution’, meaning that people are battling for earthly supremacy. It is therefore a challenge to us. While they focus on this contest, let us focus on the coming eternal Kingdom for which there is a word of encouragement: “That we shall be made kings and priests in thy kingdom” (Revelation 5:10). We have an obligation to help them to reform their negative ambitions. We are experiencing a very severe drought in parts and conditions have become totally unfavourable to unresistant crops, consequently low production. Brother, due to this change in climate, my request to you is to advise me on resistant crops, and how to use them during drought seasons. Finally, I would say that for the will of God to be done I need a Bible. I normally use an old, torn Bible with some pages torn off. Brother, I kindly request you for this.
Bro Wycliffe Wasike

Thank you very much for your e-mail message. It was very encouraging and we hope that this year will be a very busy one. Our country, Kenya, is undergoing a transformation. Last year it voted ‘No’ to the referendum which has delayed the process of getting a new constitution for our country. Also the ruler of our country has embarked seriously on fighting corruption among his cabinet ministers, which has led to some stepping down. The truth is that Kenya is still in its infancy. Hunger is at its peak, no clean water for people and animals. The government promised to solve the problems but truly has not managed to solve anything. We realize that Jesus Christ himself will establish his everlasting Kingdom without a chain of problems day by day. How CAT is concerned about safer motherhood is wonderful! This will eventually reduce the mortality and pre-natal morbidity amongst our sisters worldwide. In our ecclesia, most of the sisters are in the reproductive age of 25 to 35, and it will be a great pleasure for them to receive a copy of “Where Women Have No Doctor.” In the love and peace of Christ Jesus
Bre Manasseh Wamamiti and David Wanjala

Photo: From left: Bro David Wanjala, Bro Daniel Wakharu, stripped to the waste after digging a bore hole to get water for domestic use. (Water is the biggest problem in this area)

Thank you very much for the wonderful work you are doing in supplying Gospel News magazine to us. It is heartening and encouraging as we learn more about our brothers and sisters worldwide. Also thank you very much in caring for our sisters as you have initiated a wonderful scheme of supplying an important book, ‘Where Women Have No Doctor.’ We wish you could supply one for each of us in the sisters group in our ecclesia. This would help our sisters who don’t attend clinics until they give birth. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you as we his return.
Sis Jacklyne Wanjala

Photo: Sisters at Makhonge having a cup of tea after a Bible discussion held last December.

I sincerely pray and wish God’s blessing on all your efforts. I really appreciate your support spiritually. I’m very happy to read from brothers and sisters from all over the world. ‘Gospel News’ is a soul revival magazine, it is so encouraging to read about people of different cultures, languages and colours. To think that they are all my brothers and sisters in Christ is something that keeps me very pleased, strong and vibrant. I’m sharing bread and wine with you in the Christadelphian ecclesia of Givungi and we are looking forward to establishing a strong foundation for preaching the truth in many areas around here. I get a lot of literature about Jesus, salvation, health, general life and even words of encouragement on the internet, but I can’t print all this to share with brothers and sisters and friends because of the high cost of printing. I therefore ask you to give me brothers’ and sisters’ e-mail addresses to contact them or them me through odaliminijo@yahoo.com so that I can share this with them. I’m looking forward to attending Bible schools, meeting with many of my brothers and sisters from all corners of the world, talking with them and even working with them. I’m kindly asking you to do me a favour – I’m interested in knowing much about the Philippines as a country, their culture and its people; please connect me to a brother or a sister who will help me achieve this as soon as you can.
Bro Amos Odali Minjo

My faith is always strengthened when I read from you. Many thanks for the earlier packet and the very nice Bible published by CAT from Bro David Green when he and Bro Peter White visited Kenya. Most brethren and sisters in Kenya speak Kiswahili as a second language. All of us have our native languages but it is Kiswahili that unites us language-wise. It is a good idea to have a small Kiswahili magazine to encourage those that cannot speak English. The English language is a third language to most of us. I wonder whether it is possible for you to send me campaign material. I was recently in an area quite a distance from my home which I saw was so backward and remote, I wondered whether the residents of the place had even received the good news. Material setting out our beliefs could be very welcome for a start. I will let you know of the response when I have distributed the first material, and what material would be needed for follow-up. It’s our prayer that the good news reaches all the ears willing to hear.
Bro Geoffrey Chirchir

Photo Left to right: back row: Bro Silas Bwalya, Sis Grace Chipata, Bro Silas Chishimba, Bro Geofrey Chabala, Sis Evelyn Lumuna, Bro Joseph Lumuna

Front row: Bro Musanda Mbewe, Sis Loveness Chileshe, Sis Jane Bwalya

You know it’s good to live in the truth. Jesus once said, “Know the truth and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). So if we are not learning the Bible truth, how can we expect to be free?. We may not be slaves or servants, but without the knowledge of God, His truth, we are prisoners. We are told that we live by the sinful nature which Paul describes as prison. But good news has comefrom our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the way, the truth and the life. And it is only through him we find rest to our souls. And so he is the only one to set us free from prison, through knowing more about him and his Father. And this can be done by sharing ideas during the Bible study and other meetings we have like, the Fringilla Bush Camp, where we meet and are able to learn more about the Lord Jesus Christ and his Father. Brethren and sisters, remember that one of the practical principles for our life in Christ is Bible study. Therefore, let us support it so that the word becomes our daily food, as Job says in 23:12.
Bro Musanda Mbewe

I lost contact I came to communicate early last year. I wish you and all the brethren in the UK a good year. I wanted to make a request for this writing to be published, for I trust in your help and the help of the UK brethren if possible. I praise God that you will understand where my heart is and what I am trying to say. As you know, I need much spiritual help from you as a teacher, to guide me in the way of providence. Please do not hesitate to respond and I look forward to hearing from you.
Bro Lawrence Gitonga

It can be said that preaching and pastoring a church have been turned into a business. Many evangelists acquire fame by claiming to perform miracles and some people become rich, whereas the Bible states clearly, “Seek first the kingdom of God” then the rest will follow (Matthew 6:33). Cults and other denominational organisations are misled by their dogmas. For instance, some worshippers believe that the righteous will go to heaven, while the truth is that a theocracy will be on earth, man’s dwelling place when Jesus Christ comes back (2 Peter 2:1-3). Let us worship God in truth and spirit. Having a share in God’s Kingdom is like saving your cash in a national bank where no-one can steal and the bank cannot be put under liquidation. This sort of confusion over dogma has led to the situation where we have one Bible but different churches are many. Yet the Lord in omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent, Psalms 100:1-5. The preachers should abandon their false pride in claiming to possess the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Bro Samuel Wanga

Brother Samuel Wanga Watako has translated ‘What is the Gospel’ into his native LUHYA language. We have sent him 500 copies and any who would like a copy can obtain one direct from him. c/o, Uchumi Matt Ltd, P.O.Box 3622, Nakuru, Kenya. It is also viewable at www.carelinks.net

From left to right (standing) Bre Moses Bwire, Reuben Maina, Sammie Wanga; (squatting) Bre Thomas Oyaro, Chrispin Oduor, at the Woolmatt Supermarket.

We as an ecclesia have started the programme called “Bungoma Rural Resources Programme” with the aims of struggling against crippling hunger, diseases and poverty. The first attempt was to organize families through their mother-churches, schools and self-help groups, to enable them to exchange skills and ideas. Therefore we had thought of introducing to them the drought-resistant food crops. Bungoma area consists of three districts that vary in elevation from 1500-1800m above sea level. The soils vary: we have sandy, medium texture and clay, suitable for cassava, sorghum and soya-beans. In order to play its role better, it is essential that BRRP should be armed with the necessary information, which we believe you are the best placed organisation to provide. You have already played a very important role in serving members and groups within the brotherhood who seek to spread the good news of the gospel.
Bro Moses Wamami

I’ve been put in contact with you by Sis Mary Clement in order to get one copy of “Where There Is No Doctor”. I live far away from Shiwa ecclesia so I am trying to get a copy in order to help myself, my family and the surrounding people. I like looking after and helping the people surrounding me. I live in a very remote place so if I get that copy, it will be of great help to me. If you can help with health facilities and books, they help me too . Now in Kenya it is terrible. No water, no food, etc, so there are many diseases in children, and pregnant mothers are facing danger.
Sis Emmy Aseyo

I received your letter plus message and the book “The Christadelphian Shield”. I took time to read it and felt happy when men/women who believe the truth and are strong witnesses to the truth will see this earth filled with God’s glory. I now request to receive now the books on “Where Women Have No Doctor”, second “How to Grow a Balanced Diet”. Please, if the Lord permits, send them to me as I want to have them in my home library. I was in the Roman Catholic Church from childhood, 1954 to1975 but on August 21st 1976 I was baptized into the Christadelphian faith by Bro. David Rowley in the city of Nairobi. Since then I have been a strong advocate and witness for the truth. I have admired your strong service as a good example; the servant of God must be able to show in action what he stands for, Mark 16:15: “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” Jesus gave this great commission to his disciples after his resurrection. Because of unbelief and hardness of heart, mankind has turned away from the truth and worships false gods that cannot save them. Unless we believe the Gospel message preached to our ancestors and disciples about Jesus Christ we have no hope of living after death. God of Israel, God of our fathers spoke a message of hope but human beings have neglected the message of life and end their lives in the grave. Reading the “Gospel News” has made me remind you that we must not let anything stop us proclaiming the Gospel message to all creation. I am pleased that since the year 1999 I have never missed the Gospel News. Good work for the CAT. We pray for the message to be spread and that all brethren will do the Lord’s business. “Gospel News” has made us God’s real household family, to hear world-wide how men/women die for the truth, and witness to its message in their everyday lives. When our Lord and Saviour Jesus takes over the kingdoms of this world, the glory of God will cover the earth. We shall be able to live in harmony with God and our fellow human beings. The earth which has become a bad environment will become a beautiful place for those who obeyed the Gospel message. People have become lovers of themselves and have forgotten the love of God through His Son Jesus Christ. People are hostile to the Gospel message. They have turned to wickedness and enjoy the present life which is very short indeed. We must continue to follow the patriarchs of faith mentioned in Hebrews 11. Our service to the God of Israel must come first, before everything. I am a very strong advocate, a witness to the truth of the Gospel message. We must pray and read the Bible every day, have personal study and continue to witness to the truth everywhere that service takes us.
Bro John Owalo Onanai

Photo: Memorial Service at Sindo

I work as a laboratory assistant. I did not train in a recognized institution and I have no permanent job. I just keep moving from clinic to clinic; that is clinics where they don’t have lab. men. I went to school up to form four and I only got a credit in English. I don’t have good papers that can make me secure in a better place. Despite my pathetic situation, the knowledge I have acquired from the Christadelphians has given me hope. My rescuer is not far from me and I know that all this will change in the kingdom, where we shall for ever live happily with the Lord. I forgot to tell you my marital status. I am married to Lucy Apiyo who is also baptized. The Lord has blessed us with three children, namely, Kevin 9 yrs, Jackline 7 yrs and Marian 5 yrs. I have also adopted a 2 year- old girl whose mother died of AIDS.
Bro Joseph Onyango

news from malawi 

I have been looking in the Bible. “And thou shalt take this rod in thine hand, wherewith thou shalt do signs”, “and Moses took the rod of God in his hand”.(Ex 4:13 & 20) We see that the Israelites were taken out of the hands of the Egyptians, through a very small thing. (Ex4:2), “And the Lord said unto Moses, ‘What is that in thine hand?’”. “We all know that we can not keep the flocks without the rod, which is used to steer the sheep whenever they are going astray. So through Moses’ rod, vast multitudes were blessed, plus himself. Many brothers and sisters are not content with the resources they have, but do we realise that when these are used correctly under divine guidance, we can achieve exactly what God requires us to do. Reading the Bible will help us to understand that we have all we need to live our lives, provided we pray to God for guidance.
Bro Alexandre Banda

The signs indicate the coming of Jesus is near because in most countries people are being affected by hunger, disasters. disease epidemics, such as HIV/AIDS, political conflicts, corruption which leads to poverty among many countries, wars and many more. All in all whether we have joy or sorrow what we have to do is to say thanks for the amazing grace of God because He never forsakes us. We also give thanks for Gospel News to all nations, which many brethren and sisters have benefited from, as it really exhorts us, builds us up and encourages us to be faithful, for even though we may never meet in this life we are all journeying together to the Kingdom. We must be watching and waiting because it is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. So, Brethren and Sisters, let us look forward to Jesus’ second coming, but not be impatient about it. As we all know, prayer always needs a lot of patience, we cannot expect an answer immediately, we may all have to be patient a long time before our prayers are answered. It may sometimes be God’s will that our requests are not granted, but through our continuous prayers we may come to realize we are being given another opportunity for something much more than than what we are asking God to give us. However long a time it might be we must wait patiently, for the Lord will never forsake us and will always hear our cry. Let us also be patient for the coming of the Lord and show our desire for his coming, through our deeds and in our prayers to our heavenly Father. My thanks to all who make it possible for so many to have Gospel News to all nations, may God’s blessing be with them in all their labours of love.
Sis. Bertha Khonje

I give thanks to the Lord that my bicycle is now mended and I can visit other brethren and sisters. My wife’s right arm and leg are lame, if she wants to ease herself I usually lift her on my back which is a heavy task for me. It would be nice to have a bicycle trolley so that I could take her out, but for me that is financially impossible. Talking about myself as a Christadelphian, I have to let you know that I am a real and true Christadelphian even though you were told that I am not. But to me I do not become much worried with those false words. What I know about myself and my God in heaven is that I am a true Christadelphian and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I swear I shall die a Christadelphian, no change at all. Visitors from U.K. visited us here in Malawi last year. I am still waiting for the parcel of books which you have sent to me by sea.
Bro. B. Chipala

Photo: Bro. B. Chipala (Cinani)

When you complete producing the 16 section book for foreign English learners let me sample a copy. It could be useful for my grandchildren, whose English is very sub-standard. Judging by the eyes of flesh, 2005 was a very difficult year for most countries in Southern Africa, especially Malawi. The media did blow up out of proportion some of the problems, however. The extent of famine in Malawi was never near anything you see happening in Sudan or Ethiopia. Besides, most western countries sent aid (some of which was diverted by the politicians). Our own brethren and sisters in the Christadelphian brotherhood did send us aid. So in short, the Lord let us through the year. We started this year with very good rains and a good crop – then came armyworm to devour most of the vegetation including maize. I think the main problem is that we pretend not to see God’s hand in this. Psalm 24:1, King David acknowledges that "The earth is the Lord’s and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.” In the book of Amos are recorded judgments on nations because of their transgressions. They may be ancient nations, but we are all similar to them in that we were created by the same Almighty God and do transgress just like they did. Why shouldn’t God mete out punishments if it would help us look to Him for solutions to our problems? Amos 5:16, “Therefore the Lord God of hosts, the Lord says this: There shall be wailing in all streets and they shall say in all the highways, Alas! Alas! They shall call the farmer to mourning and the skilful lamenters to wailing.” This must happen, and it is what is happening in our age. My contract with the Ministry of Agriculture ends soon so I hope to write more frequently than in the past as I will have plenty of free time once more, God willing. In my previous letter I said nothing about receiving the books you sent some months way back because I hadn’t received them! Now I have received them I convey my heartfelt thanks. Some of the friends who wanted Bible Basics are in my home district of Mulanje and will, God willing, take them home.
Bro. Ignatius Maluwa

You will remember I was at the Refugee camp in Namibia and you helped me there. I am now in Malawi and life is still very difficult. I was baptized in February 2000 in Cape Town, South Africa.
Bro. Isaac Nagaheba

I thank God for the blessings He is giving me. Last year I got married. Recently she has been baptized and now we have got a one year old boy. The Bible Basics Calendar helps me do the Bible readings. Would you do me a favour? Apart from Gospel News, send me two booklets, namely on ‘Spiritualism’ and ‘Do you believe in a Devil?’ Lastly greetings in the name of Jesus Christ to you brother and all those you share smiles and break bread with. I am very happy to receive Bible Basics but I feel sorry to hear from you that there is an increase in postage from this April. Let me put an idea on rabbit production. If they were kept in a wood shelter each female would be kept separately from one another and then males put together just for a while for reproducing and move them out from females for feeding. Here in Malawi we do feed them locally. This is the way rabbits are kept. To me I can say this idea is mostly welcomed.
Bro. Lucky F. Mbalale

I have been down with malaria since early December last year but thanks to God am still kicking. I have the pleasure to inform you that I have passed the Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE), which is equivalent to GCSE, with passes with credits in seven subjects including English and Maths. If I got two or more distinctions I would apply for a place in the University of Malawi. Now having failed to reach the University requirements I would like to do a computer programming course if all goes well. This will in future help me translate the Gospel News from English to our vernacular languages such as Chichewa, Tumbuka, Lombwe etc. The sun rises and sets, evenings come and dawns break. I always look at the sky waiting to see the coming of the Lord Jesus, as he said he will. How I wish he would come today and take his lambs. May God’s Kingdom come. Acts 12:1-25 talks more about persecutions that believers faced. We hear that James was killed by King Herod. What do we learn on this chapter? We learn that the Church shares in Jesus’ suffering. Remember in the time of Stephen, he also died because of the name of Jesus Christ and we hear that while he was stoned he saw the glory of God. This means that everyone who dies in the name of the wonderful counsellor will see the glory of God in the future.
Bro. Davis Madolo

We are now settled in Central Fellowship. We have cleared everything and we are now on the mailing list in UK Central Fellowship for the magazines. I received a letter from Bro. David Nightingale in which he expresses his views of receiving us into the fellowship. He is very happy with us. You know how painful it is to lose friends whom we have known for years and how tough it is to make new close friends. So you are the first close friends of our ecclesia as you have encouraged us very much. We would have been lost without your effort. We are very strong now that no-one will be able to disturb us in this new fellowship with the Central. We have received messages twice from Bro. T. Muleso of Lilongwe Ecclesia that they are willing to pay a visit to our ecclesia. I know you know this Brother. God has blessed us with good rains but our fields were attacked by army worms, so we are now planting again. We have received help from the Government - that is medicine that we should spray in our fields. This will take a very long time for everybody to be assisted.
Bro. Harmony Ntchalachala

Concerning the activity of the Ecclesia from the time of our first meeting on 15.10.2004, the Ecclesia has been pressing ahead with new-born – that is to say new believers, or members, of our Ecclesia. These newly-created ones want you to visit them. The needs in the Ecclesia are,

An Ecclesial hall (we meet in the open air)

Swahili and French Bibles

Swahili and French hymn books

Books for Sunday School lessons.

N.B. We beg you to help us both spiritually and physically, for we are suffering a great deal in this country where we are refugees in Malawi. Firstly, the climate is really unfavourable. As far as food is concerned, the amount given by the H.C.R. every month is not enough! Also, because of the lack of variety in the food, many among us are falling ill with anaemia! We should also like to tell you we have not enough clothes or shoes.
Bro. Jafari Amisi

Thank you very much for sending me a book entitled “People we meet” and sensitising me of the dangers of cutting for foreskin in old age. Definitely I do support your opinion and you are of course assisting us in the way forward to the Kingdom of God. God bless you all! I was an Anglican since I was born in 1965. From 1990-1993 I was doing my priesthood course at the Anglican Theological College where I met a man known as Malekesa, a Christadelphian, who was working as a cook. He asked me three questions to be answered at a later date.

1) Which scripture supports the baptism of infants?

2) Where in the Bible do we find the baptism of sprinkling?

3) Which scripture mandate payment before baptism takes place?

These questions gave me a task of perusing the Bible, sleepless tension and different thoughts, at the end I had no answers. Early 1994 I quitted the priesthood course. On 29 May 1994 I was baptized and my wife Dorothy was baptized in 1996, a couple of five children all Christadelphian members. New stations are dying naturally due to non visiting of stations halls by  councillors. When they are called to visit a station they cannot always go. Every councillor has ten stations on average, some of them are at a long distance, others at 50 km, 100 km, up to 150 km, meaning they cannot ride a bicycle there and back. It takes 2-3 years for a councillor to visit a station hall. I repeat stations are dying naturally. For instance, our councillor had fifteen stations but now has only ten, at the moment one of them is shaken, and will soon declined.
Bro. Morris Assani

I am a boy of 27 years. I went to school from 1990. By the year 2002 I competed my education but I am remaining unemployed. I am in no doubt that God has done to me something of paramount importance. He has increased my knowledge of the Bible and now I am in a position to preach the gospel news so wonderfully to the multitude. I am married to a young lady by the name Manesi and she has a son of mine named Dickson. I also let you know that we have a baptism which will be conducted at our own church. There are 15 brothers and 6 sisters who are to be baptized. They are learning the promises of God that he made to Adam, Abraham, Noah and David. Lastly I am very much obliged for Bible Basics as well as the leaflets that you always send to me. I am very much benefited from this literature.
Bro. Symon Wanyekheya

The hunger situation has greatly affected us in the two months, January and February. There is no news of having maize in Admare, which is the main government marketing body. However, we hear that the government has imported maize which is waiting for clearance in Tanzania and Mozambique ports. In short that is the situation here. Once again I am really sorry for bothering you time and time again. Just for your information I didn’t cultivate my garden due to the poor health of my wife.
Bro. Sylvester Tembo

We thank our God for being gracious to us in giving us good rains this year, and though not 100%, the stand of the crop is very promising and we hope the situation is going to continue as it is. Yes, your observation is right that people tend to forget the problems they have passed through and not learn a lesson from them, but I think we should also take a stand to ring a bell during harvesting so that they take care and not take things for granted. You also mentioned about growing alternatives to corn. Others do, but not on large scale. They just make a few ridges of sweet potatoes, or, if close to marshes, a small plot of rice and so forth, whilst others just rely on maize. About goats, yes I have now learnt so many issues, good and bad, about goat-rearing, more especially as a group enterprise, like the ecclesia. Rearing rabbits is indeed good for both consumption and income but, I need to make a survey/research with veterinary staff for their guidance. Generally these are good in that they are easier to care for and they reproduce frequently, only that they are easily attacked by diseases. Another point is about “Introducing Bible Basics”. I have a good number of them in stock. These being in English, I fail to distribute them since the majority of the converts here are illiterate. I was thinking of having it translated as we did with Bible Basics. On 1April 16th, we had about twenty baptisms at Chatewa where three ecclesias met for Easter Bible meeting. We had a wonderful time; Bro.Emmanuel Mphambo also came to be with us. May I also bother you brother, I am in need of a Greek/English Interlinear New Testament Bible. I came across this title when I was reading a certain book. I would also love to have copies of books which explain about Satan, Elijah's heaven-going and Resurrection of the dead. I quite well understand about the Kingdom of God to be established when Jesus the Anointed comes again and I do not find any problem in explaining that.
Bro. George Nkhoma

Photo: Group of Sisters at Salima whoare studying in detail ‘Where Women have No Doctor’

If you could add an extra three copies of Bible Basics manual in Chichewa language I will deliver them to brothers and sisters or my ecclesia and Kadase ecclesia. Also send 3 Bible Companions. Let me know the truth from the following:-

Rev 2:15 says “So you have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans.” Who are these Nicolaitans? And 2) The ark and the great flood (Noah) – Will the people destroyed by the great flood (when people failed to obey God) will they awake for judgment when Jesus Christ comes or have they gone for good? Thank you very much, God bless.
Bro. Henderson Sosola

I respect this correspondence because I have received your letter in which you enclosed the book known as Mfundo Zoowadi Zeni-Zeni Za Bukhu Lopatulika. I am very happy to hear from you at all times. When I read the book I was helped in my spiritual understanding and I also pray to God for the super things that you did to me to prosper in blessings from God himself. If you could come here I would be very grateful.
Bro Ereck Biyala

Photo: Bro. Harry Benito and family (Ulongwe) 

news from nigeria 

I am a reader of Gospel News. First of all I want to commend CAT for the efforts you have been putting in on gathering information worldwide and publishing it. I pray that Yahweh will guide you. Gospel News has been my companion. It makes me know that I have brethren all over the world and also encourages me when I read of the hardships my brothers are in, especially those in the Arab countries which are mainly Moslems, and the faith they use to overcome them. Please, brother, my mother, a Sister, is in great need of the book ‘Where Women Have No Doctor’; it will be of immense help to her. Please, I hope you will kindly send it to her. We Africans have serious economic problems. We are having serious inflation here in Nigeria. Here, US $1 = 245 Naira. It is hard for a student to get the 245 naira. We feel this must be a sign of the coming of our Lord.
Bro. Peter Onwuchekwa

I am a regular reader of Gospel News and other interesting books you send. I do appreciate your labour in the Master’s vineyard, in fact, keep in up – God will strengthen you people and those that do emulate you to spread the gospel. He will not leave you or forsake you, He will reward abundantly. I have many pictures which I take at our various camps and gatherings which I would like to appear in our Gospel News but the envelope you sent me is too small, please send me a larger envelope, my pictures are 5 x 7. I also need Bible Basics, the English version, at least three or more. A brother from Togo came and insisted on taking my copy, so I had to give it to him and now I don’t have any and many friends around me need it. Please I will be glad if my request will be granted.
Bro. Elijah Eze (Jnr.)

I have some Bible students who are interested in the daily Bible reading calendar. Please can you send some more. The Gospel News, other literature books like Glad Tidings, extra features in the magazine, the Present Day Events, all are very encouraging. I know that my answers on “Teach Me Thy Way” results will be made known to me and the corrections. I so thank you for including my name in the present list to continue receiving Gospel News and magazines. On the Igbo translation of Bible Basics, I would like you to send as many with the English translation so that I can supply them to two University libraries in Calabar, my State Capital. We also thank the Almighty God for the change of mind of our new brothers in Indonesia and Malaya for leaving darkness to light and ready to know about the true living God, now that we are expecting the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please kindly send the exhortation on the seven letters in Rev. 2-3 as the last two paragraphs of your letter are so moving that I n feel I was there with you to hear the whole words in the evening Bible Class. I thank God that I can read them.
Bro. Igani U. Eteng

I have received the forty Igbo Bible Basics which we are putting to good use. We also need some more English copies. We have many new contacts and need general preaching literature. The hardships you mentioned in your letter are a sign of Jesus’ coming – here in Nigeria, many are dying of hunger and disease. Unemployment is so widespread that some have left Enugu in search of work. Almost all the brethren in my Ecclesia are unemployed. I am the only person who decided to carry on alone as an industrialist (small scale) tailor by profession, but today it is not s o easy for me. I sew and sell. Nowadays people are bringing ready made materials from China and other countries. That has disturbed our own business and I am looking for something to do since the business is falling.
Bro. Goddy Nwosu

I received your letter and the pamphlet “What is the Bible”. I am very glad also to hear from you about my request, but am not happy that the Yoruba version of Bible Basics is not yet printed, owing to the costs and only available on the internet which I do not have access to. Please, whenever it is printed, I would like my own copy. I will be expecting the copy of ‘Elpis Israel’ and wish to inform you that I will be interested in Bro. Stanley Blackstone’s edited and typed up comprehensive set of notes for the daily readings you mentioned, these will also help me understand the Bible message more clearly. I have difficulty in understanding the book of Revelation and would like to have any book that can explain it to me.
Bro. Anthony Coker

I will like to share this phase with you all, hoping that it will encourage us to continue to run the race to the Kingdom. “Nothing guarantees a great future like a correct picture and you can’t feature in a future you don’t picture. We should all have a picture of the Kingdom of God on earth in our hearts as believers in Christ. Let us all try to feature in this future that we picture as we continue the wilderness journey to the Kingdom and await the return of Christ. Most importantly, let us always “obey and follow” and the Lord will see us through in Jesus name. Amen
Sis Joy Amuchi.

Companies and industries alike do take stock for every fiscal year to assess how far they have fared. The balance sheet (if well assessed) will post either profit or loss in line with the company’s performance. The sustainability of any such organization depends largely on its creditable performance or faces being declared bankrupt. Like the industries, when we start a new year hale and hearty, it has become imperative for us to take stock with an overview of our relationship with God in the past year. How have we been able to adhere to the recordings and instructions of the instrument of discipleship in the Bible. “My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart.” (Prov 4:20-21) This I hope will serve as an acid test which will help us to re-position, re-engineer, re-focus and re-strengthen our faith in God and further help to purge away our shortcomings which were at variance with the things of God. This could be our last chance to amend our ways and return to God. For we have no control over death, let alone knowing when His Excellency, Our Lord Jesus Christ, will return. That we are living today is not a mark of our righteousness (self delusion) over those who are dead, but a ‘privileged opportunity’ to serve God in truth and in spirit. We have come a long way and therefore should not allow any little mistake(s) at this time rob us of our laboured eternity. For it is written, if we keep the whole law and yet offend in one, we are guilty of all. Indeed, a sober reflection is all we need to mirror our spiritual serve-cards. Our revivalism should be rekindled, unadulterated and unbounded. The crippling effects of hunger, wars, natural disasters, terrorisms and mayhem should not by any means deter us, but should serve as the desired tonic to cause us to hold on to Him that is abundantly and exceedingly able to do all things. Like the Israelites of old, let us proudly say at all times “…for this day (year) is holy unto our Lord, neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is our strength” (Nehemiah 8:10).
Bro Chris Anyanwu.

Loving greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are always very happy receiving Gospel News and reading the heart-warming news it contains. It is through Gospel News that Christadelphians know how wide in the world the glad tidings is reaching. It would be interesting to know the number of countries that the Gospel News reaches if you have the records. Thank you for your kindness, may the Almighty God continue to give you strength as you labour in His Vineyard.
Bro. Johnson Uwasomba

Photo: Bro Johnson

news from tanzania 

I beg you will continue to send me Gospel News. Every week some food increases in price. Here I drink gruel after two days, therefore my body is not powerful. One day I shall die because of hunger. I went to do work but they repay me very little money. God bless you.
Bro Joseph Isamla

The Bible is the Word of God and tells us how to obtain everlasting life. (John 3:16). Since the Bible is inspired by God it is imperative for men to read it always for guidance, correction and training (2 Tim. 3:16). God communicate with us through the Bible so that we may walk in light instead of darkness. (John 8:12, Psalm 119:105). The Bible shows God’s love to us, mankind. This is quite clear from the fact that Jesus, God’s Son, died for us in order to save us from our sins, which estranged us from our Creator (Romans 5:8). The Bible then leads us to the future of hope by showing us to accept God’s offer of salvation because we are sinners (Romans 3:23). What is required of us is to be convinced of our need for a Saviour. Jesus invites us to share in the coming Kingdom of God on earth by his prudent words in Revelation 3:20-21, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.” God has always been calling us to follow Him (Prov.1:24). It behoves us then to listen to the words of God as they try to direct us in the Bible. By doing what the Bible tells us to; our sins will be blotted out. (Isaiah 1:16-19). The whole picture shows how our heavenly Father loves us. The apostle Peter, in his second letter, reminds us of this love (2 Peter 3:9), “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient towards you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.”
Bro. Gabriel Mwakasapi

Sisters and Brothers of our ecclesia were very happy with the group visit including Sis. Judith Evans, Bre. Tim Evans, our linkman, Tiherry Kabangu, Sammy Mutanga from Kenya, Samweli Alinoti and the Evans’ children. They together visited us on 26th December 2005. Their visit positively reinforced our faith through their deep teachings. They taught us about sin in Eden and up to the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ. They referred to the Holy Scriptures according to Matthew 1:1-21. We also talked about an ecclesial hall, which we do not have. We continue to hold our praying session in my house.
Bro. Edward Musabah

I am very glad to have come upon your name and address in the book entitled Bible Basics and I was happy to read it carefully and answer the choice and ordinary questions at the end of each chapter on a separate paper. But I am delayed sending those because I have not the money at present to buy stamps. I am 20 years of age and single. I am a Christian of the Christadelphian faith, baptized on Thursday 25th September 2003 at Lugufu River for Ligufu Ecclesia, by Bre. Arthur East and Paul Dredge from UK but I was transferred to the Nyarugusu Camp ecclesia. I am learning the English language here and, please, I would like to have help from you of the Bible (in English language, Authorised King James) and a dictionary of  English-French/French-English. Finally, having made the greatest and most important choice of my life taking Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and receiving the forgiveness of my sins, I need further gospel help from you to inprove my understanding.
Bro. Wilondja Ramazani Lewis

Joyous salutations in Christ. With heavy breath I gladly received the 2006 Bible Reader’s Calendar with which I hope I will further deepen my knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. This always shows, if not proves to me, that I am on your list preparing us towards the Kingdom. I promise that I will use it as I usually do in order to be well equipped with the Word, hence a positive teacher of my fellow brethren and sisters in my area. However I am now using a new postal box of 367 Kigoma, instead of the past 368. Please, for smooth communication, note carefully the change. Moreover, may I ask you to send some more scripture books, pamphlets and tracts to aid us in the daily work of our Lord.
Bro. Jerome Bukambo

If you can send me an English dictionary, I will be thankful. Enclosed, please find an article for Gospel News. I wrote it by hand as it is expensive by computer. It is a sowing season out here and the rain has not started falling down as heavy as it usually does. We are therefore busy doing farm work despite the fact that worms have destroyed some seedlings in our fields. We pray that our Heavenly Father will help to wipe out these destroying worms in our fields. We are indeed living in the Last Days. Our Lord’s prophetic words in Luke 21:11, Mark13:8 and Matthew 24:7 are true. The backbone of our economy here is only farming. We eke out our living by just cultivating our fields and getting both food and money from the farm produce harvested.
Bro. Gabriel Mwakasapi

Thank you for the reading glasses and the Bible Basics book translated into Kiswahili which I received. I was very sorry that I was sick for the whole three months. By God’s mercy I am a bit better for I had no help from anywhere but from my Saviour Jesus, the King of Kings. I am still requesting other literature which will help me to defend the truth found in our faith. I sometimes hold debates with other sects and we always become the winner. I hope to bring some of these people into our family, God willing. Our country Tanzania is now facing an acute problem of food shortages, although it is the sowing season, there is no rain. The country is now praying for rain so that at least God could arrest the situation before it gets worse. N.B. One of my students is in need of reading glasses, he is aged 60 yrs and needs 3.0 glasses.
Bro. James Mwangomo

You have sent me cards (A string of Jewels) which I have found to be excellent for Bible teaching. I would like them translated into Swahili, at no cost, only the cost of typing. Please allow me to go ahead so that many of my students may have direct access to the knowledge. We would like to reproduce the pictures therein, maybe you can help us with that. But please let me have your comments first, especial, if you are willing to foot the typing bill.
Bro Raphael Mkeya.

I am very thankful to receive the Bible Basics which you sent me, I read it for a long time. Our ecclesia here in Camp needs doors and chairs, Bro. Tim Evans was here and promised to send us money to make the doors and the chairs. There are 17 members here who would like to have Bible Basics in Kiswahili and one in French. Bro. Marcus, I remind you that we have a problem with learning the English language because the teacher who teaches English demands money from us. We would like how to know and write English well but we are not able to pay the teachers and so would like a copy of Duncan’s ‘Speaking with Jesus’ English book.
Bro. Akulu Mmandama


Above: Advanced contacts receiving Bibles at Musoma.

Below: The Musoma Sunday School.

I would like to thank you for Gospel News that you send, it helps me to grow spiritually. I request one pair of reading glasses grade +1.5 and one Swahili Bible if possible.
Bro. Andrew Mlengo

We are in need of more calendars, Bibles and other supplementary books that are written in Kiswahili. Pass our great greetings to our lovely brothers and sisters and ask them to pray for us because we are facing great global warming which results in poor production. With that situation the followers are suffering from hunger and thirst. I am yours in Jesus Christ.
Bro. Makenga Reveliyano

Request for help. We are East African Church followers. As you hear from various media concerning the situation that the famine has overlaid the zone, actually we are suffering bitterly. So far the rain season has changed into a dry one, therefore we have no hope. With that situation we are crying to you brethren that you can save us from that deadly situation. We are about 29 church followers who are in need of assistance. (Matt.7:7-8, Psalm 82:4).
Bro. Makenga Reveriyano

I got sick with malaria and blood pressure illness. I am grateful that the Lord preserved me from this illness. I am now strong by His love. My thanks to all brethren and sisters who came to visit me at the hospital and encouraged me with the word of God. My cry to Christadelphians is to be busy with our heavenly Father’s business. I send my photo and that of Lokole. The shot of him was taken when I was hospitalized.
Bro. Amnobe Iyungu

Above: Bro. Asende Lokole. 

Below:. Bro. Amnobe Iyungu, while hospitalized at Lugufu Hospital.

news from uganda 

Thank you for the letter you sent me. Surely it is so long since I heard from you, but all the same God has given us the gift of life up to this day. I have always remembered the time we spent in the sharing of God’s Word and I believe we are together. Please can you send me more literature as it is a good preaching tool. God bless you all.
Bro. Waako Stephen
Bro. Yokosani Higenyi

It was 16th October 2005 when I was baptized in Busia, Uganda. When I went back home I had changed my behaviour to Christian life. I tried to get contacts to come to me wanting to know more about the Bible. Good enough they also agreed and they were baptized on 18th December 2005. So we have an offshoot ecclesia from Buswale ecclesia. We are four brothers and one sister with so many contacts.. They told me that they should also be considered on the list. The names are: Wanyama Fredrick, Ojiambo Philly, Nabwire Winnie, Oketch Alex and myself Mukisa Samuel. I thank you for Bible Basics which enabled me to learn and read very well and I passed the interview. I was one of the best students on that day. Another reason is to encourage my brothers and sisters all over the world that when you are interviewed and you fail, never be discouraged but instead learn more and understand. I myself was interviewed twice and I failed but I said I must work with the Chirstadelphian people because of the doctrine they believe in. So I thank God for what I am today.
Bro. Mukisa Samuel

Although I’ve been told something about you by some brothers whom you met at the time you came to Uganda, now something about myself. I am 24 years of age and was baptized in 1999 in ‘Dawn’ fellowship and changed, in mid 2000 to ‘Central’ where I fellowship. I am unmarried and a youth leader among the youth in Uganda. Thanks to the current news you sent me in relation to Bible prophecy, I will be happy to continue receiving such news since sometimes I can’t listen to radio due to commitment somewhere and sometimes relating to the current news on Bible prophecy, so it will be helpful to me.
Bro. Juma Jophter

The message is, “So I will come near to you for judgment, I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud labourers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless and deprive aliens of justice, but do not fear me, says the Lord Almighty.” All this is from Malachi 3:5.
Bro. Yokosani Higenyi

I am very pleased to receive the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’, a few copies of ‘Misingi ya biblia, Kitabu chenye Mafunzo’, Bible Basics in Kiswahili and Bible Basics in English and its Introduction, ‘The Death of the Cross’ and ‘Public Debate on Demons’. I quote the thanks of the early Apostles Paul and Timothy to all the saints at Philippi in Phil. 1:3-11 “I thank my God every time I remember you, in all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. It is right for me to feel this way about all of you… And this is my prayer, that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight.” I really thank you very much to make all the efforts to fulfill my request. The five copies of the Kiswahili Bible Basics and some of the literature books I am keeping in our ecclesia and use them during our Bible Study, especially for teaching those contacts who do not understand English since their number is big also. The public debate is so good giving the light of the truth in the Bible, especially a big challenge to the Pentecostal Evangelists and other groups (other than Christadelphians) who preach about the present existence of the miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit possessed today. It is very good for our reference when I am sharing the Word of God with other Christian groups. God willing, I need the book “The peoples we meet” which gives more references to different groups of people who have different religions and beliefs, so that in sharing the Word of God you can easily know to what type of person you are talking. I again thank you for Gospel News. Finally, peace be to all the brothers worldwide and love with faith from God, the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.
Bro. Isaac Bulea Cox

Greetings in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. I am Biira Josinta, baptized by the Christadelphians. I am aged 19 years. My dear brothers and sisters I need to receive Gospel News. I also need to give articles to other brothers and sisters worldwide.
Sis. Biira Josinta

Here at Kigandalo we are all well. We thank those that enable us to be sent Gospel News and literature. We are enjoying it with our friends and brothers and we hope you will continue with the same spirit because people are very interested in reading them. I will also thank Bre. Mathias and John Palmer for the good messages I always receive from them. Please remember me in all your prayers and pray that the Lord Jesus comes back this year.
Bro. Samuel Onyango

I came to know the truth in the Bible and after that was baptized. I thank God for what I am nowadays. The point today is that I would like you to send me the following if possible: (a) leaflets (b) Gospel News (c) books concerning God and Jesus (d) a hymn book. I would be very grateful if I am considered for the above items since I am eager to learn about the Word of God. God bless you all.
Bro. Mukisa Samuel

news from zambia 

Photo: Bro Nelson Bwalya [right] with Bro Charles Chall at Solwezi

It has taken me a long time to communicate with you due to various reasons. Because I live in a remote place, I also face problems in finding stamps. I am requesting from you the following books, if possible:- Where There is no Doctor, Bible Basics and other educative books and leaflets.
Bro. Goodwell Mubanga

Photo: Members of Chifunsa Ecclesia

I write to you to ask for free Bible study tapes; our group consists of five people. We will be very, grateful if this request can be granted. We are sure that this scheme will help us to grow spiritually. If possible kindly send me a copy of a Zambian agricultural officer’s notes on soya bean production and how they can be used or processed before consumption. I understand they are consumed in different ways but I don’t know how.

I am the secretary of a small ecclesia in a remote area in the northern part of Zambia and this is Kabale ecclesia. I write to request the book “Where Women Have No Doctor”. To help benefit our families. Another request is for the book, “Growing a Balanced Diet” but I understand that this book is out of print and since we are unable to get the required information. We ask CAT. to let us have any of the following six booklets from the Swedish Co-operative Centre:-

1. Principles of Planning Vegetable Production

2. Traditional Vegetable Crop Production.

3. Root Crop Production. 

4. Production of some exotic Vegetable Crops.

5. Seed Production and Vegetable Processing

6. Conservation Farming

Since we live solely on cultivation, these booklets will help us to become self-sufficient. We will be very grateful if any of the above requests can be sent to -
Bro. Brighton Chiluba

I personally find Gospel News very informative, spiritually and salvation wise. Being a new baby in Christ I found your message to be of great importance to me and many of my brothers here at Mandona. Please keep it up. The other thing here is that we are passing through a very difficult time as we had very few rainfalls last year, which started after our planting season, so we had very little harvest. This year rains started in January, instead of November last year, so many of the brethren here are surviving on food for work, so we are at times failing to meet all at the same time as one or two may be out looking for food for the family. It is my appeal to my brothers and sisters worldwide to pray for us that we may go through this period with minimal suffering.
Bro. Charles Kangwa

I am very grateful to be informed that you have sent a parcel of books and tapes by sea mail. Brothers, may the Lord bless CAT. for the work of God you are doing, which is helping us us the narrow way to the Kingdom. Kabompo ecclesia has translated our local songs in Lunda and Luvale, which are the main languages of Kabompo and two of the seven languages of Zambia, through Bro. Bob Webb.(Horley,UK) God willing Kabompo may grow through these songs.

We are very grateful to receive the book “Where There Is No Doctor”. I am informing you that Kabompo ecclesia held an election of office bearers. I was elected the secretary, Bro Francis Mukabe, treasurer and Bro. Richard Masuwa committee member. Kabompo ecclesia has no permanent postal address due to the fact that it is too expensive. This is why the secretary elected uses his personal address. Regarding the gospel tapes project we have formed two groups of four members each group for rotation of tapes. This is the new start of Kabompo ecclesia.
Bro. Charles and Sis. Cecilia Muhupu

Photo: Bro Nelson Bwalya (left), during a visit to the Kabompo Ecclesia

Sadly I have lost five children, which has left me with twelve grandchildren, whom I am staying with at the moment with in an uncompleted house. The house is partially roofed and always poses a danger to the children, especially in the rainy and cold seasons.
Bro. Lotson Kayuni

The following is a brief account of my preaching mission.

1) I left Kalomo town on 1.5.06 at 14.30 hrs. for Kabanga.

2) Arrived there at 18.30 hrs. Then walked to a student’s home, Mr.Carrius

3) Munyumbwe’s. At 20.45 I was at the place and stayed the night. Friday morning I and the two students, Mr. Elias Mwembe and Mr. Carrius Munyumbwe sat at 7.30. hrs to discuss matters pertaining to their meetings. I was told that all was okay. About eight students have received their English lessons, only those awaiting Tonga lessons are without. What they need are Tonga Bibles to enable them to answer Tonga lessons, and hymns, as well as constant visits from baptized brethren and sisters at least twice a month.

4) At 9.45 hrs I left in search of the widow of the late Brother Daniel Siamusonde, Mrs. Sophia Mweene, who also has been doing some correspondence and has completed. I reached her home at 12.15.hrs. I enquired how she was doing with the lessons and I was told that she had completed. She is also in need of a Tonga Bible since the one they used previously was grabbed away by the administrator. She also needs constant visits by brethren and sisters, also some material assistance where possible.

5) At 14.10 hrs I left for a certain student’s home, Mr. Bonwel Muvanmi.

6) I arrived at his house at 15.30 hrs. The aim of seeing him was to find out more about what Bro. Elijah left behind since it was heard that he had shifted to Luanshya in December 2005. Fortunately I found him and his wife. After some 10 to 15 minutes two more students arrived. I then introduced my visiting his house and to assist me proposing some names of students, two male and two female, who could be used as organizers of CBM programmes (assisting). Four names were given – 1. Mr. Charles Nyekeleyi, who was present that day, 2. Mr. Kingley Kamasitu, 3. Mrs. Rodah Mweene, 4. Mrs Florence Siamatwe. On the part of meetings they said they do meet but haven’t yet found a suitable meeting place since Bro. Elijah left. But Mr. Bonwel Muvanmi sacrificed his home to be used for meetings now until a place is available. English lessons do arrive to some students, only those for Tonga lessons are still waiting. They also ask for Tonga Bibles as well as hymns. Constant visits are needed..

7) After that long discussion I left for Jokwe Basic School (Kanyanga turn off) with the aim of finding a place to sleep with whoever would welcome me. While still languishing about a lorry ferrying relief maize for Mooka Basic School happened to pass by. I asked for a lift and was granted it. By then it was 19.00 hrs. By the time I arrived at Mooka Basic School it was 21.15 hrs, then I started on foot to see Mr. Phanuel Siamutone, the student.

8) I arrived at his home at 22.10 hrs and he and his family were still awake and after supper retired to sleep. He is our CBM contact person in place of our late Bro, Daniel in that area. Early morning of 7.1.06. we sat, four of us, Phamuel, his two wives and me. The first thing I did was to hand over the students mail lessons which pass through Box 620214. The mails were 15 in number, other mails I delivered some time back. After that I asked how the meetings are going on. They do still meet as before. Tonga lessons are being waited for. Tonga Bibles are needed and constant visiting. Then he gave me more new names to start the course – 1. Mr. Charles Siatubebe, 2. Mr. Jonah Tilimboyi, 3. Mrs Agnes Siamubone, 4. Mr. Misheck Nalweta, 5. Mrs. Susan Nalweta, 6. Mr.Clare Syeejilo. At 8.20.hrs. I started for Jokwe B. School, returning back. After having walked for 3 hrs. a lorry happened to come my way. I asked for a lift and was granted it but this driver was still to branch off for Simalundu to collect some empty drums of diesel for refilling in Choma. He asked me if I could go with him and I agreed since I was tired and hungry and the journey was to take me four more hours to reach Jokwe B. School on foot.

9) We then branched off but only above halfway the lorry got stuck because of wet ground. These drums were at a dam construction. We struggled to make the lorry come out from 12.30.hrs. assisted by nearby villagers, but no success. At 18.50.hrs another small vehicle arrived at the site going to the dam. It tried to pull but failed. At about 19.30 hrs a big lorry from the dam arrived to assist. It was our earnest hope that would avoid our having to sleep at that  point.  Drums were brought to that point so we turned back for Kalomo after being pulled out. Three contacts talked to us while we were busy with mud all over our clothes. 1. Mr. Victor Siatontola, 2. Mr. Lloyd Siatontola, 3. Mr. Dicson Mwyinanzala of Box 620184, Siamfumba Basic School. We arrived at Kalomo at 24.30 hrs. and slept at a bus shelter. Early morning I reported my trip to the secretary, Bro. Lameck and reached home at 13.30 hrs. Thank you so much for the Bible Basics you sent both English and Bemba. All parcels have arrived safely. Thank you for the small book and all your assistance. Please do send any suitable literature for preaching purposes.
Bro Harry Hambula

I have plans with our local community radio to make arrangements for a little time on their table for me to present to the public a religious lecture. Unfortunately, I currently don’t have enough literature on most difficult concepts in our faith to overcome any due challenge, like topics that appear in the Study Manual of Bible Basics. I need supportive material from you, i.e. notes concerning the same and many more. I’m not as profound in the faith and Truth as you may be, so I surely need your spiritual support in material and prayers. The place in which we live is comparably poor in terms of health and facilities. We therefore are very much exposed to adverse conditions that risk our lives in terms of disease. We know that God is in control but He has given us reasoning power for us to tell the situations and know how to avoid danger. So our commitment to Him should be accompanied by our own skills as Bro. Duncan states in his Bible Basics Study 11. Some problems we face in our lives are as a result of carelessness and ignorance. It is in this respect therefore I make a request again for ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ for the wellbeing of my family and the surrounding neighbourhood.. From the point of view of Revelation, not only are some of our ecclesias letting go of the ‘agape’ love as the ecclesia of Ephesus, but are actually becoming lovers of their own selves more than lovers of others. Jesus never transmitted a picture of loving some people and hating others. God loves all. How do we, as brothers and sisters, come to choose who we should love? Thank God for Jesus and the type of person in him! O Lord God, you are great and fair! Had it not been so no man of my kind and nature (a beggar), would have had a chance in your Kingdom. Blessed be your name O God, now and for ever, Amen. One wonders if ‘we’ as a society, are becoming a contributing factor to the losing of the first love by the community. God forbid, and may the Lord help us to learn to stand by ourselves and that we cling on to the Truth to the end. Anyway does the burden come from Africa alone? Thanks, brothers, for the information enclosed, for it is really helpful to me. My prayer is that you extend your hand of help both spiritually and physically to wherever God so wills for the reward reserved for you is immeasurable. Please let me make this one request if I find favour in your eyes; a Bible dictionary, a commentary and a copy of “Where there is no Doctor” will be heart feltedly appreciated.
Bro. Boniface and Sis. Christine Simpanzye

Continue to send me and Sister Elisabeth the Gospel News. Right now I am working on articles for publication. Also send me leaflets to assist me in my preaching mission. What is the latest news about Israel? Are the Palestinians still hoping to divide the holy city Jerusalem? Don’t they read the Bible and understand how God divided that land through Joshua?
Bro John Kasanda

Warm greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. I have received the two parcels containing 10 Bible Basics in French and 8 Bible Basics in English, plus the Bible. Thank you so much for your great love, may the Almighty God bless you in whatever you do and grant you a place in His Kingdom to come. I am very happy to have received your letter and the book “The Death of the Cross”. I was impressed on what will happen in the future and the consequence of the flu pandemic in UK and earthquake in the Dead Sea. These things are to warn us believers to prepare ourselves to meet our Lord Jesus because we do not know the hour or the day. Israel has suffered injustice from her neighbours and from world influence and I will be happy it I could be with Israel and fight along with Jesus. Concerning rabbit production, it is a very good idea which I would like to do. Please if you have details on how to care for these animals I would be glad to receive them.
Bro. Robert M. Miwele

Life is indeed getting harder and harder every day. The dollar has been falling but there is still a cry from local business communities that they are running out of kwacha as they have to order their merchandise from abroad in dollars. The drought that hit Zambia last year hit most parts of the country and the impact has spread even to other areas. Last year a 5kg tin of maize was costing k4,000.00, the same tin (known as a medda) was selling at k5,000.00 in December and in February k7,000.00. There have been government efforts to assist in areas where food has been very scarce but these are not often enough. I am glad to hear that you have sent me by sea mail a few Bible Basics and a book ‘Where Women Have No Doctor’. I will be very ready to receive them and thank you very much. My wife assists at the nearby health centre with ante-natal cases. The book will be very helpful to the ecclesias as well as the community. We in Zambia really do appreciate the work that Duncan is doing. We pray that all hurdles be removed from his way as he continues to do the Lord’s work. Our Kitwe Ecclesia has been split into (what I can call) proximity groups. I was told that the Kitwe Main School, which was central even for me from Luforanyama district had become expensive and will only be used for fraternals. This arrangement has made my son, Elvin Jr. (16) unable now to attend Sunday School, which he used to do fortnightly. I am, however, pleased because the fraternal dates are being sent to me and I can break bread with brothers and sisters once every three months. The Gospel of Mark would be ideal for studying the gospel as well as teaching the English language. Internationally we have an exploding world population which is going hungry because of man’s destruction of the environment by deforestation, pollution, chemicalisation and war, leading to climatic changes in places, fierce hurricanes and huge flooding, the plague of HIV-AIDS which has infected many. It has become daily talk on all media in Zambia. Nevertheless we have to heed Luke’s warning, “Be careful” he says, “lest the day closes on you, like a trap.” (Luke 21:34). I thank you very much for the book “The Gospel and Strife” by A.D. Norris. I have also received three other books. Thank you once again for your efforts in this direction. I am still awaiting receipt of the Bible Basics you sent to me by surface mail. I hope they will arrive soon.
Bro. Elvin P. Muntemba

I thank you for Gospel News magazine and the Bible Reader’s Calendars. I would like to continue receiving the Gospel News because it helps me to know what is happening to other Brothers and Sisters worldwide. Some articles encourage me so much that I would not want to miss a single copy. I would like you to send this book entitled “Modern Medicine and the Bible” and the comprehensive set of notes for the three daily readings prepared by Bro Stanley Blackstone, if available. As far as I am concerned I am very young in the faith and I always want to learn from big brothers and sisters. May the good Lord, who revealed the divine wisdom to you, help us to do His will. The day of the Lord is really at hand, that is why I want to keep on up-dating my mind with the Word of God. You are really doing a tremendous job by encouraging me.
Bro. Jaxon Kalumba Jnr.

Comment. We are unable to add any more to the mailing list for the Daily Reading Notes.  Unfortunately the scheme has proved to be more expensive than anticipated. MH

I don’t know how I can thank CAT for their compassion shown, by sending me reading glasses. I received them safely together with a book “Jehovah’s Witnesses, their doctrines briefly tested by Scripture”, and “The Death of the Cross”, plus “Present Day Events and their meaning from the Bible”. I walk 6 miles Saturday and 6 miles Sunday from my house to the ecclesia meeting hall. With reading now I am OK. Please do send me any books you think would be good or beneficial to me.
Bro. Davies S. Nthara

I am aged 22 and have completed my post course of 40 lessons and I have started the new course which is “New Life in Christ”. I am willing to serve my Creator and I am very happy to be in the Chritadelphian community. I started receiving the Christadelphian lessons in 2004 and I wrote my grade 9 exam in 2005, as now I am waiting for my result to come out. I was baptized on 24 April 2005 and I would like to receive Gospel News and learn what my elder brothers in Christ write, and I want to be in God’s Kingdom through Jesus Christ.
Bro. Stephen S. Siomabi

Here in Africa the only problems which affect me are attendance at our meetings. People have no interest in the Word of God. They want something that can satisfy their desires, as the Bible says, in the last days. I received the latest Gospel magazine in which I found news about Mike, my son who is deaf. I would like to ask how possible it is to have the book which I saw in the magazine ‘Where Women Have No Doctor’. If possible try to send us one. I would love the following list of names to receive Gospel News.
Bro. Fred Mumba

I hope this letter finds you in good health as we wait for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope one day we will all meet in the Kingdom and all our life’s problems will be solved. I would like to inform you that since I was baptized on 6 June 2004 I have not been receiving receiving Gospel News which I enjoy as it gives wide knowledge.
Bro. Musanda Mbewe

As we are called brethren in Christ we must resemble Jesus Christ in everything. We must not be teachers by word while our hearts are far from him or else we are killing ourselves. We read from the Word of God how Jesus went through a lot of suffering but he had faith in his Father. If we look at Joseph his faith was also in God, and Job never cursed God, instead he became stronger in all his suffering. What about us, who are called brethren of Christ, do we have faith in God and His son, Jesus Christ? Brothers and Sisters, when trials and temptations fall on us let us take them to Jesus; yes, let’s lay them at the feet of our Lord Jesus, for he is the only one who can save us from everything. Let us not lose sight of Jesus. I know that it is hard with this flesh of sin. Remember Jesus also had our sinful flesh nature but he never sinned. When we sin let us recognize the sin and stop it for Jesus never sinned.
Sis. Loveness Chileshe

I never thought Russia could be that cold - rivers frozen over and ‘difficult summers’. It is good that, despite the weather, the Lord has always been able to provide security for his servants. I am glad to inform you that I have now completed the course in Motor Mechanics at Grade 7 (Trade Test level) and I got quite good results; 84% in Theory, 62% in Practicals and 85% in Entrepreneurship Studies. You can see that I very much need to get involved with the practical exercise as we were not much exposed to it during our course period – six months were not enough. Despite these results I am not yet in employment though I have written some application letters to some companies within Mufulira and one in Kitwe which seems promising; maybe soon I may be called for interviews and, God willing, be successful and ready to start a job. Life is not easy at the moment, as you put it, ‘for everyone everywhere’. We still have to put it all into the Lord, for He knows best what we need and when. So let Him act. I was delighted to hear of the Bible Class you had, looking at the letters to the seven churches and the tremendous commendation for the Ephesus Ecclesia. You will agree with me that the love the ecclesia lost was the only way they could prove their ‘hard work’ for the Lord and that was to see their part in the Kingdom, as is the case for all who come back to the Truth. Had they regained their real love, repenting of their sins, they could have been forgiven. I stopped for a moment to say that what happened at that ‘zealous’ ecclesia, it is also happening in our ecclesias – you will agree with me. We seem to be having difficulties and confusions in our own ecclesias, not thinking best for/about others, and not just loving them, and I think of what the Lord will say to us on that day! Please, brethren, don’t stop remembering us in your prayers, as much as we remember you, that together, we may be in that glorious Kingdom – may it come soon. Surely almost everything that was to happen in the last days is happening.
Bro. Silas K. Chishimba

Below left, Bro Nelson after a Bible Class at Mufulira

I am thanking God for the Africraft organizers who made it possible for me to have the opportunity of going to Chipata, Zambia, and learn how to sew. I know that this skill will help me in future. May God bless those who are doing this work and who are helping those in need. May the grace and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ be with God’s people. May He bless you for the work CAT is doing.
Sis. Esther Muntete

We are all fine here in Nakonde except that I have a very painful right eye. I went to see the doctor in Lusaka, which is about 1000 kms., because here in Nakonde we don’t have an eye doctor. They did their best, the doctor removed something from my eye and he told me to go back for a review which I did and I was given another medicine and have to go back in two months. The Calendar helps me a lot for Bible readings and even for the students and Gospel News has been very helpful for us who have been in isolation for some years, because whenever we read from it we are being comforted by the letters and the articles.
Bro. Martin Simukwai

I am a bit better as last week I was suffering from malaria. Life in the world is not easy, we all go through hardships, but God tells us to call upon Him in time of trouble, read Psalm 50:15. Only God can solve our problems through His Son Jesus Christ and also God works through people. Bro. Stanley Blackstone (Worthing UK) has edited and typed up a comprehensive set of notes for the three daily readings. Let Bro. Stanley continue with this as we need a good set of notes covering the readings. I also thank you for the book ‘What is the Bible?’ Some people do not know how the Bible came about, the inspired Word of God, written by people moved by the Holy Spirit of God. This is not an ordinary book, like newspapers or novels, it is the Word of God talking to us, telling us what to do and telling us what happened to our fellow brothers and sisters of long ago, warning us not to fall into temptation but to follow our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Our days are days of trial and extreme temptation, renewing our faith. Read Revelation 3:21 and also read John 12:24-26. Jesus said, “Whoever loves his life loses it and whoever hates his life will keep it for eternal life” and also read Hebrews 9:27, “For it is appointed for a man to die once, and thereafter judgment”. The Bible writings were written by God’s spirit inspiring men (2 Peter 1:18-21). Those Bible writers prophesied and spoke the words with which God’s spirit had inspired them, these words were written down and form all scripture which we have in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
Bro. James Mwanza

I am happy to have this time to write after a long time. I have been held up, so many things needed my attention, my pre-school as well as other things. The schools are now closed. I am however just going through Bible Basics translated into Bemba and it was wonderfully done. My hope is that this one in Tonga will be done in the same manner. I also think you might be wondering as to why I have taken much time to finish the assignment. Some officers concerned at this time of every year are busy with seminars to prepare for annual shows and new seed/fertilizer sharing as well as other food security programmes. You might also have noted that in my last letter I mentioned some materials which I did not include to you, so here they are. I may need to talk to the agriculture man in Choma as well as in Monze as soon as they are free from this raining/farming season. I am always looking forward to your response to my letters, also Gospel News. I need the following books ‘What the world is coming to’, ‘2000 Years of Daniel’ and ‘The Revelation’, also Middle East updates plus other materials. There is still much that we ought to do, the world is nearing the end and we should not overlook or pretend to ignore it, Rev.2:7, 11-12. We should therefore go into the world and share the good news of the gospel, (Mark 16:15-16), thereby showing the light in us (Matt.5:14-16). We really need to focus our attention on what is happening and be conscious of time. There is need for us all to meditate, study and pray. We shall never feel lonely if we are working and thinking as well as doing what time needs us to do. Let us build our foundation by working with God, we will then get it right with God and every step we take willbe enlightened by Him.
Bro Wilfred Chibomba

Comment - Bro. Wilfred has helped us a great deal in locating literature on food production and on growing many crops. We have printed his leaflet on Conservation Farming which he will be pleased to send anyone. His address is P.O. Box 640047, PEMBA, ZAMBIA

I was very happy indeed to receive the copy of ‘Present Day Events’. Soon I will write to Gospel Publicity League in Australia for more copies to be sent to me. Also thank you for sending me “What is the Bible?” which I have found very interesting. I wish, if I can, to translate it into Tonga because it bears educative Bible historical background. I would like to start a small Bible School in our area. Because we are in isolation we need to have a good number of Bible teaching materials for enabling us to help new contacts. I hope and trust that you will help where you find it possible. My experience these days is that one cannot say, ‘Next week’, for example, ‘I will finish building the house’, without first asking God in prayer.
Bro. Joseph Mulawo

We were hit with illness in the family, malaria. Our daughter suffers what doctors are calling Bell’s Palsy, she has difficulties with talking and drinking and can’t close her eyes. We need your prayers. Our son, Timothy, also did not do well in his exams and has to repeat the grade; he had some chest troubles for some time and it has affected his learning. Bro. Nelson Bwalya came to see our sick daughter in a very poor hospital We had a nice time with him.
Bro. Winstone Lotala

Left, Bro Nelson who baptised Bro Kahjingah on 23rd March, which is the last of dozens of baptisms he undertook before his falling asleep in Christ on April 21st.

news from zimbabwe 

Greetings to you in the sure hope that we share. Many thanks for the Bible Basics, leaflets and a book entitled “The Cross of Christ” which you posted for the Bulawayo Ecclesia. The parcel came when I was outside Bulawayo, visiting my family, as you know that here in Zimbabwe we have country homes as most of us have no special professional jobs. The rains have fallen very well and the severe drought facing us has come to an end this year.
Bro. Ambrose Tanyepana

I am now back in Bulawayo. Every month end I go to Masvingo, a town about 99 kms from my home area. One of the things that touches me to the quick is that whenever I read Gospel News I came across some sad news about brothers or sisters in Africa or the world. Let me say the suffering, poverty and disease are from God. When God said, “Look, the man is like us, he knows good and evil” (Gen.3:22), the underlined word “evil” means bad. So in Gen 3:18 God promised suffering after Adam sinned, “The land shall produce thorns and thistles for you”. So why are we dumbfounded about suffering? Let us know that the life we have is meaningless (read Eccl.2:17-26). Wisdom to please God is the only good thing under the sun. When God created man He wanted him, to be obedient to Him. Some problems that we face are because of our sins. God promised to Israel curses for disobedience (Lev.26:14-21). A loving father always gives punishment to his son when he does bad things. When the Israelites bowed down to the golden calf, God plagued them (Ex. 32:35). We know that Jesus said, he will keep us from undue suffering, (Rev.3:10) Suffering gives us the perseverance that develops into faith. Faithful men are always at work, no matter at what time. In Romans 8:35 it says, “What shall remove us from the love of Christ..?” If we believe that God is our shepherd (Psalm 23:1), we shall not want. However many trying times come , He shall comfort us. All these shall end like one dreaming. All suffering and trying times shall end when the Kingdom of God shall comes no war, disease or death. Finally, let us be like the lamps which were in the tabernacle burning day and night, meaning our daily reading, that will make us a bud like Aaron’s rod. When we call ourselves Christadelphian it means that we are the flock of the same sheep, we must have been gathered together with the same voice (John 10). This means that all of us are united together with the cup of the new cvenant that we share. However, if we follow our own ungodly desires (Jude:19,20), there is a punishment that one can come to like Korah, Dathan and Abiram who were swallowed by the earth. To us also, we shall be sent to Satan (the world). We shall be swallowed by the sin that is in the world. Why also should the body of Christ be divided? We were all graffed in by the same olive tree (Rom. 11), Also the vine, we are all of us the branches (John 15). Why shall we put ourselves in the place of Christ who is the trunk? When we are leaders we must be the same as others. Finally I say let us value our baptism and the bread and wine. (1.Cor 12:25). Thank you for sending me Gospel News while I was at Chivi. I have tried to plant maize and sorghum on a large scale because our area is receiving rainfall below the amount needed.
Bro. Dzingai Sumburera

I have been added another year to my age. We should also be maturing in truth and faith. I have just finished reading the Present Day Events and their meaning from the Bible. The headings are: “Chaos in the world…when will it end?” and “What I say unto you, I say unto all, Watch”. I was desperately touched with the question by Jesus, “When the Son of Man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” With all this chaos, my answer is that many are called but few will be saved. I think with the current world situation, a vast number of people are trying to use human effort to solve the problems, but that should not be so with us who have chosen to follow Christ, come what may. Gal.3:3, “Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?”
Bro. Moses Ajiweka

Gospel News and other literature are like appetizing food which lead me to read the Bible. CAT is really doing a great job in helping people to know the Word of God. May our dear God bless the work more and more with the hope of the Kingdom to be established on this earth. Here, we are busy planting and weeding our fields. The rain season has started well. We look forward to a good season if the rain continues like this. The environment now looks green and beautiful. It will be more beautiful in the Kingdom as there will be no toiling and sweating. It is a life and place worth looking forward to. Like Paul writing to the young Timothy, likewise those who are elders, married couples and those who are well-to-do in material advancement, should help our young people and the needy to continue in the faith. Each ecclesia must see to it that it organizes teenage and youth meetings to help them to know what God expects them to do, and for our unmarried brothers and sisters to marry in the ecclesia. We should pray for and preach to those who are not saved. It is good to marry someone who is of the same belief and faith. Preaching through leaflets, invitation and visits are very important in bringing people to the Lord. Like ants, let us work and encourage each other as the time draws near to our Lord’s coming.
Bro. Obert Wiki

I am very happy because it is Sunday and I must keep the Lord’s commandment that says, “Do this in remembrance of me” Luke 22:19. We must do it with faith, hope and love. Well, the world cannot judge itself, but we must judge ourselves. If we do this we shall not be judged. Finally, I want to let you know that my father has a small piece of land at Chivi where he has planted cassav in the backyard.
Bro. Dzingai Sumburera

I want to have a daily personal reading of pioneer studies especially on the book, “Elpis Israel”. So could you please send the complete set of notes on these studies. Please keep sending the Gospel News and any other literature. Our secondary school is building a library and the plans are now at an advanced stage so please donate some literature, especially Bible Basics.

Thank you very much for sending the book ‘Backyard Rabbit Farming In The Tropics’. The manual is easy to read and the instructions easy to follow. Another project which does not need a lot of money to establish. I have +1,000 plants of JATROPHA on a nursery bed, the seeds of this plant can be processed into diesel fuel substitute, oil and soap, candles can also be processed from it. It takes three to four years to start producing a crop. I am now looking for more information on growing, harvesting and processing the oil from them I am eagerly in need of this information.
Bro. Raphael Nyandoro

Comment. Thanks for the most interesting comment about growing Jatropha, this is a very interesting crop and, as you say diesel fuel and oil can be produced from it, also soap and candles. For those interested and who have access to the internet, there is much information on its uses and cultivation, just write in ‘Jatropha’ on the internet and very much information is obtainable; I am sending you some of it. There is also an article on the negative aspects of Jatropha which can cause poisoning, it produces hydrocarbons which may cause some cancers. It is sometimes used as a dense hedge and I guess could be difficult to remove if not wanted. I appreciate Oil Palm take, a long time to bear fruit, but I would have thought long term they would be very useful as a valuable food and for cooking oil etc.MH.

On 23rd February there was an earthquake here in Zimbabwe; but mostly Mozambique. I do not know how many died or were injured because I am far away from Mutare, during that time I was fast asleep. May the Lord bless our united effort to encourage people to get back to the Bible.
Sis. Alice Mlambo

I thank our Lord Jesus Christ, through whose death we have this wonderful fellowshipping in the Truth of the Christadelphians. I am 62 years but I am still a child who needs more spiritual food in spiritual books, Present Day Events, Glad Tidings, Gospel News, to mention a few. The prayer of our Lord Jesus Christ, John 17:6-12 - I feel very happy in the faith, that God chose me (v.8), and yet I always pray as in Matt.5:3 & 6 that I will thirst no more, even to those that I speak to, that the truth of the gospel news be revealed to them as I received it through Bro. Joshua Pakali. My opinion, God willing, is to make or start a pre-school for our Christadelphian children so that from youth they may have a true understanding of the Word of God. Though the preaching is in progress by the Campaign Group there are a good number of children and youth. There may be a place for them to meet and as we have a younger sister it is fitting for her to work with the children. Kariba has many students doing lessons, and some have given us reports that their tutors wrote letters for baptism, God Willing. As we wait for the Kingdom or our Lord Jesus we always pray that we may have all the armour of God (Eph 6:10-18), and I also pray for you that the love and peace of our God be with us till the Kingdom is revealed to us, where we will see each other face to face.
Bro. David Mhondiwa

I was so happy when I received Gospel News and the deeper study of interest, ‘The Epistles to the Thessalonians 1 and 2’, very good. Thank you; this is real encouragement in our wilderness journey. Receiving Gospel News regularly and more news from you, my brothers and sisters, I have benefited a lot. Last year, I developed in wisdom through many trials and through your hard work in sending to me much different literature. God bless everything that you touch and keep you in good health. May they keep on sending Present Day Events and the newsletter; they are very informative and I am alert on world events, especially Israel, a boiling pot. We as the ‘chosen fruits’ of this earth know what is coming on this earth so let us pray always for our redemption is nigh. The Bible prophecy is now fulfilled at every corner of the world. Surely Jesus will come when all his enemies are under his feet. The sheep and goats are separated at his judgment, at his coming. ‘Where Women Have No Doctor’ would be good for my wife, Joyce, she does not feel well in her body. May she be sent one for her health needs. Sister Joyce sometimes feels pains in her body and hands; I will help her to understand an English copy, if available. At the moment I am busy working on sweet potatoes, which are doing very well, following instructions of “How to Grow a Balanced Diet”. May I have another book called “Principles of Planning Vegetable Production”, thank you. 

I know that things are difficult these days but I always remember that every flower that has bloomed had to push through a lot of dirt to do so. We make a living by what we get and make a life by what we give. I believe that God is in control in the affairs in the Middle East, soon His Son will appear on Mount Zion. As Rev. 2-3 gives us hints on the first ecclesias it is good for us to compare how we are doing in our ecclesias; have we got agape love? Doing is better than talking. Blossom is well in its place...but if there is no fruit the tree is worthless. Prayer is the key in the morning and the bolt on the door at night. We must try and fail…but not fail to try, this is my motto. Your brother longing for Jesus Christ.

I was so happy when I received the book “Speaking About Jesus”. A good deed, no matter how small, is worth more than the greatest intention. My heart is full of joy. You have uplifted my ‘O’ level studies through the gospel message of our Saviour. Last year I sat for ‘O’ level exams for the first time. I wrote 5 subjects and passed one subject because of lack of books and assistance. I did not lose hope. Now I am doing night school at the same school that I wrote the exams. We were encouraged by the headmaster to do night school for them to accept us when we write exams again. I was very happy at this arrangement, so I am attending the night school. From my home and back is 16 km. but I have sacrificed to the end. You are saints of the Most High. You have done great my brothers and sisters. I am so pleased I am learning computer programs for the first time. I am seeing the hand of Providence in my wilderness journey through your deep spiritual love you share with this poor Lazarus. It’s the little things we do and say that mean so much as we go on our way. A kindly deed can lift a load from weary shoulders on the road, thank you very much. As I am a student these books are very helpful as I have a desire to pass my subjects when I write the examinations. This time I am studying human and social biology, English, Maths, Computer, History and Commerce.
Bro. Stanford Kuuzha

Here in Zimbabwe we have received good rains and I have recently received your articles. It seems that God cares for our needs, physically and spiritually. Keep it up with the work of publications as this has helped by fellow student teachers, mainly Mubonderi Tongorona and Mpisa Samuel. We experienced a tremendous earth movement at midnight. This and other related issues herald Jesus’ coming very soon. All we need is to repent from our ways and be baptized in the Name of Christ and that is what is called complete renewal in Romans 6. I have also received all the literature you sent, but my fellow workers are better encouraged through reading from the Bible Reader’s Calendar. I am living in perilous times in the teacher training situation at Chikaruoko and hope I will endure up to the end of the world. Lastly I dedicate my best fellow student, Mpisa Samuel, to be in the Truth revealed in the Bible and also pray pray for me in this matter.
Bro. Simon Mudavose

I write this letter to let you know that I would like to continue to receive Gospel News and other literature. I am finding them useful.
Bro. Costa Makwarimba

Greetings in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ whom we are still waiting to come and set up the future Kingdom (Luke 21:34-36). He will raise the dead and judge them according to their faith and works. Those who are unworthy will die the second death (Dan.12:1-3). We are sorry to report the death of our student Portia Moyo after a short illness. She was on lesson 26 of the course and left two children, the first born daughter is in the Sunday School, aged 6 years. On the other hand we are delighted to report the baptism of Itai Ngwenya here at Mathabisa area, on February 27th 2006. May the Lord guide him to the Kingdom. Now we are three brothers. I am happy I now have brothers in the faith so that we can share the same faith and preach the Word of God in our area, God willing. We thank the CBM for opening us a postal box. The new address is Christadelphian Bible Mission, P.O. Box 110, Mathabisa, Zimbabwe.
Bro. David Ngwenya Norest

Let me take this time to thank you once more for your hard work for the widely read Gospel News. Here in Mathabisa we were blessed with one baptism and hoping the number will increase in the future as we walk towards the establishment of the Kingdom of God. We hope you will be spiritually and physically strong and healthy. We are doing fine in our preaching activities to our beloved students here in Zimbabwe. We are experiencing a lot of rainfall, and we thank the Almighty for His love towards His people. We meet twice a month with brothers and sisters in Bulawayo for breaking of bread. May the Lord of peace be with us in this life-threatening world, full of terror. Hoping the Lord Jesus may come very soon for his followers. Your brother by the grace we both abundantly receive.
Bro. Balewa Ngwenya

What are you seeing in the present day life? Are there any changes between today and yesterday? Life is now full of uncertainty, warnings, insecurity and fearfulness. This is to fulfill what is written in the Law of Moses, in the Prophets and in the Psalms concerning Jesus. Read Rev.22:6-21. A true believer knows that God is in control, that He cares for His loved ones and that the Kingdom is coming soon. Did God reject His promises with the Jews and with Abraham? Read Romans 11:1-10. Did Jesus tell them about his death before he died? Read Matt.17:22-23. Who saw the vision of the Son of Man? Read Rev.1:9-20. Briefly I can say to all the believers, there is no room for fear, just joy.
Bro Stanford Masika

Photo: Bro Stanford’s son and his friends.

Here at Triangle the word of our Lord Jesus Christ is going well. I am waiting for the coming of Jesus Christ to this earth.
Bro. Jonathan Zvavamwenye

Thank you for your letter and the notes on the signs of the times which are heralding the return of our Lord. It is really heart-rending to witness and hear of such sad events happening in our neighbourhood. As Christ told his disciples to watch the things that are going to come and happen before his return, we should also likewise take heed for what is befalling others can also happen to us. We can find all the answers and truth in the Holy Bible. Now, let me share with you the joy of our ecclesia on February 5th. We were very happy and blessed with the successful interviews followed by the baptisms of five wise Sisters who were studying the Truth for two years. These are Sis Fungai Joseph, Sis Costa Musi, Sis Talent Chimbodza, Sis Nhamo Wiki (my sister) and Sis Patricia Chiwara. There are now seven sisters at Zumba ecclesia and three brothers. There are about six male students who are studying the Truth; some of them will be interviewed before the end of this year. May you and other brethren and sisters worldwide pray for our five Sisters so that they may be firm in their journey to the Kingdom of God. There are more female students who are also learning the Truth. When travelling to town I like discussing the Word of God with fellow passengers. On 3 February I had a spirited discussion about where believers and Jesus will be during the thousand years. A lady and two gentlemen said believers will go to heaven. I disagreed with them together with another gentleman from another church. This made me search my Bible more and more to find the truth. Many Christians seem to have taught or misunderstand the Scriptures. They also base their argument on John 14:1-4. But the Christadelphian knows that Jesus will reign here on earth during the thousand years.
Bro. Obert Wiki

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matt. 28:19). We are delighted to report that we witnessed the baptism of five Sisters here in Zumba on February 5th 2006 by Bro Gift Lungu. The names of the Sisters are Fungai Joseph, Costa Musi, Talent Chimbodza, Nhamo Wiki, and Patricia Chiwara. So brethren we ask for your prayers so that the ecclesia may become stronger spiritually. Our aim is to spread the gospel to everyone. I would like to thank you for the literature sent to me. “If you, O Lord, kept a record of sin, O Lord, who could stand?” (Psalm 130:1-4). What if, from the day you were born, your parents kept a special book about you? In this book they write down every time you did something wrong. As you got older you were required to write in the book the things you did wrong. For example, you had to enter bad thoughts that no one else would know about or the bad things you might have done when no one else was around. The book kept growing larger and larger. The good news is that no book like that exists, but God knows all those things. Yet out of His great love for us, God offers us forgiveness though Jesus. The Bible reminds us that God removes our sins from us,as far as the east is from the west (Psalm 103:12). So Brothers and Sisters let us thank God that He offers forgiveness instead of keeping records.
Bro. Emmanuel Kondowe

Loving greetings in the hope we share. Hoping this letter finds you in good health as we are. We do appreciate very much the work CAT are doing worldwide, the proclamation of the good news. It is for this reason that we share the same faith as one family. Our ecclesia consists of eight sisters and four brothers and a Sunday school class. I have written this letter of behalf of CBM Zvishavane to request the book “Where Women Have No Doctor” for our sisters and the girls they are bringing up.
Bro.Sibangani Maka

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