Brother Nelson Bwalya (Zambia)
I feel I must say something about the sad news of the death of our dear brother Nelson Bwalya, who fell asleep in Christ on the 20th April., at the age of 54. I first came into contact with Brother Nelson through the Dawn fellowship Bible Correspondence Course and took him through the final stages of instruction before his baptism on 7th August 1989. Since then we have been in constant contact and he was particularly helpful in our four visits to Zambia, accompanying us on all our travels in the Copper Belt.
He was a pastor of an evangelical church and had received some of his training in England. On his conversion he of course, lost not only his job and his income, but also his home and his status, but he accepted the change in faith. He had a good knowledge of the Scriptures and his pastoral training was a great help in dealing with difficulties that arose from time to time in the ecclesias. As C.B.M. representative in Zambia, he travelled widely supporting and encouraging the ecclesias and in recent years he shared his enthusiasm for the book of Revelation at bi-monthly Copper Belt Study Fraternals. He was responsible for the distribution of Bemba Bibles and his many contacts with ecclesias helped to keep the brotherhood together.
In between he made a small income selling used spectacles and second hand books from a street stall but more recently had suffered robberies from his home and destruction of his stall.
He has been a ‘shepherd of the flock’ and will be greatly missed. Who now will take on his role?
Our deepest sympathy is with sister Faides and his family, the Kitwe ecclesia and all the brotherhood in Zambia.
Photo: Bro Nelson on one of his frequent trips to upbuild the ecclesias
Bro Bob Webb (Horley,UK)
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