news from zambia
Photo: Bro Nelson Bwalya [right] with Bro Charles Chall at Solwezi
It has taken me a long time to communicate with you due to various reasons. Because I live in a remote place, I also face problems in finding stamps. I am requesting from you the following books, if possible:- Where There is no Doctor, Bible Basics and other educative books and leaflets.
Bro. Goodwell Mubanga
Photo: Members of Chifunsa Ecclesia
I write to you to ask for free Bible study tapes; our group consists of five people. We will be very, grateful if this request can be granted. We are sure that this scheme will help us to grow spiritually. If possible kindly send me a copy of a Zambian agricultural officer’s notes on soya bean production and how they can be used or processed before consumption. I understand they are consumed in different ways but I don’t know how.
I am the secretary of a small ecclesia in a remote area in the northern part of Zambia and this is Kabale ecclesia. I write to request the book “Where Women Have No Doctor”. To help benefit our families. Another request is for the book, “Growing a Balanced Diet” but I understand that this book is out of print and since we are unable to get the required information. We ask CAT. to let us have any of the following six booklets from the Swedish Co-operative Centre:-
1. Principles of Planning Vegetable Production
2. Traditional Vegetable Crop Production.
3. Root Crop Production.
4. Production of some exotic Vegetable Crops.
5. Seed Production and Vegetable Processing
6. Conservation Farming
Since we live solely on cultivation, these booklets will help us to become self-sufficient. We will be very grateful if any of the above requests can be sent to -
Bro. Brighton Chiluba
I personally find Gospel News very informative, spiritually and salvation wise. Being a new baby in Christ I found your message to be of great importance to me and many of my brothers here at Mandona. Please keep it up. The other thing here is that we are passing through a very difficult time as we had very few rainfalls last year, which started after our planting season, so we had very little harvest. This year rains started in January, instead of November last year, so many of the brethren here are surviving on food for work, so we are at times failing to meet all at the same time as one or two may be out looking for food for the family. It is my appeal to my brothers and sisters worldwide to pray for us that we may go through this period with minimal suffering.
Bro. Charles Kangwa
I am very grateful to be informed that you have sent a parcel of books and tapes by sea mail. Brothers, may the Lord bless CAT. for the work of God you are doing, which is helping us us the narrow way to the Kingdom. Kabompo ecclesia has translated our local songs in Lunda and Luvale, which are the main languages of Kabompo and two of the seven languages of Zambia, through Bro. Bob Webb.(Horley,UK) God willing Kabompo may grow through these songs.
We are very grateful to receive the book “Where There Is No Doctor”. I am informing you that Kabompo ecclesia held an election of office bearers. I was elected the secretary, Bro Francis Mukabe, treasurer and Bro. Richard Masuwa committee member. Kabompo ecclesia has no permanent postal address due to the fact that it is too expensive. This is why the secretary elected uses his personal address. Regarding the gospel tapes project we have formed two groups of four members each group for rotation of tapes. This is the new start of Kabompo ecclesia.
Bro. Charles and Sis. Cecilia Muhupu
Photo: Bro Nelson Bwalya (left), during a visit to the Kabompo Ecclesia
Sadly I have lost five children, which has left me with twelve grandchildren, whom I am staying with at the moment with in an uncompleted house. The house is partially roofed and always poses a danger to the children, especially in the rainy and cold seasons.
Bro. Lotson Kayuni
The following is a brief account of my preaching mission.
1) I left Kalomo town on 1.5.06 at 14.30 hrs. for Kabanga.
2) Arrived there at 18.30 hrs. Then walked to a student’s home, Mr.Carrius
3) Munyumbwe’s. At 20.45 I was at the place and stayed the night. Friday morning I and the two students, Mr. Elias Mwembe and Mr. Carrius Munyumbwe sat at 7.30. hrs to discuss matters pertaining to their meetings. I was told that all was okay. About eight students have received their English lessons, only those awaiting Tonga lessons are without. What they need are Tonga Bibles to enable them to answer Tonga lessons, and hymns, as well as constant visits from baptized brethren and sisters at least twice a month.
4) At 9.45 hrs I left in search of the widow of the late Brother Daniel Siamusonde, Mrs. Sophia Mweene, who also has been doing some correspondence and has completed. I reached her home at 12.15.hrs. I enquired how she was doing with the lessons and I was told that she had completed. She is also in need of a Tonga Bible since the one they used previously was grabbed away by the administrator. She also needs constant visits by brethren and sisters, also some material assistance where possible.
5) At 14.10 hrs I left for a certain student’s home, Mr. Bonwel Muvanmi.
6) I arrived at his house at 15.30 hrs. The aim of seeing him was to find out more about what Bro. Elijah left behind since it was heard that he had shifted to Luanshya in December 2005. Fortunately I found him and his wife. After some 10 to 15 minutes two more students arrived. I then introduced my visiting his house and to assist me proposing some names of students, two male and two female, who could be used as organizers of CBM programmes (assisting). Four names were given – 1. Mr. Charles Nyekeleyi, who was present that day, 2. Mr. Kingley Kamasitu, 3. Mrs. Rodah Mweene, 4. Mrs Florence Siamatwe. On the part of meetings they said they do meet but haven’t yet found a suitable meeting place since Bro. Elijah left. But Mr. Bonwel Muvanmi sacrificed his home to be used for meetings now until a place is available. English lessons do arrive to some students, only those for Tonga lessons are still waiting. They also ask for Tonga Bibles as well as hymns. Constant visits are needed..
7) After that long discussion I left for Jokwe Basic School (Kanyanga turn off) with the aim of finding a place to sleep with whoever would welcome me. While still languishing about a lorry ferrying relief maize for Mooka Basic School happened to pass by. I asked for a lift and was granted it. By then it was 19.00 hrs. By the time I arrived at Mooka Basic School it was 21.15 hrs, then I started on foot to see Mr. Phanuel Siamutone, the student.
8) I arrived at his home at 22.10 hrs and he and his family were still awake and after supper retired to sleep. He is our CBM contact person in place of our late Bro, Daniel in that area. Early morning of 7.1.06. we sat, four of us, Phamuel, his two wives and me. The first thing I did was to hand over the students mail lessons which pass through Box 620214. The mails were 15 in number, other mails I delivered some time back. After that I asked how the meetings are going on. They do still meet as before. Tonga lessons are being waited for. Tonga Bibles are needed and constant visiting. Then he gave me more new names to start the course – 1. Mr. Charles Siatubebe, 2. Mr. Jonah Tilimboyi, 3. Mrs Agnes Siamubone, 4. Mr. Misheck Nalweta, 5. Mrs. Susan Nalweta, 6. Mr.Clare Syeejilo. At 8.20.hrs. I started for Jokwe B. School, returning back. After having walked for 3 hrs. a lorry happened to come my way. I asked for a lift and was granted it but this driver was still to branch off for Simalundu to collect some empty drums of diesel for refilling in Choma. He asked me if I could go with him and I agreed since I was tired and hungry and the journey was to take me four more hours to reach Jokwe B. School on foot.
9) We then branched off but only above halfway the lorry got stuck because of wet ground. These drums were at a dam construction. We struggled to make the lorry come out from 12.30.hrs. assisted by nearby villagers, but no success. At 18.50.hrs another small vehicle arrived at the site going to the dam. It tried to pull but failed. At about 19.30 hrs a big lorry from the dam arrived to assist. It was our earnest hope that would avoid our having to sleep at that point. Drums were brought to that point so we turned back for Kalomo after being pulled out. Three contacts talked to us while we were busy with mud all over our clothes. 1. Mr. Victor Siatontola, 2. Mr. Lloyd Siatontola, 3. Mr. Dicson Mwyinanzala of Box 620184, Siamfumba Basic School. We arrived at Kalomo at 24.30 hrs. and slept at a bus shelter. Early morning I reported my trip to the secretary, Bro. Lameck and reached home at 13.30 hrs. Thank you so much for the Bible Basics you sent both English and Bemba. All parcels have arrived safely. Thank you for the small book and all your assistance. Please do send any suitable literature for preaching purposes.
Bro Harry Hambula
I have plans with our local community radio to make arrangements for a little time on their table for me to present to the public a religious lecture. Unfortunately, I currently don’t have enough literature on most difficult concepts in our faith to overcome any due challenge, like topics that appear in the Study Manual of Bible Basics. I need supportive material from you, i.e. notes concerning the same and many more. I’m not as profound in the faith and Truth as you may be, so I surely need your spiritual support in material and prayers. The place in which we live is comparably poor in terms of health and facilities. We therefore are very much exposed to adverse conditions that risk our lives in terms of disease. We know that God is in control but He has given us reasoning power for us to tell the situations and know how to avoid danger. So our commitment to Him should be accompanied by our own skills as Bro. Duncan states in his Bible Basics Study 11. Some problems we face in our lives are as a result of carelessness and ignorance. It is in this respect therefore I make a request again for ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ for the wellbeing of my family and the surrounding neighbourhood.. From the point of view of Revelation, not only are some of our ecclesias letting go of the ‘agape’ love as the ecclesia of Ephesus, but are actually becoming lovers of their own selves more than lovers of others. Jesus never transmitted a picture of loving some people and hating others. God loves all. How do we, as brothers and sisters, come to choose who we should love? Thank God for Jesus and the type of person in him! O Lord God, you are great and fair! Had it not been so no man of my kind and nature (a beggar), would have had a chance in your Kingdom. Blessed be your name O God, now and for ever, Amen. One wonders if ‘we’ as a society, are becoming a contributing factor to the losing of the first love by the community. God forbid, and may the Lord help us to learn to stand by ourselves and that we cling on to the Truth to the end. Anyway does the burden come from Africa alone? Thanks, brothers, for the information enclosed, for it is really helpful to me. My prayer is that you extend your hand of help both spiritually and physically to wherever God so wills for the reward reserved for you is immeasurable. Please let me make this one request if I find favour in your eyes; a Bible dictionary, a commentary and a copy of “Where there is no Doctor” will be heart feltedly appreciated.
Bro. Boniface and Sis. Christine Simpanzye
Continue to send me and Sister Elisabeth the Gospel News. Right now I am working on articles for publication. Also send me leaflets to assist me in my preaching mission. What is the latest news about Israel? Are the Palestinians still hoping to divide the holy city Jerusalem? Don’t they read the Bible and understand how God divided that land through Joshua?
Bro John Kasanda
Warm greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. I have received the two parcels containing 10 Bible Basics in French and 8 Bible Basics in English, plus the Bible. Thank you so much for your great love, may the Almighty God bless you in whatever you do and grant you a place in His Kingdom to come. I am very happy to have received your letter and the book “The Death of the Cross”. I was impressed on what will happen in the future and the consequence of the flu pandemic in UK and earthquake in the Dead Sea. These things are to warn us believers to prepare ourselves to meet our Lord Jesus because we do not know the hour or the day. Israel has suffered injustice from her neighbours and from world influence and I will be happy it I could be with Israel and fight along with Jesus. Concerning rabbit production, it is a very good idea which I would like to do. Please if you have details on how to care for these animals I would be glad to receive them.
Bro. Robert M. Miwele
Life is indeed getting harder and harder every day. The dollar has been falling but there is still a cry from local business communities that they are running out of kwacha as they have to order their merchandise from abroad in dollars. The drought that hit Zambia last year hit most parts of the country and the impact has spread even to other areas. Last year a 5kg tin of maize was costing k4,000.00, the same tin (known as a medda) was selling at k5,000.00 in December and in February k7,000.00. There have been government efforts to assist in areas where food has been very scarce but these are not often enough. I am glad to hear that you have sent me by sea mail a few Bible Basics and a book ‘Where Women Have No Doctor’. I will be very ready to receive them and thank you very much. My wife assists at the nearby health centre with ante-natal cases. The book will be very helpful to the ecclesias as well as the community. We in Zambia really do appreciate the work that Duncan is doing. We pray that all hurdles be removed from his way as he continues to do the Lord’s work. Our Kitwe Ecclesia has been split into (what I can call) proximity groups. I was told that the Kitwe Main School, which was central even for me from Luforanyama district had become expensive and will only be used for fraternals. This arrangement has made my son, Elvin Jr. (16) unable now to attend Sunday School, which he used to do fortnightly. I am, however, pleased because the fraternal dates are being sent to me and I can break bread with brothers and sisters once every three months. The Gospel of Mark would be ideal for studying the gospel as well as teaching the English language. Internationally we have an exploding world population which is going hungry because of man’s destruction of the environment by deforestation, pollution, chemicalisation and war, leading to climatic changes in places, fierce hurricanes and huge flooding, the plague of HIV-AIDS which has infected many. It has become daily talk on all media in Zambia. Nevertheless we have to heed Luke’s warning, “Be careful” he says, “lest the day closes on you, like a trap.” (Luke 21:34). I thank you very much for the book “The Gospel and Strife” by A.D. Norris. I have also received three other books. Thank you once again for your efforts in this direction. I am still awaiting receipt of the Bible Basics you sent to me by surface mail. I hope they will arrive soon.
Bro. Elvin P. Muntemba
I thank you for Gospel News magazine and the Bible Reader’s Calendars. I would like to continue receiving the Gospel News because it helps me to know what is happening to other Brothers and Sisters worldwide. Some articles encourage me so much that I would not want to miss a single copy. I would like you to send this book entitled “Modern Medicine and the Bible” and the comprehensive set of notes for the three daily readings prepared by Bro Stanley Blackstone, if available. As far as I am concerned I am very young in the faith and I always want to learn from big brothers and sisters. May the good Lord, who revealed the divine wisdom to you, help us to do His will. The day of the Lord is really at hand, that is why I want to keep on up-dating my mind with the Word of God. You are really doing a tremendous job by encouraging me.
Bro. Jaxon Kalumba Jnr.
Comment. We are unable to add any more to the mailing list for the Daily Reading Notes. Unfortunately the scheme has proved to be more expensive than anticipated. MH
I don’t know how I can thank CAT for their compassion shown, by sending me reading glasses. I received them safely together with a book “Jehovah’s Witnesses, their doctrines briefly tested by Scripture”, and “The Death of the Cross”, plus “Present Day Events and their meaning from the Bible”. I walk 6 miles Saturday and 6 miles Sunday from my house to the ecclesia meeting hall. With reading now I am OK. Please do send me any books you think would be good or beneficial to me.
Bro. Davies S. Nthara
I am aged 22 and have completed my post course of 40 lessons and I have started the new course which is “New Life in Christ”. I am willing to serve my Creator and I am very happy to be in the Chritadelphian community. I started receiving the Christadelphian lessons in 2004 and I wrote my grade 9 exam in 2005, as now I am waiting for my result to come out. I was baptized on 24 April 2005 and I would like to receive Gospel News and learn what my elder brothers in Christ write, and I want to be in God’s Kingdom through Jesus Christ.
Bro. Stephen S. Siomabi
Here in Africa the only problems which affect me are attendance at our meetings. People have no interest in the Word of God. They want something that can satisfy their desires, as the Bible says, in the last days. I received the latest Gospel magazine in which I found news about Mike, my son who is deaf. I would like to ask how possible it is to have the book which I saw in the magazine ‘Where Women Have No Doctor’. If possible try to send us one. I would love the following list of names to receive Gospel News.
Bro. Fred Mumba
I hope this letter finds you in good health as we wait for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. I hope one day we will all meet in the Kingdom and all our life’s problems will be solved. I would like to inform you that since I was baptized on 6 June 2004 I have not been receiving receiving Gospel News which I enjoy as it gives wide knowledge.
Bro. Musanda Mbewe
As we are called brethren in Christ we must resemble Jesus Christ in everything. We must not be teachers by word while our hearts are far from him or else we are killing ourselves. We read from the Word of God how Jesus went through a lot of suffering but he had faith in his Father. If we look at Joseph his faith was also in God, and Job never cursed God, instead he became stronger in all his suffering. What about us, who are called brethren of Christ, do we have faith in God and His son, Jesus Christ? Brothers and Sisters, when trials and temptations fall on us let us take them to Jesus; yes, let’s lay them at the feet of our Lord Jesus, for he is the only one who can save us from everything. Let us not lose sight of Jesus. I know that it is hard with this flesh of sin. Remember Jesus also had our sinful flesh nature but he never sinned. When we sin let us recognize the sin and stop it for Jesus never sinned.
Sis. Loveness Chileshe
I never thought Russia could be that cold - rivers frozen over and ‘difficult summers’. It is good that, despite the weather, the Lord has always been able to provide security for his servants. I am glad to inform you that I have now completed the course in Motor Mechanics at Grade 7 (Trade Test level) and I got quite good results; 84% in Theory, 62% in Practicals and 85% in Entrepreneurship Studies. You can see that I very much need to get involved with the practical exercise as we were not much exposed to it during our course period – six months were not enough. Despite these results I am not yet in employment though I have written some application letters to some companies within Mufulira and one in Kitwe which seems promising; maybe soon I may be called for interviews and, God willing, be successful and ready to start a job. Life is not easy at the moment, as you put it, ‘for everyone everywhere’. We still have to put it all into the Lord, for He knows best what we need and when. So let Him act. I was delighted to hear of the Bible Class you had, looking at the letters to the seven churches and the tremendous commendation for the Ephesus Ecclesia. You will agree with me that the love the ecclesia lost was the only way they could prove their ‘hard work’ for the Lord and that was to see their part in the Kingdom, as is the case for all who come back to the Truth. Had they regained their real love, repenting of their sins, they could have been forgiven. I stopped for a moment to say that what happened at that ‘zealous’ ecclesia, it is also happening in our ecclesias – you will agree with me. We seem to be having difficulties and confusions in our own ecclesias, not thinking best for/about others, and not just loving them, and I think of what the Lord will say to us on that day! Please, brethren, don’t stop remembering us in your prayers, as much as we remember you, that together, we may be in that glorious Kingdom – may it come soon. Surely almost everything that was to happen in the last days is happening.
Bro. Silas K. Chishimba
Below left, Bro Nelson after a Bible Class at Mufulira
I am thanking God for the Africraft organizers who made it possible for me to have the opportunity of going to Chipata, Zambia, and learn how to sew. I know that this skill will help me in future. May God bless those who are doing this work and who are helping those in need. May the grace and peace from our Lord Jesus Christ be with God’s people. May He bless you for the work CAT is doing.
Sis. Esther Muntete
We are all fine here in Nakonde except that I have a very painful right eye. I went to see the doctor in Lusaka, which is about 1000 kms., because here in Nakonde we don’t have an eye doctor. They did their best, the doctor removed something from my eye and he told me to go back for a review which I did and I was given another medicine and have to go back in two months. The Calendar helps me a lot for Bible readings and even for the students and Gospel News has been very helpful for us who have been in isolation for some years, because whenever we read from it we are being comforted by the letters and the articles.
Bro. Martin Simukwai
I am a bit better as last week I was suffering from malaria. Life in the world is not easy, we all go through hardships, but God tells us to call upon Him in time of trouble, read Psalm 50:15. Only God can solve our problems through His Son Jesus Christ and also God works through people. Bro. Stanley Blackstone (Worthing UK) has edited and typed up a comprehensive set of notes for the three daily readings. Let Bro. Stanley continue with this as we need a good set of notes covering the readings. I also thank you for the book ‘What is the Bible?’ Some people do not know how the Bible came about, the inspired Word of God, written by people moved by the Holy Spirit of God. This is not an ordinary book, like newspapers or novels, it is the Word of God talking to us, telling us what to do and telling us what happened to our fellow brothers and sisters of long ago, warning us not to fall into temptation but to follow our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Our days are days of trial and extreme temptation, renewing our faith. Read Revelation 3:21 and also read John 12:24-26. Jesus said, “Whoever loves his life loses it and whoever hates his life will keep it for eternal life” and also read Hebrews 9:27, “For it is appointed for a man to die once, and thereafter judgment”. The Bible writings were written by God’s spirit inspiring men (2 Peter 1:18-21). Those Bible writers prophesied and spoke the words with which God’s spirit had inspired them, these words were written down and form all scripture which we have in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
Bro. James Mwanza
I am happy to have this time to write after a long time. I have been held up, so many things needed my attention, my pre-school as well as other things. The schools are now closed. I am however just going through Bible Basics translated into Bemba and it was wonderfully done. My hope is that this one in Tonga will be done in the same manner. I also think you might be wondering as to why I have taken much time to finish the assignment. Some officers concerned at this time of every year are busy with seminars to prepare for annual shows and new seed/fertilizer sharing as well as other food security programmes. You might also have noted that in my last letter I mentioned some materials which I did not include to you, so here they are. I may need to talk to the agriculture man in Choma as well as in Monze as soon as they are free from this raining/farming season. I am always looking forward to your response to my letters, also Gospel News. I need the following books ‘What the world is coming to’, ‘2000 Years of Daniel’ and ‘The Revelation’, also Middle East updates plus other materials. There is still much that we ought to do, the world is nearing the end and we should not overlook or pretend to ignore it, Rev.2:7, 11-12. We should therefore go into the world and share the good news of the gospel, (Mark 16:15-16), thereby showing the light in us (Matt.5:14-16). We really need to focus our attention on what is happening and be conscious of time. There is need for us all to meditate, study and pray. We shall never feel lonely if we are working and thinking as well as doing what time needs us to do. Let us build our foundation by working with God, we will then get it right with God and every step we take willbe enlightened by Him.
Bro Wilfred Chibomba
Comment - Bro. Wilfred has helped us a great deal in locating literature on food production and on growing many crops. We have printed his leaflet on Conservation Farming which he will be pleased to send anyone. His address is P.O. Box 640047, PEMBA, ZAMBIA
I was very happy indeed to receive the copy of ‘Present Day Events’. Soon I will write to Gospel Publicity League in Australia for more copies to be sent to me. Also thank you for sending me “What is the Bible?” which I have found very interesting. I wish, if I can, to translate it into Tonga because it bears educative Bible historical background. I would like to start a small Bible School in our area. Because we are in isolation we need to have a good number of Bible teaching materials for enabling us to help new contacts. I hope and trust that you will help where you find it possible. My experience these days is that one cannot say, ‘Next week’, for example, ‘I will finish building the house’, without first asking God in prayer.
Bro. Joseph Mulawo
We were hit with illness in the family, malaria. Our daughter suffers what doctors are calling Bell’s Palsy, she has difficulties with talking and drinking and can’t close her eyes. We need your prayers. Our son, Timothy, also did not do well in his exams and has to repeat the grade; he had some chest troubles for some time and it has affected his learning. Bro. Nelson Bwalya came to see our sick daughter in a very poor hospital We had a nice time with him.
Bro. Winstone Lotala
Left, Bro Nelson who baptised Bro Kahjingah on 23rd March, which is the last of dozens of baptisms he undertook before his falling asleep in Christ on April 21st.