news from uganda

How are you this lovely spring morning? What sunshine God is blessing us all with. I was very happy to receive your letter. It made me glad to receive the literature, which I have never seen since I was born. It encourages me to read the Bible daily.
David Wafula

Indeed I was so privileged and delighted to receive your letter, books, Bible reading calendar and the book, the Death of the Cross, which I am finding so interesting and educative and I hope for more such support. I am also reminding you that I would like to receive my own personal copy of Gospel News. I also request you to send a copy of ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ for our Butacho ecclesia. Concerning the issue of drought crops, there are various cassava, also maize, brought to us by NSARWU, but they need to be used on fertile land or the use of fertiliser; this programme is going on in Uganda, but they will help if people form groups and register.
Bro. Mayende Erisania Sifuna

Photo: LWAKHAKHA Ecclesia is ‘led’ by Bro Francis Makosia. Really enthusiastic Ecclesia helped by Mt Elgon area and Kenya

Thank God for His wonderful protection of us during our terrible situation and through your prayers. We are now back home struggling to rebuild homes, which were burnt down by the rebels. So pray for us continually that God will bring an end to this war. Unfortunately some books which were given to help our ecclesia grow, have been burnt inside houses. We are therefore kindly requesting you to send us books for Bible study and for our preaching work, also ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ and ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’. We are very thankful for printed papers and our Gospel News magazine which strengthens our faith. We are still weak in getting our homes built and very busy farming the land; we also have children with us facing problems of health – measles, malaria etc. May Almighty God bless you all so much for the struggle you are constantly making to provide Christadelphians world wide with God’s inspired words of life.
Bre. Selestino Ejom and Opio Bosco

Here at Kilolmayuge all God’s work is well, especially Bible study. In Northern Uganda there are wars, but I pray that all will be well after you have put us in your prayers. I send my warm thanks for Gospel News. I am happy to inform you that we enjoyed some baptisms when seven students were converted to our Faith. So we thank God for the wonderful work He is doing. I request your prayers for us all.
Bro. Samuel Onyango

We in the Mt. Elgon area are delighted to announce the baptisms at the end of last year of 12 Brothers and Sisters: 3 (one Brother and two Sisters) for Surme ecclesia; 4 (two Brothers and two Sisters) for Mt. Elgon and 5 (four Brothers and one Sister) for the Small Lwakhakha ecclesia. (The latter is a temporary name, but will be approved during the next AGM.) Let us all pray for these Brothers and Sisters that they will grow, and remain strong, in faith.
Bro. Francis Maweli

Thanks for the Gospel News which i received sometime back, may the good Lord bless you as we wait for His coming. I read many messages in that magazine and I saw it as very important especially for us youth. I promise to send my article in due course. I am going to the Youth Camp at Jinja at Easter, God willing.
Bro. Moses Sunday

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