news from zambia

Greetings to you all in our Master’s Name, our Lord Jesus Christ, for whom we are waiting patiently to bring peace on this evil and violent world. We hope He comes very soon. My family and I are okay, just looking forward and hoping that maybe this year the rain will do us fine. I am just writing this letter to let you know that I have brothers who would be very happy to start receiving the Gospel News and to ask if you have got the audio tape cassettes containing preaching.
Bro. Alfred Bwalya

I was a New Apostolic member and was chosen as a section leader who was given eight churches. After knowing the truth I was baptised and stopped being a member of the N.A. church. When all the leaders of the church heard this they were telling stories about me which were not true. My wife, who has also now been baptised, was not happy with me stopping being a leader and following a church, which had only six brothers and no sister at that time. Her reason was that the N.A. minister was helping us with our daily bread, since I do not work. But I did not mind to having the truth, the true food. After a good number of months we started getting on better than we were during the leadership season. Brother John and Sister Sally Palmer came to Kabompo and they brought local language Bibles for our wives. It gave me the time to start teaching my wife the true gospel. Thanks be to the Lord that on 23rd October 2005 my wife was baptised by Brother Nelson Bwalya from Kitwe. As the eunuch went rejoicing after being baptised by Philip (Acts 8:39), it was the same after the baptism, we went home rejoicing with my wife. When we reached home everyone of my earthly family was very happy to hear that my wife was baptised. It came to my mind that if people on earth can be happy with what has taken place, how much more the thousands of angels in heaven? There was great joy. My wife has now learnt that life in Christ is easier than in the world. Read Matthew 11:28-30.
Bro. Charles and Sis Cecilia Muhupu

Photo: Brother Charles and Sister Cecilia Muhupu and their children, Titus Soueka Muhupu and baby girl Ethel Muhupu.

From the bottom of my heart I must say, I find the magazine so informative, really there is no magazine that compares to Gospel News. Please, brother, keep up the good work. I feel the article, ‘Can we be His disciples?’ by Duncan, was wholesome. It brings out many facts which mankind cannot run away from. I am glad to inform you that I wrote my last Diploma paper on 2nd December. I was told I won’t be able to get my results until I settle the fees I am owing the college.
Bro. Lapulani Malata

Is it necessary to partake of the memorial emblems in order to be covered by Jesus’ sacrifice and receive everlasting life on earth in the kingdom? No. Nothing in the Bible suggests that such God-fearing people as Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, Rebekah, Joseph, Moses and David ever partook of these emblems. Yet they and all others desiring endless life on the earth will have exercised faith in God and Christ in provision of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice (John 3:36; 14:1). For everlasting life we too must exercise such faith. Our presence at the weekly observance of Christ’s death serves as a reminder of that great sacrifice and should deepen your gratitude for it.The apostle John emphasised the importance of Jesus’ sacrifice when he said: “I am writing you (fellow anointed ones) these things that you may not commit a sin. And yet, if anyone does commit a sin, we have a helper with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous one. And he is a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins, yet not for ours only but also for the whole world’s” (1 John 2:1,2). Anointed ones can say that Jesus’ sacrifice is a propitiatory cover for their sins, making everlasting life possible for obedient mankind.
Bro Lotson Kayuni

We are very grateful for all the arrangements you made to make life smooth and enjoyable. Please continue with this spirit of love and dedication for the work of the Lord. We have nothing to give you, but you know that the Lord will give the reward to his faithful servants on that day when he gathers them to him.
Bro. Joshua Mushili

Receive our heartfelt greetings in our Lord’s Name. I am pleased to inform you that I was baptised in 2002 at Mlowo Ecclesia by Bro. Simon Mwakalinga of Isango Ecclesia in Mbeya, Tanzania, after eight years of serious search and study of the faith, doctrines and beliefs. I left the Catholic church in 1990 and remained without faith until 1995 when I came across your study course through Bro. Mwamasika, whom I met in 1996 for the first time. By 2001 I had studied the course and completed it more than four times and knew much through the books and pamphlets. I finally decided to be interviewed and baptised after the search which brought about a full conviction in me by exposing me to the Light of Truth. Thank God for you all. I thank you once more concerning your spiritual encouragement about the second coming of our Lord and Saviour and for your hopeful prayer that the Lord will arrange for me to have some help. In my prayers everyday these have been the exact feelings I have had.
Bro. Boniface Simpanzye

“Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world, the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does, comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but he who does the will of God lives for ever.” Let us check and change our direction and aim in the right direction, looking unto Jesus, who is able to redeem us.
Bro. John Kasanda

Photo: Bro Nelson Bwalya baptising Bro Vincent Mwense with Bro Darkwell’s help.

Below: Bro Nelson interviewing Vincent for baptism with Bro Darkwell as witness.

I would very much like to explore the possibility of spreading the gospel in Sakania and Mokambo, in the Congo. I am contacting our brethren of Lubumbashi to discuss with them, but would need some financial support to achieve this. I am still waiting the arrival of Bible Basics which you sent by sea mail.
Bro. Robert M. Miwele

Early this year you were producing a book with practical lessons on learning to read English by reading the Bible based on the Gospel of Mark. Do you have these books? Would you please send me a couple of these?
Bro Elvin Muntemba

I want to thank God for the love he has shown in my life. I am saying so because since I started lessons I have seen my spiritual growth; I have come to learn a lot of things which I could not known have without them. During my study of the 40 lessons I used to receive the Glad Tidings also, which helped me a lot. After finishing the 40 lessons I started receiving the New Life in Christ which I have just completed. At the beginning of this year I got into contact with other brothers in town. This was after I received a programme from our linkman, Brother Walker, about his visit to Zambia. This made me read some books and literature provided by brothers. All this and the lessons I had from 2001 to this time contributed much to my desire to learn more. So when Bro. Andrew Walker came he found that I was ready to be baptised, which also he did with love on 17th August 2005. He baptised three of us on the same day. To me this is a turning point in my life; I used to attend the Church of God but now I am with the Christadelphians. The brothers who were baptised with me on the same day are Bro. L. Ilishebo and Bro. Cephas Sikanyika. After my baptism a brother gave me Gospel News. After reading through it I could not believe that Christadelphians were such a big family. Several of us would like some Bible tapes to listen to and deepen our understanding of the Truth.
Bro John Kakinga

I was baptised on 10/2/2002 and ever since I have been receiving Gospel News and I am a very interested reader of the magazine, so I don’t want to miss it. I have Bible Basics, Why are we Here? and now I am reading Exploring the Bible. My tutor is very keen and sends me some books.
Bro. Davies S. Nthara

Warm greetings, and hopefully, God willing, this letter will find you in good health, spiritually and physically. As for me, I am well but am so sorry for my long silence, I am now able to write again. I received a parcel of Bible Basics and have put some in the main Lusaka library and given some to people who are interested in our doctrines and God’s truth. I am requesting some more Bible Basics. I am also asking someone to send me a KJV, Bible –with a Bible Companion.
Bro. Charles Daka

Photo: Bro Charles Daka with Sunday School Children

Vashti was the queen of King Xerxes and there is much to learn from her story. She reminds us of those who after being called out of darkness, are disobedient to the words and ways of God. Vashti was so proud of herself because of her beauty (Esther 1:11). The inspired word of God tells us not to be proud lest we lose what the Sovereign Lord has blessed us with (Daniel 5:20, 4:30, Esther 1:19). Esther, on the other hand, is someone to emulate. She was a person who obeyed Mordecai’s instructions continuously through her life (Esther 2:20), and eventually through that, she was crowned queen (Esther 2:17) instead of Vashti. Brothers and sisters, as believers of God’s way and His promises, we are called out of darkness into His marvellous light (1 Peter 2:9). Since we know that what we are called we must pay more careful attention, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away and forfeit the grace that could be ours (Jonah 2:8). We need to know that God first loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Remember Vashti: God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (Proverbs 3:34). Let us have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. Vashti was disallowed to enter the presence of the king Xerxes (Esther 1:19). Those who disobey God (the wicked) will not inherit the Kingdom of God (1 Cor. 6:9-10). We were bought with a price, not with silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Jesus. Therefore let us set our minds on things above, not on earthly things (Col.3:2). Just as we received Jesus at our baptism let us continue to live in him (Col.2:6) by obeying his commands (John14:15,21) and when he comes he will allow us into his Kingdom. (1 Thess.4:16-18). Let us deny all forms of ungodliness (Titus 2:12-14). May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of God’s power be with us all.
Bro. Paul Chembe

Photo: Bro Nelson Bwalya presenting literature to advanced Bible students

Quite a lot has happened recently. We’ve been hearing of wars and so many confusions in many nations, as to who will lead the countries and such like. Finally, we’ve seen that the new President in Liberia is now a woman, and many women in various areas are now aiming for the same position. Elections here in Zambia will be conducted next year, if the Lord still remains away, which will be Tripartite, that is, Presidential, Parliamentary and Local government. We’ve seen so far, so many political parties coming into view. This is just not of any importance for us, as we are seeking the Lord’s Kingdom to come – may it be soon! Mufulira Ecclesial Youth Group has resumed meetings every Sunday after the memorial service, with the total number (so far) of 23, out of which only five are baptised. We pray that more will come to know the Word of the Lord and so respond to His calling. We hope to have our ‘Revelation Study’, to be presented by Bro. Nelson Bwalya. He is doing well at the moment. We pray his health continues like it is, as it was so sad to see him sick. I am having very poor sight these days, so I had to see an optician here in Mufulira who prescribed the type of glasses I should be using for my eyes. Well, had Nelson not provided the frame for the lenses, I would have been able to afford them. Unfortunately, Bro. Nelson didn’t have that type of lens. So I had to pay k70,000 (about 10 pounds) for fixing the lenses. The type is quite big for me, but I like them because they cover the whole eyes, and are ‘SP Colourmatic’, so I can use them for both reading and to provide shade when in the sun.

Thank you for the books you enclosed, by the Lord’s grace. Earlier on I received a letter from Bro./Sister Bob Webb of Horley Ecclesia; it was so good to hear from them. The Sunday School is doing very well, and the U.K. team that visited us, brought some material we needed, especially books for colouring for the infants. They are now enjoying their lessons, as they learn fast by seeing the pictures of what is being taught them. We’ll see how far the books will take us. I’ve just knocked off from school and I enjoyed the topic we started looking at yesterday, which is the ‘Braking System’. Motor mechanics is one field I never thought could be valuable and interesting, as many people take it, but I am finding it just super! It’s one field that can allow self-employment – which I just want to do. We are being introduced to Entrepreneurship Studies, which we have every Wednesday; and tomorrow, God willing, will just be another day. I am enjoying the lessons in this area as well. For the past years, since the institution was established, not any group undertook Entrepreneurship as we are. It is really nice to be trained for self-employment isn’t it? God willing, I plan to take up a driving course – as soon as I have sufficient funds.
Bro. Silas K. Chishimba


Photo: Mufulira Sisters at work. Catharine, Grace, Loveness, Rodah, Nwale, Elizabeth & Jane

A man can never be lonely if he is working or thinking. Read Prov.17:22. A contented mind, a cheerful spirit is health to the body and health to the soul. We need to keep up good work till the end and I have seen that personal evangelism can win more souls than pulpit evangelism. So let’s put our hands together in doing this for a wonderful reward and the grace of God shall be with us continuously.
Bro. Wilfred Chibomba

Thanks be to the Lord for what CAT is doing in my life and I pray for the furtherance of the work. Also if the Lord God permits, I and Bro. Nelson Bwalya of Kitwe Ecclesia and Bro. Joseph Lumuna of Mufulira Ecclesia will visit North Western Province to see Maheba Refugee Camp, Solwezi, Kabompo and Mufumbwe (Chizela Basic School).
Bro. Harris N. Mulongesha

Photo: Sister Maureen Kombe, Brother Harris Mulongessha and Sister Deophister Kazembe

Over here, we, as a body of Christ, at Ndola Ecclesia, are doing relatively well except for a few minor health problems here and there. Thank you very much for your continued support with your regular informative Gospel News which has been spiritually edifying and I would like to continue being on your mailing list next year and beyond. No amount of words would be enough to express my innermost gratitude on the services you have personally rendered to me starting in 1987, during which period you actively gave me the necessary spiritual food leading to my putting on the Saving Name of our Master in August 1990. Winifridah joins me in wishing you continued good health in the Lord’s vineyard.
Bro. Dennis C. Kombe

May our living God abundantly bless you for the wonderful work you are doing, therefore do not throw away your confidence which has a great reward (Hebrews 10:35-39). For you have need of endurance, so that when you have the will of God you may receive what is promised, but the righteous one shall live by faith and if we shrink back and are destroyed, we cannot blame anybody because we have all the necessary materials to read. Bibles are being sent to us, different kinds of magazines for us to read, therefore it is important to copy our Lord Jesus Christ. Though Son of God, he was the same as ourselves, tempted in all points as we are, (Hebrews 2:14). therefore we too may be accounted worthy to be with him in that day, none is worthy in his own right, may he soon come, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith. (Heb. 12:2). Our God hates pride. “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passes away, but he that does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:15-17). We should have a faith tried by fire to prove it’s worth. (1 Peter 1:7). Abraham believed God and it was accounted unto him for righteousness. It is through the sufferings of Jesus that God can become our Father. We must believe now if we are to enjoy a part in future blessings, but we must pay just as much attention to what God expects of His children now and appreciate the blessings now of being members of the divine family. Let us heed the lessons written for our learning in order to be children in whom God is well pleased. We should behave as children of light, as members of ecclesias. In Paul’s letter, he encourages us to be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ, being filled with the fruits of righteousness which are by Jesus Christ, our Redeemer.
Bro. James Mwanza

Photo: SOLWEZI - Bro. Joseph Kapimpa on the Telex

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