News from Africa
Thanks for "Where there is no Doctor", it is defenitely going to be of immense help to me and those around me. Ours is a small Ecclesia of 10 Brothers and Sisters, many of whom were relocated from Aba Ecclesia in search of survival some years ago. We are doing what we can to keep the Ecclesia going. With the help of our Almighty Father we are also reaching out to the world in darkness through our bi-weekly public preaching. As an Ecclesia we are happy and at peace doing our duty whilst awaiting the glorious advent of our Master. Meanwhile we are with the assistance of Bro Dafydd Jenkins, struggling to register our Ecclesia with the Authorities.
Bro Paul Kalu
What a wonderful hope to share in Christ! Thank you so very much for sending two copies of "Where there is no Doctor". These books are a great gift. There are villages here where a nurse has never been, let alone the services of a health team due to lack of roads. The system here is too corrupt. Illiteracy is another reason for the abject poverty. It is a wonderful idea to help the people with the daily readings in any way they can. You can see that the Bible language is above the level of many here. Like the wise Mordecai wrote to queen Esther in Esther 4:14. and who knows whether you have not come to Africa (through GN) in such a time as this. Thanks once again for your effort in God's Vineyard. We are doing planting now but the rains that seemed to have come early this year have for the past two weeks stopped. The sun is too hot but the plants are still very green. Most roads are still passable and the dust hasn’t reach the dry season level.
The gods of the nations. All Christians should know that these are very dangerous ‘god’ to serve and in which to hope and trust. As David, the man of God, put it, "The idols of the nations are silver and gold, the work of men’s hands. They have mouths, but they speak not. They have eyes, but they see not. They have ears, but they hear not, nor is there any breath in their mouths. Like them are those who make them. Yea, every one who trusts in them" (Ps. 135:15-18). Paul, in his journey to Ephesus, met with these dangerous men who were makers of idols. Listen to what one named Demetrius, a silversmith, who made silver shrines of Artemis, said to his workmen: "Men, you know that from this business we have our wealth. And you see and hear that not only at Ephesus, but almost throughout all Asia this Paul has persuaded and turned away a considerable company of people, saying that gods made with hands are not gods. And there is danger not only that this trade of ours may come into disrepute, but also that the temple of the great goddess Artemis may count for nothing, and that she may even be deposed from her magnificence, she whom all Asia and the world worship" (Acts 19:24-27). This is a picture for us who believe in the name of Jesus. Here we have seen the maker of these idols crying because he saw, not only the disregard of their hand-made idols, but the complete fall of their temple whom Asia and the world worshipped.
Let us now see the word of Christ to his disciples in Matt 6:33, "But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well". All the apostles died leaving nothing behind them except the gospel of the Kingdom of God, because they knew it was the only word which could give life and hope to people who believe in God. They believed, like Abraham, that their ‘riches’ would only be given to them when Christ returned to set up God’s Kingdom here on earth. Paul’s letter to Timothy is a warning against this idol, "For the love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs" (1 Tim. 6:10). Money is the real idol and ‘god’ of our present world. Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us all, in the household of faith, flee from this perishing ‘god’.
Bro. Kpah Chrisanthus Achuo
Photo: Bro. Kpah Achuo
I am a regular reader of Gospel News. I am now in Muyuka, having been transferred from Douala.. This is a new ecclesia and we need much literature; please send us any books that you know will help us in defending our faith.
Bro. Tanyinjia Atabong Martin
Happy to inform you I payed a visit in Tombel where my grandmother lives. I got in touch with some people who I told about our doctrine. After a long conversation some accepted the truth and three are doing the 40 lesson course.
Bro.Brain Ebong
Bro. Lawrence was asking if the terrible events of South-East Asia were punishment from God. He reminds me of the Pharisees and Christ’s healing a blind man – they asked, Is the man’s blindness due to his sin or the sin of his parents? But the event was fulfilment of prophecy. So the event of the under-sea quake was fulfilment too of Jesus’ prophecy of the last days and still many more disasters are expected until there is a cry for Someone above to help. And that is when God’s Kingdom will take over. Man is not convinced yet. Jesus in Matthew 24 reminded us that these things will happen prior to his coming, others more sinister are expected to make man surrender.
The good news about his message is that he tells his followers to earnestly pray to keep out fear. So my prayer is with brethren most victimised. God is there and is in full control – He is not a sleeping God. Let us be fearless for His Son promised reward to everyone who endures to the end. He is coming and coming soon. Those who are in Africa may feel the horrible catastrophe is far away and there is nothing to worry about, but the waves, like the hearts of men, are so cruel and may bring with it other disasters.
Good health is a hard term to define, but the health of a group of people is usually measured by how many of them survive childhood and how long they live. By these measures only few countries in the world have a healthy population. In the other countries where two thirds of the earth’s people live the picture is quite different. In India only one of the three people born today can expect to live to the age of fifty. And in many African and Asian countries those boys and girls who survive the many childhood diseases still face a grim life without enough of the right kind of food. Only a great deal, of work. money and time will bring good health to all the world’s people. In the meantime scientists are looking again at the idea of defeating diseases.
Bro. Nelson Anyals.
I’m seeking your advice on registration of our group and some connection to any of the brothers and sisters abroad who can help us to facilitate our work as servants of the Lord. Thanks in advance.
Bro. Eric Wamalwa Situma
Comment: The Christadelphians are, I understand, already registered in Kenya, and you need to contact the representative for your area to make certain you are covered. MH
I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and first and foremost I would like to thank you for the letter you sent to me, which actually encouraged me. Besides this, I also appreciate the Bible Reader’s Calendar 2005 which has become so helpful to me in Bible understanding. The Gospel News, being a source of inspiration, uplifts my spirits, hence giving a sense of togetherness with brethren in the world as a whole. Secondly I am very grateful for the answer you gave on the topic entitled ‘The 25th December’ as a reference to Jeremiah 52:31. We rely on agriculture, particularly farming, as our only source of income, but due to lack of technical know-how this has resulted in poor production farming. Together with this letter find a photograph of brethren trying to practise farming on a small scale basis. From left is Bro. Wycliffe Wekesa Wasike, followed by Godfrey K. Wakesa, Bro. Emmanuel K. Wanjala, Ferdnant W. Wasike and lastly Bro. George Maina Wabwile. The next photograph from left is the friend Robert Barasa Mateni, Sister Metrina Maina, my wife, and me Bro. George Maina Wabwile. We are harvesting some groundnuts in the
Surgalome Shomba in December. We wish to request that God willing, brethren, you assist us with a copy of "How to grow a balanced diet".
Bro. George Maina Wabwile

Photos: Harvesting groundnuts
Thanks a lot for your letter. It has greatly opened my mind in that I have learned much about terrible world-wide situations, which are growing much worse with time, despite the fact that political and social efforts are being made to rectify the problems. The Bible has the only truth about life. I have already started to practice what I have learnt from "How to grow a balanced diet", together with my friends. Incorporating ideas of how to grow a balanced diet in the Gospel News will add value to it because it will attract more readers who can eventually become believers of the true gospel. Here in Kenya we are experiencing many cases of men raping small under age children and political upheavals. Let us boldly fight the good fight of faith as we draw closer to the Lord
Bro. Eric Wamalwa.
I was shocked to hear about the wonderful information you offered to us that we normally grow just one type of crop. It is as if you have visited the western part of Kenya. I therefore plead with you in the name of our Lord to send us those two books "Where there is no doctor" and "How to grow a balanced diet". Currently people in Kenya are starving because they grow seed in poor yields because certified seed of corn is very expensive, plus fertilizers. The Government promised to have good price but we can see the prices of farm inputs shooting. The Government have raised their salaries and allowances, leaving the common man to suffer. Recently the British Ambassador, Edward Clay, pointed what was happening within the NARC Government, that corruption was at its peak. Thank you very much for the wonderful letter you sent to me. What a wonderful picture it gives. I wish also to thank you for the booklet "What is the Bible?" and The Bible Reader’s Calendar 2005. I am very encouraged when I read this material and mostly during our Bible discussion in our ecclesia.
Bro. David Wanjala
Warmest greetings of love and peace in Jesus Christ. I am very pleased to read Gospel News. It has taught me several things concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus, who is to come and reign over the world with his saints. We see them in Psalm 37:29, "The righteous will possess the land and shall live there for ever." In Matthew 5:5 "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." For we see that God has appointed a place for the Jews and the time has already arrived. The Jews were driven out of their country and they are now going back to the land which God promised their forefathers. In Jeremiah 46:27-28. we Have some very important verses and a wonderful message for those brethren and sisters reading the Bible daily. "Fear not Jacob my servant, nor be dismayed, for lo, I will save you from afar, and your offspring from the land of their captivity, Jacob shall return and have quiet and ease, and none shall make him afraid. Fear not, O Jacob my servant, says the Lord, for I am with you. I will make a full end of all nations to which I have driven you, but of you I will not make a full end. I will chasten in just measure, and will by no means leave you unpunished." This is a very wonderful sign which shows that Jesus is coming soon to this earth. Lasly if possible I would like a King James Bible.
Bro. Solomon Igabukira
The unfolding events in the world prove that Christ Jesus, our everlasting King is coming soon. Luke 17:26-30 says, "As it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so it will be in the day when the Son is revealed." There is tension all over the world, i.e. in the African continent countries are ravaged with war, in the Middle East Israel pose a very great threat from the terrorist. Matthew 24:6-7 says "You will hear of wars and rumours of wars but see to it that you are not alarmed: such things must happen but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom." Israel, the chosen people of God will always prevail. Jeremiah 1:19 says, "They shall fight against Israel but they shall not prevail against Israel." The prediction of Christ’s return is imminent. Brothers and sisters, watch out for the hour is near. We are in a race, 1 Corinthians 9:24 says, "Do you know that in a race all the runners compete but only one receives the prize? so run that you may obtain it." We should focus our attention towards getting the prize of eternal life when Jesus comes to reign on earth. Habbakuk 2:14 says, "For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." Love, the greatest commandment, will automatically qualify us to be in the Kingdom when Jesus Christ comes to reign, as it is written in the book of Isaiah, "He shall judge between the nations and shall decide for many people and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. What a wonderful peaceful Kingdom, Jerusalem, the holy city, will no longer be threatened by terrorist attacks. Thanks for the Bible reading calendar for 2005. Please would you send me "Wrested Scriptures" and updates about the Middle East conflict and any relevant literature. May God, the Almighty, shower you with abundant blessings and let’s hope we will meet in the Kingdom which will be established on earth, an everlasting Kingdom, Daniel 2:44.
Bro. Joseph Luseno

Photo: Bro Joseph Luseno
Life has remained tough as we struggle to survive. If you can remember I mentioned to you in my last note how I had a big school fees balance – I managed to pay some of the money but still I had to cross the year with a balance. This has made some of my relatives and friends around ask me to arrange for a fund raising to enable me to pay the school fees. I found no alternative but to agree with them and they have arranged to come and make that function at my home, although I know some of them will come for their political gains. I have decided to write to you about the matter in advance. Maybe you can comment or advise me before the fund raising day arrives.
Bro. David Aphaxard
I have a problem, my NIV Bible which I read was taken by my son and he lives away from home. So please if you have a copy, send me one. The grace of God be with us all, Amen.
Bro. Patrick Wekese
The gospel is preached to save the world if they will believe in God and the person of Jesus Christ. "I will extol thee, my God, O King; and I will bless thy name for ever and ever. Every day I will bless thee; and I will praise they name for ever and ever. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts." The gospel today – "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent" (John 17:3). The gospel in the future – "To whom he was not spoken, they shall see; and they that have not heard shall understand" (Romans 15:21). Keep up the good work till the end.
Bro. John Okello

Photo: Bro. John Okello
I felt very sad when I heard from Sister Julia’s husband, that my sister, and more so, my tutor, has passed away. I am praying that Almighty God will guard me and give me strength so that I’ll keep on as I was before – via my brother. My hope is to meet my tutor in the soon coming Kingdom.
Bro. Richard Oduma
God is still preparing His people for the new Kingdom where His Son Jesus Christ will be the King over all nations. The race towards God’s Kingdom is not easy we need to pray, humble ourselves in order to overcome temptations – so that we may be called sons and daughters of God. This year may be the year of our Lord Jesus Christ and those found worthy shall enter in to God’s new Kingdom – with Him. I do pray that I may not be found asleep on that very happy day (a glad day to see and to walk into).
Bro. Erastus Ogembo
The Christadelphians, as the name implies, the brethren of Christ (Heb. 2:11), are a body of people associated together by a belief in the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 8:12), and by immersion into Christ (Gal.3:2) for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38) and identification with his resurrection (Rom.6:5). They do not profess to have received any new revelation, but hold that the scripture of the Old and New Testaments are able to make one wise unto salvation (2 Tim.3:15-17). Believing in divine authorship of the Bible, they think it only reasonable to eschew any interpretation thereof which fails to harmonise with all the testimonies of the Holy Scripture; and finding that the creeds of the various existing sects are, in a great variety of ways, opposed to the direct teaching of the Bible, they feel compelled to stand apart, making appeal in all such matters to the statements of Scripture, and testing all teachings thereby. They believe in the personal, visible return of Christ to the earth, to set up his throne and reign thereon, and they seek to share his knowledge with others. They offer their services in expounding the message of the Bible without cost of any kind.
Sis. Lydia Neresa Fuchaka

Photo: Sis Lydia Fuchaka, Vero, Elizar, Vicky and Ben
I am too much surprised where I am going to build the church. Here people agreed with me to accompany me. They prepared to join my faith. But with all that burning I know God will find the way. We pray under the tree.
Bro. Daniel Maingi
Warmest greetings in the Hope we share. Many thanks for your two letters received two days back. The contents in the two packets were intact and safe. The book "Where there is no doctor" will prove quite helpful for me. I have been interested in knowing more about the Christadelphian Save the Children Fund. There are about five young people here at Kobujoi doing the Christadelphian Isolation League Sunday School lessons. Could it be possible for them to benefit from the CSTCF? God willing I will be writing to the fund administrators for more details. I noted their contact address.
I have read through the article in the Jan/Feb issue of Gospel News, ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’; personally I have had similar thoughts as yours. I am receiving a magazine from the Netherlands called ‘LEISA’, which stands for ‘Low External Input and Sustainable Agriculture’ this magazine is free of charge for individuals and local organisations in the South only and will be of help in improving our agriculture and also our diet.
Bro. Geoffrey Chirchir
Comment: We regret that the book, ‘How to Grow a Balanced Diet’ is now out of print and will not be reprinted until 2007. In the meantime those in Africa could obtain the magazine mentioned above (which has many useful ideas) from: LEISA, PO Box 2067, 3800 CB Amersfoot, The Netherlands. E-mail:
We have spent some time researching for alternative publications dealing with this important subject and trust we will be able to recommend some suitable material, especially taking into account the climate changes being experienced in Africa. MH
I just want to inform you that I received your letter and I am waiting for the parcel you sent me, I will use it for whoever is interested to know. I have changed my address from Nakuru to Loitoktok. I was in Nakuru recently for the memorial service and I had made a trip of around 500 km while there.
You people really think about us, especially we who are living in third world countries. This book, "How to grow a balanced diet", will be of greater importance to us than money, since it will educate people on the best method of farming and the right food to grow and in so doing eradicate poverty to a big extent. My advice is that I hope the first priority will go to those people that are living in rural areas. By proper use of this book it is my hope that it will eradicate poverty in a big margin and still also assist in bringing people to the word of God. I pray that I will get a copy. It is so sad to inform you that in most private hospitals in Kenya just seeing a doctor there is a certain fee charged and in most government hospitals pain killer drugs are the only ones available. In most remote areas,
like Loitoktok, the area that I am living in isolation, many women have
died while giving birth. The nearest clinic to me is around 50
kilometres away and the mode of transport to this clinic is by
motorbike and a very high fee is charged. Those who cannot afford the
motorbike use a handcart. I think this book "Where there is no doctor",
although I have never seen it, will assist me so much in terms of an
emergency case. This will be of use only if the Lord Jesus Christ
continues being away and if he comes again we shall never again
experience the pain of drought, disease and death.
Bro. Peter Thuo Kariuki
Comment. We are very conscious of the problems our Sisters face in childbirth and other women’s matters in the rural areas without any qualified medical attention. We are working with a group of African rural areas to help run a pilot scheme for a residential course of a few days for Sisters on such matters. Arrangements have been made to employ a Senior Mid-wife to deal with maternity aspects. MH
We are profoundly grateful for your interesting letter. It is also pleasing to hear of Bible Basics, both in Kiswahili and English which we are anxiously looking forward to receiving. We found the leaflets and the cards quite interesting and helpful in our group discussions. We hope they will make us grow spiritually. The book, ‘How To Grow A Balanced Diet’ is of vital importance and it is our hope that a copy will be sent to us. Bro. Manasseh Wamamili and I paid a visit to Mt. Elgon district, 300km away from our home. This is one of the districts in our Western Province where the truth hasn’t yet reached. Very many contacts from Evangelical churches came to know and acknowledge the true light of the Bible and have expressed interest in joining our doctrines. We thank God for this wonderful time. We held meetings and Bible discussions together. We left the place, with these people craving for us to go back, but due to financial constraints we cannot cater for the expense.
Brethren and sisters here in Kenya would like to request you to pay them a visit so that we meet face to face. We could also discuss the possibility of a printer so that we could print Gospel News and other literature here, as we feel costs could be cheaper here than in England.
Here, it is winter time and people are busy working on their farms and nurturing their crops. We have now had rain and the crops have flourished . We hope the months of August and September will be harvesting time and that there will be plenty of grain in the stores. Actually, there is a time to plant and a time to harvest. What about true Christians? It is time for them to sow the word of God and they will harvest eternal life when Christ returns as King on earth.
Brothers David Wanjala and Maanasseh Wamamili
Comment. We have given some thought to printing Gospel News in Eastern Europe, which would be less expensive print wise but not save us on postage. I surmise printing in Kenya would have the same problem. We have looked at several options of printing Gospel News ourselves but overall have come to the conclusion we are better using a local printer for the time being. The print industry is rapidly changing and double sided Digital printing is taking over for small runs and I guess the time could well come when we could economically print small runs in several countries and also save on overseas postage which is often more than the printed item.
The concept of having a Christadelphian printing organization in Africa is interesting and would provide employment for Brethren and Sisters and much needed additional literature. I do not deny this additional literature is highly desirable, but would prove to be a substantial additional expense over what is provided at the moment. However, having said that, I am persuaded the Truth is rapidly expanding in Africa and because of the lower labour costs could well economically become a logical center for such a project in the future. They might even be able to print material for the UK at competitive rates. MH.
We join together in the great hope of the soon coming of our Master, even Jesus Christ. I am fine with my wife Sister Judine and our four children. I’m lacking some school fees balance and also I am in isolation at Maralal with my wife and I have some three students but they need correspondence course papers.
Bro. Joseph Nvani
Thank you for sending another box of Bible Basics and a parcel of things. I shall also need some Kisawahili copies of BB and of other literature if possible. I enclose our last year’s programme of Bible Basics studies for you. We were at Bro. David Aphaxard’s home place after eight years when I last was there. We are now making several visits over there and he also visited us at Yatta and broke bread with us this month. We are trying to find out how we can help him and his wife visit the nearest ecclesia for Breaking of Bread, maybe once a month God willing. He seems to have settled at his place in Ishiara. Day to day events are the world clock to every brother and. We pray all these events will be a challenge to every one of us eager to meet our Master as he descends from His Father to gather his faithful labourers in his vineyard, then crown them with eternal life. May we all be, or try to be, faithful servants to our Master.
Bro. Lazarus King’oo
We become in Christ by baptism but there are some things which we should do to be in the Kingdom of God. These are like breaking of bread with other believers. Some brethren and sisters did not meet with others and they said they have the same faith. But James says in his letter "What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him?" (James 2:14). We see from Luke 6:46 "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say". So brothers and sisters we should do like the brothers and sisters in the early Church. They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship and to the breaking of bread and prayers (Acts 2:42-43).
Bro. John Kingoo
It is now one full month since I heard that my Sister in Jesus, Sister Julia Mabay has fallen asleep, very painful to me, but God’s programme is like that. Let all Christadelphians take their sorrows to God when they remember their Sister in the love of Jesus, plus Brother Mabay and his family.
Bro. Jared Okeseh
Here in Kenya there is hard politics because some are saying Kibaki is not good enough to be president. So Kenya has no peace until they have who they think is the right leader. But we, as Christians, believe that there will be no peace in the world until Christ comes back to rule the world, so we are praying God to send Christ soon to take power and dismiss the power of the world.
Bro. Daniel Ogembo Oliceh
Peace is prevailing in Kenya with the exception of tribal clashes here and there but not forgetting that these are some of the early signs of the second coming of Christ. Brothers and sisters here in Kenya are fully prepared and keeping faithful in that they are waiting for Jesus to come to establish this everlasting Kingdom here on earth soon and save his people from this troublesome world. At the present time drought and famine are affecting many parts of Kenya and some brethren and sisters are also affected. Hunger is killing many especially in Northern Kenya and part of the coast. Ours is to pray and keep our hope in God because everything comes from Him. Ecclesias are growing very much and we hope more materials for teaching will reach us from you. Brother Cosmus has been conducting a serious study of the Bible with a group of eight members who are willing to receive and accept the truth. This group wants to change their lives and turn to Jesus and begin a new life as in 2 Corinthians 5:17 where it emphasises that when you are in Christ you become a new creature, the old is forgotten and everything becomes new. Therefore I request some more materials to support us in teaching and enlightening these people towards the truth. I nowadays help in conducting an ecclesia which is growing very fast at Mcome. Hopefully the work of spreading the gospel is going on very well and we are hoping that each and everyone will receive according to his/her works.
Bro. Gideon Mukeku
John the Baptist sent his disciples to Jesus to enquire if the Lord was the one to come or should they look for another. This is a question relevant and vital to Christadelphians today. As much as we are believers in the faith, we should not start to doubt if the Lord Jesus we are looking to is really the one, after a few trials and temptations in our lives. As Christadelphians we are blessed to have the Bible that has everything that we require for exhortation – 2 Tim.3:16-17. As brothers and sisters we should not waver, have doubts and stop the struggle to God’s Kingdom. We see the prophecies being fulfilled, indicating that the Kingdom of God is at hand and therefore we should be found clothed with our Lord Jesus and not still asking if Jesus really is the one we believe in. With faith and prayer everything is possible with God through Jesus.
Bro. Paul Ojwang
Praise God! I greet you all in the name of Jesus Christ who is truly soon coming - Rev.22:12,20. I thank God for his love upon my life. He has changed my life through His Son, Jesus Christ and now I am a new creature, Phil.3:7-10, seeking to know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his suffering. I appreciate your efforts in making sure that the Word of God is being heard in all parts of the world and also in sharing the Word and testimonies of brothers and sisters all over the world through Gospel News magazine. I request you to help me know the Word of God and also give it out to the thirsty by sending some Bible Basics, Bible Companions and a pocket Bible containing Old and New Testaments (King James Version or NIV). I want to be a teacher of the Word of life to youths and teenagers. They need true doctrine, 2 Tim.4:2, 1 Tim.4:11-16. Otherwise keep up with the mighty work (great commission), keep on fighting the good fight of faith (2Tim.4:7-8), and be a workman approved by God, 2 Tim.2:15. For there is a crown of righteousness for you and also to all who persevere in the great commission.
Bro. Jared Kidiga

Photo: Bro. Jared Kidiga
I am very grateful to the Almighty for the way He is using us as an instrument to make known the Truth worldwide. Both contacts and myself are enjoying the book. Thus our class was boosted and two others have joined. The contacts are sharing the copy of "Principes Bibliques" you provided, one of them is now attending the meetings. Briefly, I need God’s providence to carry out this Herculean task of sharing the Truth with others.
Bro. Innocent B. E’Engele
We should welcome a new member by composing a suitable letter of welcome which we can give or send to them. This is your own personal welcome to a new member; you as a recording or elder of the Ecclesia. Also see that you or someone well organized will be available to introduce him to other members of the Ecclesia and make them welcome in the Ecclesia. - To encourage them to feel at ease and at home with us, gain a favourable impression of the fellowship, and the brethren they will work with, quickly feel confident. Identify with the fellowship and develop pride in the fellowship, contribution to the members and their own contribution in the fellowship and members. Know exactly where you fit into fellowship’s structure and why it’s work is important. Having reminded him of the above objectives, tell him to have everything ready, by using the Bible Companion to help him in this. Then Christ will be impressed with his efficiency. He must establish a friendly relationship with other members and remember to adjust to a new environment as well as to learn how he can please God.
Tell him that early in his interview and instruction he was taught
the basic principles of the Bible in which he discovered many new
things and that your door will always be open for him whenever he has a
problem, to give him the necessary training required to get better
results and adhere to the sound doctrine which will bring to him and
others the right benefits.
Bro. Moses M. Wanami

Photo: Bro. Moses Wanami preaching about the necessity of serving the Lord.
I am happy to write to you to say I have received your letters with happiness and the expositions, exhortations, kind of message you expressed were welcome and gave me much impetus. Thank you for giving deep thought on how you can help, as much as possible, your dear brothers and sisters from least developed countries of the world, of which Africa is one, to help them alleviate poverty. In Kenya we have many poor brothers and sisters and a few rich brothers and sisters as well, but the surprising thing is that the few rich brothers and sisters seldom consider the plight and concerns of the poor brethren much and this is a pity and a matter of great concern. The greatest reminder to us all is that we should all bear in mind
Paul’s letter, 1 Corinthians 12:12-26. I hope you will find time to go through it. We are approaching planting season here in Kenya and many brothers and sisters could not find seeds for planting for this season due to severe hunger which affected much of the country last year, 2004, and our only hope and prayer is "let your Kingdom come, your will be done as in heaven."
Your exposition on the signs of the times gave me a lot of inspiration and I would wish to urge you to keep on imparting such things to me whenever you find time. Thank you once again for your concern for me by keeping in constant touch in letter writing which is the best way of knowing each other’s state of affairs. This makes me always to refer to Paul’s letter, 1 Cor. 12:12-27, more particularly to v. 26 for comfort. In Kenya the drought has contaminated the water and as a result outbreaks of many diseases are in the offing, such as stomach aches, dysentery and other air borne diseases. The water level in Lake Victoria nearby has reduced very much due to drought and other factors which have surprised many. These and many other sad events just add up to the signs of the times around me here. The only animals which can survive these harsh conditions here are the goats for they can go very long without water and they can eat up refuse collected from market centres such as peeled banana leaves, cabbage leaves and maize leaves. You ask what a small goat kid can fetch here, the answer is it costs one thousand, five hundred Kenya shillings, that is equivalent to about twenty U.S$20 or about £11 at the current exchange rate. For tying up purposes we don’t use chains, instead we use sisal ropes which are made locally by those who are
in the craft business. Let us encourage one another and all the more as
we see the day approaching (Hebrews 10:24-25). This is a verse to be
considered all the time by brethren wherever they are. Your loving
brother in the one hope of Israel we share and in the soon expectation
of the Master’s return.
Bro. Raphael Joni Aimo

Photo: Bro. Raphael Joni Aimo and his son Erick Odhiambo attending the donkey on their farm
Here in Nanyuki I’m quite okay in the Lord, enjoying the precious grace of God which has kept me in the faith. I have been helped seeing and reading about how many who are in the faith and are continuing. Also I have understood and been encouraged by the topics that are published. I am requesting Bible Basics in Kiswahili, because I have some friends who are studying with me and they cannot understand English. We are an isolated Ecclesia and are sometimes scattered because of job seeking for daily bread.
P.S. I can now inform you that I received the Bible Basics that I requested in Kiswahili. I an so glad to have it for it will help those who can’t understand English. I have a group of 15 people and they are asking me whether the visitors who visited us the previous time, in 2001, can visit for exhortation.
Bro. Francis Kinandu
The photo below is of our contacts who are staying in Nandi Hills. There were more than those you can see in the photo. From left to right Bro. Peter White, U.K., Bro. Geoffrey Chirchir from Kobujoi Nandi Hills. The three standing are the contacts at Nandi Hills. Second row seated are myself, Bro. Alex Abuya, the three contacts and far right Sis. Pensillah of Sonshor East Ecclesia. The third row in the middle Bro. Robert Ryan UK, right Bro. Paul Ojoranos? of Sonshor Ecclesia and on the left side was one of the contacts. Nandi East to Sonshor East is about a 45 minute drive to each other.
Bro. Alex Abuya

Loving greetings in the Lord’s saving Name. Thanks for your letter which I received last month. Your letter has given me a lot of encouragement. Through Gospel News I have noted that God’s Word is spreading very fast in many countries of this planet. Our Ecclesia at Nalondo has got more than 50 members who have put on Christ through baptism and as such if somebody can offer us the book entitled: "How to grow a balanced diet" will be very good for us. In our Ecclesia we very much fall into the category you mentioned: "Lack of proper medical attention and treatment, getting a balanced diet and some basic education." Most of us are small scale farmers with some plots of a quarter to 3 acres of land, but we lack the skills; so many of us do not produce enough to keep us through the year. The inputs, such as manure, are very expensive and our rains are seasonal. In my case I have a son who joined the university three years ago, but, due to poverty, he is being unable to continue his fourth year (2005) I indeed need a lot of prayers. He is taking mathematics and computer science. So, brother Marcus, if the suggestions you expressed had been effected earlier, some of us would have adjusted ourselves accordingly. In fact the son I mention is also a brother in Christ and a member of Nalondo Ecclesia.
Bro. John Munyata
Much greetings from me. I am well through the name of the Lord. Thank you for sending to me Bible Basics, A Study Manual, I am very glad to receive it. For many are called but few are chosen (Mat 22:14).
I understand the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. Sickness destroys, it’s the result of Adam’s transgression. Christ came to save us, to heal us, to give us life, to make us whole, but never to destroy us. Jesus said "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly."
Bro. Henry K. Mwei

Photo: Bro. Henry Mwei
Thank you very much for sending me Gospel News which I enjoy reading together with a Village Health Care Handbook for Africa. Here in Naromoru there are now four interested in the truth Today I was reading Acts. ch. 8. In Isaiah 53:7-8, "He was led as a sheep to the slaughter and like a lamb silent before its shearer so he opened not his mouth. He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare his generation? for he was cut off out of the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he stricken." We are reading in Gospel News that there are some Ecclesias within our area. We shall contact them and join them, especially in Nanyuki area which is the nearest place we have. Pass my greetings to the brothers and sisters.
Bro. Angelo Chege
Ndalu Ecclesia baptised three friends, Bro. John and Sisters Caolyne Wafula and Alice Nyongesa during the Bible School held at Kamukuywa Ecclesia. Please pray for us and for the growth of our new members in fellowship. We give our sincere and heartfelt thanks to Bre. Michael Green and David White for the work they did during the Bible School at Kamukuywa. May God bless them so that they arrange another Bible School like that one. Our Sister Agness Wasike was sick at the time of the Bible School and she died a month later, now awaiting the resurrection when the Lord Jesus returns. We thank those too who attended the burial service of our Sister. When some little or great disability is bravely borne, we say, ‘It is my cross, and I must carry it’. This is not taking up the cross but bearing our sufferings. The reason for taking up one’s cross was to be crucified. The authorities required of the condemned criminal that he should carry his cross to the gallows hill (as Jesus began to do, John 19:17) and if he was unable to carry it alone they might compel one of the bystanders to do it with him or for him (Mark 15:21). Here Mark is possibly directing attention to a person well known to the early Christians, (Romans 16:13), in which case Simon himself may have been led to believe, and bear the cross spiritually as he had borne it physically. But Paul who gives the full expression to the doctrine of salvation here anticipated, "All we who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death. We were buried with him through baptism into death. Knowing this, that our old man was crucified with him, that the body of sin might be done away, that we should no longer be in bondage to sin, for "he that hath died is justified from sin". We do scant justice to the teaching here set out when we speak only of the burial and omit the crucifixion. It is true that baptism denotes a burial, but it is the burial of a body already, in spirit, crucified with Christ, as the burial of his body followed his death. The two malefactors who were hanged side by side with the Lord justly suffer crucifixion, receiving the due reward of their deeds. Through Jesus we may escape the just penalty of our sins. Plead also with the Saviour to remember us when he comes into his Kingdom.
Bro. Johnstone Kaliwanga
I, your brother in Jesus Christ in the love of God, the creature I have been struggling with, my last born boy is called Walter Duma Owuor. This, my boy has been in hospital for some months. He is young and I know that if God likes to give him life he can, but now he is at home. The only way of helping him is finding a way of paying the hospital bill. I know that God will work out the way to pay the bill.
Bro. Jared Owuor Oketch
I must say that I have been really blessed with the messages from brethren that are being printed in the Gospel News "to all nations" booklet and I would encourage you to continue sending me the copies and some copies of the Bible Basics for I do have some students whom I am teaching the Truth. Please do note my change of address (If possible can you send me the addresses of some brethren living around where I’ve migrated to, so that we can fellowship together.
Bro. Michael Ochieng
I do remember when a friend of mine borrowed the booklet you gave me on women in church. We were actually in a certain meeting for the youth when the guy found it so interesting that he was willing to have it for some time even though he was a staunch Catholic. This brought about a discussion when he said to me that we need to allow, young ladies, a chance to express whatever they have to say. I pray that the gospel will spread all over the world and for a dear one in Egypt and other Islamic states that are convicted of being anti-Islamic. It is my prayer that you will not be shaken by that and trust in the Lord because with God everything is possible and in the middle of darkness he shall guide you through your fight for survival.
Bro. Kennedy Kirinya
I have indeed appreciated all the things and the message of love sent to me. You have proved to me that you love me because you have sent me the things I require to encourage me to spread the gospel message and to be well equipped as a soldier of Christ. My message comes from the first book of the Bible. Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." The Bible introduced our God as the Creator, the Maker, the Sustainer of life. All we have, all we see, all the wonderful beauty reveals God’s real manifestation of His mighty power. But those who think God is not there are foolish or ignorant about the spirit of God that gives us life. God is real, we can experience the invisible energy in action. For more scripture reference in the Bible about the Creator, take time to read your Bible daily, Isaiah 45:18, Isaiah 44:24, John 1:3, Heb.1:10, 11:3, Rom.1:20, Col.1:16, Job 38:4. Does God exist? The answer is, Yes, Read Acts 17:22-34. My conclusion: God exists. You can carry out a search by reading the Holy Bible, how the God of Israel, the God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, revealed His purpose and used men and women to do the Lord’s service.
Bro. John Owalo Onani
The book "Where there is no doctor" is so good and I am sure it is going to reduce our dependence on medical doctors, it is an asset to our well being and I am very grateful. May the good Lord be with you as you continue with his work until he comes. From the look of things, from the extract of the article, signs of the times, the events taking place now show that the coming of the Master must be very near – this is good news because he is coming to set all things right.
Bro. Joseph Onyango
Actually I have gone through the study manual and analysed the topics and answered all the questions. In fact it has improved my Bible knowledge (Word of God). I will send the answered questions soon. Since a serious accident I repented of my sins and prayed to God to open a
way for me to join a theology college. Since I could not afford to pay the college fee, I remained persistent in prayer. In 2003 I met Moses Maleya who introduced me to you. I felt as if the correspondence course was made for me, I thanked God and prayed for the brothers in England for the good work they are doing.

Photo: Benjamin Mwatu
I wrote to you some time back seeking advice on the formation of an ecclesia. Thanks, you referred me to Kababu, but I’m sorry I’ve not got any help since it’s situated some 50 km. from my village. I have very many enthusiastic friends who have been going through the reading materials you have been sending me. I feel there’s a need to have an ecclesia in my village. I have a group of about 16 people and this will make a good start. The problem is that I have not been baptised, I don’t even have a tutor. I lost my father last year, 20th June 2004. We are living in a country where there are a lot of financial and economy problems.
Moses Maleya
I am very glad to introduce myself to you as a brother. I am newly baptised. November 15th brothers from UK had a Bible School in Kamukuywa Ecclesia, Brothers Green, White and Roberts taught us the Word of God and it was a jovial and nice time. As from my introduction, I’m still new in the faith, my request now is to ask if you can send more books for me to know the Word of God fully as I make my way towards His Kingdom.
Bro. Daniel Simitu
A suggestion for helping African ecclesias to become independent is to start low cost projects such as farming and livestock. Every ecclesia should have at least a piece of land for planting and at least one cow for milking. Every ecclesia should have a school or training institute to enable people to go for training. These are some ways of reducing poverty for the Christadelphian members. To make the ecclesia become more independent local ecclesias should write direct to UK ecclesias. Also every ecclesia should have its own bank account, its rules and its PO Box address. If something is needed, the local ecclesia elder should write direct to the UK. If ecclesias could have clinics with low cost payments, they could survive and become independent. About learning English through Biblical topics, it’s good because many of us do not understand English well. This can make someone qualify to speak English fluently. I have received a 16 section course based on Mark’s gospel, am I to return the answers for marking and should it be the full answers of the lesson or should we answer in part?
Bro. Isaac Kapa
I am a newly baptised sister and I need books to build up my faith. I would like my name to be attached to a Gospel News mailing list. Also I request the book Bible Basics either in Bukusu or Swahili language. I also am looking for a Bible to read for myself if you can assist me.
Sis Guin Mandako

Photo: Sis. Guin Mandako
In our tribe (and I expect also in some others) we have marriage problems. When a couple are living together as man and wife, but have not gone through the tribal marriage procedures, when the husband dies, the wife is not allowed to attend the funeral, is driven out from the family home, is destitute and sometimes an old widow needing support. This does not happen when the marriage has been arranged according to our tribal practice. The reason so many marriages are not properly arranged is because we cannot afford to do so. In order to enable our Sisters to avoid this horrible situation we need to make many ‘marriages’ official before the Brother dies. – Most live a hand-to-mouth existence and the cost of weddings is generally beyond us. Please is it possible for us to be helped in this matter?
A Sister (Name withheld)
Comment. I am aware of this major problem not only in Africa but elsewhere. My personal feeling is that we should all have proper registered marriages, but I am aware of the financial implications often experienced, however, I feel inwardly we should, as a community, be doing something to deal with this substantial problem. We would be interested in having others‘ views on this matter. MH.
I want to tell you what, I always say the Gospel News magazine is like our bus in which we meet, it takes us to our working place to get our daily bread. We all meet in this Magazine by different articles and information from brethren worldwide. Some are near, others so very far away that we can’t see each other, but sometimes we see pictures. I would like to urge every brother and sister in this faith, to be faithful, to work for God and be patient for the return of our Lord Jesus to bring peace. What we heard of in Asian countries is really a sign of the Lord’s return. So let us be ready, not slumbering. I want to thank you for the good book you sent me entitled, "Women in the Church," by Brother Duncan. I thank God for Brother Duncan whom God is using in this ministry. May God bless him In His mercy. I tell you
brother that I will continue supporting you in prayer that this project
continue to be a blessing to us all.
Bro. Edward Kunikind
I am very eager to know or learn more from the book "How to grow a balanced diet". Our family and the community as well live under difficult circumstances of growing our own food. This is due to lack of proper knowledge. I hear from the Gospel News of Jan/Feb 2005 that it can train me in a worthwhile, satisfying and healthy career with my youths and elders in our ecclesias and those around us. We will be able to assess the diet in our community and the crops being grown locally in terms of their contribution to a balanced diet. So please send one copy of this book to my above address in Kamukuywa ecclesia.
Bro. Wilgibson Mackenzie
I would like to thank you for everything you send to me here. I would beg you to send me an English Bible; I need this Bible because of the material you send me written in English. So if you can send this to me everything will be understood.
Bro. R. Mapseru
Although the books took a very long time to reach me I am very glad to have received them safely, I and my Sister wife thank you very much for them. I realise now that some books are very useful in our farming work and you have really sent me a very useful book, ‘How To Grow a Balanced Diet’ and also the book, ‘Where There is No Doctor’. My farming work is seasonal and at other parts of the year I have nothing to do, so I have plenty of time to read the books you send me. I have very few books on my shelf and I have read them all. Had it been that I had received the book, ‘How To Grow a Balanced Diet’ in the past, I think by now I would have alleviated our hunger situations.
Bro. Harmony Ntchalachala
Sis. Malita and I agreed to be as one body in 1979 and now we have got nine children, which shows us that God still protects and guides us. My message for these last days is found in Psalms 1:1, 2 Timothy 3:1, 2 Peter 3:1. I send greetings to all brothers and sisters.
Bro. H. Benito

Photo: Bro Benito and Sis. Malita
I was in Zomba for a month to encourage a number of brothers and sisters and it was all very nice. Also I was in Balaka for one-and-a-half months where I attended some gatherings and everything was good. In Balaka there were a number of JWs and I found one member to whom I would like you to send two Bible Basics. Also, if you have a Chechewa copy, please send me one. Lastly, if you have any ‘lectures’ on Revelation chs 1-11 please also try to send them to me.
Bro. Finley G. Nkomelah
I say thank you for your letter and for Gospel News; it is good, and I read it day and night. It tells of the sudden coming of our Saviour, Jesus, and also deals with our fellow brethren and sisters in different countries. I am a man of 35 years and am married to Elizabeth and we have children, girls and boys. I have problems with some verses in the Bible, so please help me.
Bro. Charles Kasonya
I am encouraging you to send more literature so that we can grow in our spiritual life. We need Bibles in Chichewa because there are some brothers and sisters who do not speak or understand English well and do not have Chichewa Bibles. In addition, could you also provide me with a Bible in English.
Bro. Maxwell M. Tebulo
I have noticed that many Pentecostal and charismatic churches are ‘speaking in tongues’, but, alas, contrary to the Bible teachings – in other words, baseless from the Bible. Please be alert! Prophecy started in the Old Testament as well as Mark 16:17, "And these signs will follow those who believe; In my name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues." Acts 2:4-8: "They (the apostles) were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other
tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language. And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans? And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?" Indeed, the scripture quoted signifies the beginning of speaking in tongues. The marvel was that people from "every nation under heaven" heard the apostles speaking in their own native tongue. God inspired the apostle Paul to give guidance on the speaking in tongues, "I would that ye all spake with tongues, but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues, except he interpret, that the church may receive edifying" (1 Cor. 14:5). Speaking in tongues was to be done in an orderly manner, and be interpreted, so that the church could be edified. Brothers and sisters, don’t be carried away with false teachings, always consult the Bible which is our guide and not human beings’ thoughts. Those who disregard the provisions of 1 Corinthians 14 should read again 2 Timothy 3:16: "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness". Bro. Morris Assani
I am teaching the orphans I told you about last year and caring for them. Any second-hand clothes for them will be gratefully received. Whatever hardship there may be, we will stand still and pray to our God without ceasing, as He hears prayers.
Bro. Edmond N. Store

Photo: The orphan children Bro. Store is caring for.
I am greatly appreciative of the teachings that you present to me; this indeed helps me to gain and extend my knowledge. My humble gratitude should be extended to my tutor, Bro. Keith J. Lowe, who guided me into the Bible; he confronted me with everything in the 40 lessons without getting tired. I progressed well. My brother is also getting on OK with the course. Although I am isolated, I have many friends at Nipiri Secondary School where I am in form 3, but I fail to convince them of the truth, since I do not have enough materials, even a Bible. I would appreciate it if you could send me five Bible Basics and more reading matter immediately.
Bro Lanjesi Chiyani

Photo: Bro Lanjesi Chiyani
I am a boy aged 19 years and a Christadelphian. I am still at school and have also developed the habit of reading Gospel News and also tracts. With the good news I come across whilst reading the magazine, plus the tracts, I have come to the point of urging you to send me some more books.
Bro. Tholesi Nazombe
Before I was converted to the truth I did not know that God can really heal, but when I started reading the Magazine I found that God is the only one who can do so. Brother, continue sending me Gospel News as I so much enjoy reading it, especially the letters from brothers and sisters. Even when I can’t meet with others (as my circumstances are hard at this time) I feel one with them. I can see how we all suffer and how that everything is moving towards the return of Jesus and the coming of the Kingdom. Brother, if possible, please send me a Bible, I haven’t one.
Bro. Thom M. Bicycle
I am your fellow labourer in the service of the Lord and a member of Sengabay Ecclesia in Salima, I was baptised in May 2003 after learning the truth from Bro.Duncan Heaster's beautiful work packed in Bible Basics. As we are busy preaching the gospel to "all the creatures", there is great need that we, as pioneers, need to know the Word of Truth in depth by reading the Bible for deeper knowledge. After reading through some of the pamphlets written and published by you, I have all the confidence that they can lead an eager reader to the truth as it is in Jesus. Please send me some more to share with others.
Bro. George Nkhoma
I was so glad when I received your letter and rejoiced. I appeal to you to send me material monthly. Please, my request is for you to send me a Bible and, if possible, cassettes for my mother, who lives with us and is blind, so that she may learn of God and grow spiritually.
Bro. Eleck Bryala

Photo: Bro. Bryala with his wife, mother and children
Here in Malawi there is only poverty. Thank you very much for sending the Magazine which I am happy to have, keep sending it to me. Can you send me a Bible in Chichewa as I am unable to read carefully the words of God without this Bible. I shall be very grateful if you can assist me.
Bro. S.G. Zaliwa
The problems which we face here are as follows: (1) We pray under the tree due to lack of money. Sometimes we are unable to finish our prayers because of the rainfall in the rainy season. (2) We try to build our church, but due to the heavy rain it collapses, because we are unable to
have the iron sheets required. (3) Because of the heavy rainfall we are unable to harvest bumper yields. As a result there is hunger each year.
Bro. P. Mbingwani
Something is radically wrong with the human race: they hurt each other and themselves; they rob and rape; they swear and steal; they murder and molest; nations oppose nations and there are always wars and rumours of wars. The trouble with man is sin. Our greatest enemy is not ignorance or inflation, debt or deflation, disease or death. Our greatest enemy is sin in the hearts of people. The confusion, suffering and sorrow in the world comes because of sin.
Sin separates us from God (Isa 59:1-2). Nothing else can separate us from God, but sin has great power over us. What is sin? What are its results in human life? Is there any way of escape from its consequences?
Bro. Exvin A. Kasalagwe

Photo: Bro. Exvin A. Kasalagwe
I am very, very glad to receive your magazine concerning Jesus Christ. I am married with three sons and four daughters. Here in Malawi we are poor and do not have money to buy all the Bibles necessary.
Bro. Sittaffa Goba

Above: Bro. Goba with his wife and child.
Below: Two daughters dressed for a special occasion. Note the skill of the Malawian needle-woman.

It is by the grace of God that you are sending me the Magazine and books which are helping me and the Christadelphian church to grow every day. Please continue to pray for us as we are praying for you.
Bro. Smart Lombe
One cannot and should not use force to compel anyone to accept the faith, for faith is a free gift of God (John 6:44,47), It is also wrong to put to death any one for the sake of their erring faith. The ecclesia should use no sword other than the Divine Sword OF God (Eph6:17). The secular kingdom should be separate from the ecclesia and no secular ruler should exercise authority in the ecclesia. The Lord has commanded simply to preach the gospel and not to compel anyone to accept it by force. The true ecclesia of Christ has the testimony that it suffers and endures persecution, but does not inflict persecution on any one.
Bro. MacArthur Salamu
I recieaved the package of the Gospel News with many thanks! Here in Aba ecclesia, we are not experiencing isolation, I think it is a blessing! We have 81 Baptised members and a number of interested friends. When I read about those experiencing disasters, isolation, drought, etc., I feel pity for them.I know I cant help them in any other way but am praying for them. Please can you help me get any pen pal because I love writing people outside my ecclesia...they can write to
I am Peter by name and a reader of Gospel News., I want to commend you for the efforts you have been making in gathering informations worldwide and publishing it. I pray that YHWH will guide you.
'Gospel News' has been my companion for many times. It makes me know that I have brethren all over the world and also encourages me when i read of the hardships my brothers are in, especially those in the Arab countries which are mainly Muslin and the faith they have to overcome them.
Bro Peter Ojike
I thank those who contribute in various ways to produce Gospel News; it acts as a ‘TV’ where we can see ourselves and hear voices of others. Gospel News Magazine is one of the greatest things that happened in Christadelphia, whereby everybody can speak, no matter whether they are black or white. It has helped us to know that Christadelphians are all over the world and we should not bother about how few we may be in our different places; we are all one family (Gal. 6:10.
Bro. Goddy Nwosu
As Ikwueke Oboro is a newly opened ecclesia we see the work of the truth in these last days as a task while we rest in the Lord and wait patiently for him. This journey which we have started cannot proceed without your support and active prayers of those desirous of strengthening our feeble hands in this faithful labour (Isa 35:3). When God started to form the Israelitish nation, He began with an unknown man, Abraham, and he waited patiently for the Lord. He quietly followed the characteristics of God by keeping His commandments in fear. I take this opportunity to say to all who love our Lord Jesus to follow the footsteps of our father Abraham with confidence and hope. As a new ecclesia, we are still waiting to receive preaching materials from brethren world wide. My wife and I now thank you for your encouragement on our newly opened ecclesia; we desire your earnest prayers for its growth. We apologize for the long delay in thanking you, and may the Almighty God guide you in all
your efforts in spreading the preaching materials on us in these last
days. In going through Gospel News I came across a book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’. We would appreciate a copy of this, and while we look every minute to receive your return answer we wait for our Master’s call.
Bro. Friday Enyiogu

Photo: Left (sitting) Bro. F.E. Umesi and right (standing) Bro. F.E. Enyiogu. In front of him is Sis. Janet Enyiogu and Sis. Comfort Umesi. Others are our friends awaiting baptism
I received the 10 copies of Bible Basics and Gospel News; I am thankful to you for everything. A few copies of Bible Basics in the Ibo language will help me a lot when talking to my Ibo contacts in my country home. A number of them belong to the Jehovah’s Witnesses, but with a book written in the Ibo language I think I will bring them to the truth. Please also send me ‘Elpis Israel’ and ‘The Life and Work of Dr. John Thomas’.
Bro. Mike O. Takon
I am sorry I have not written for many months, the reason being pressure of things in Nigeria. Despite that I still focus my attention on the daily readings because the Bible is the only thing that can give me solace while facing predicaments. Please, we are so much in need of Hymn Books in my ecclesia, the few we had have been lacerated.
Bro Osaretin Jolly
We have had two more baptisms here, they are: Sis Eunice Ntombekhaya Mdibaniso and Brother Sinethemba Mafakula. This brings the ecclesia here to 18. Another lady would have been baptized but her husband a member of the Zionist Church forbad it. We have fenced off the plot of ground for our meeting room and hope to start building as soon as enough funds are available. Brother Templeton has been very ill with peritonitis and could have died, but our Father is merciful. He is much better, but he will be having an operation shortly.
Norman Durk.

Photo: The Ecclesis at Candu, Transkei, South Africa
The Bible is the Book for today. It contains answers and solutions to today’s questions and problems. It relates to youth and old age, rich and poor. Its principles are eternal. History has verified its predictions and archaeology sustains historical record. Its words are charged with light and life. Its wisdom is pre-eminent in all the world. Give your attention to it, reader, for in it lies your only hope of spiritual abundance here, and life in the world to come.
God has stated the plan of salvation in such terms that the most humble can understand it by faith. But the simplicity of the gospel has suffered much from theological debate and ‘expert’ analysis. Were the uncertain and indirect reasoning of the theologians scrapped and the simple statements of Christ and the prophets taken at their face value, the honest seeker for truth would find in them light and life. That is why Paul speaks of salvation as a secret made known through the living witness of Christ. Only the earnest seekers, whom God calls, can understand it. All such accept the promises of God by faith and find them to be a living reality. Thousands living and dead have found satisfaction at the fountain of living waters.
Men have tried everything else and found only faint flickers of fleeting fancy. They have tasted the apples of Sodom and found them ashes. "Ho, everyone that thirsteth, come all to the waters, and he that has no money, come, buy and eat; come buy wine and milk without money and without price" (Isa. 55:1)
Bro. Alick J. Noah
One of the main supports I received after my baptism seven years ago were the editorials Duncan wrote. The wide range of topics they covered and the things they taught must have helped many in the entire brotherhood. Please collect them in a book so that they are better preserved and send me a copy.
Bro. Kimimino Mnzava
We at the ecclesia of Kibinzi do feel a great need for translating periodicals and other materials into Kiswahili for the following reasons: about 60% speak only Swahili, these are typically our members or potential members. So, many of our members can’t speak or write English. We feel that if there were to be a good number of translations of our materials there would be a smooth spread of the word. We put this as a request. Also, we request the book titled, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ for our ecclesia.
Bro. Abed Edward
We received the box which had books and an English Bible. We have rejoiced so very much and thank you. I would like to inform you that I have a heavy burden of cooking the porridge instead of tea and loaves of bread to feed the Sunday School pupils every Sunday. The number of pupils increases day after day and, personally, I have no ability myself, and nor has the ecclesia the funds, to feed them. Please, I need your suggestions, to look after this group of Sunday School fledglings.
Bro. Jerome Bukambo
Comment. I think one has to be cautious in providing a meal for children and it would be best to consult with your Linkman. If he approves I think the Save the Children Fund, P.O.Box 25651, 195 Wellington Road, South London, On, Canada N6C 6B3, might help. MH

Photo: Members of Kirugu ecclesia
Thanks to the CIL for their weekly exhortations and Bible studies which are very informative and understandable. I appeal to all my fellow Christadelphians that, when they exhort, their exhortations should be faithful and generous with mercy, and especially when preaching the gospel. We should teach people to turn to JESUS to be saved, not to ourselves, as politicians do at their meetings. Read John 1:19-23 "This is the testimony of John the Baptist when the Jews of Jerusalem sent priests and Levites and asked him who he was. He confessed freely, I am not the Christ." It was not necessary for them to know who he was. He didn’t like people to admire him, but Jesus only. He was an ordinary man. We should not let people respect us because of our positions in our ecclesia, instead we should tell them to respect Jesus Christ our Saviour.
In Matt. 12:15-16 Jesus told those healed not to make him known, "warning them not to tell who he was". Verse 18 reads, "Behold my servant whom I have chosen", this shows that Jesus came as a servant of people, not as a master. Listen to what Jesus says, "Whoever would be great among you must be your servant, and whoever would be first among you must be your slave" (Matt. 20:26,27). So here again Jesus still insists that he came to serve, not to be served. John denied being the Christ; his testimony is in John 1:23, "I am the voice of one calling in the desert, Make straight the way for the Lord". He was the voice that sent the message of the coming Lord. The voice would have no importance without the message. We ought to be a voice that proclaims the message so that people can hear and turn to Jesus. We should use our voice and proclaim our message that Jesus is for the lost ones, that he is the one who takes away their sins. In verses 29-34, we read that John told them that he had been sent before the coming of Jesus and when Jesus appeared, he said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world". We are to be the witnesses. Look how people have despaired, and are dying without hope of inheriting eternal life. Are there no messengers to tell them why the world is in such a mess? We are to preach the good news of the coming Kingdom of God.
Bro. Simeon Mwakalinga
Photo: The family of Bro. Mwakalinga, after Bible study,
practising hymns. Left Bro. Simeon, centre Bro. Simeon’s wife,
Christina and, right, their daughter, Sis. Sefa Tonoka
The word ‘church’ has a very special meaning for us. Jesus said, "…I will build my church" (Matt. 16:18). We are also told that a great number joined a church for fellowship (Acs 2:41). In the early church they lived and worked together (Acts 2:44-47). We also read of Saul making havoc of the church (Acts 8:3), and of work in the church (1 Cor. 12:27). Christ "loved the church" (Eph. 5:25). The word church therefore can define a meeting place of God’s people whether it be on a mountain (Matt. 5:1) in a house (Acts 12:12) or at the riverside.
Bro. Juma Marwa
Members of Lugufu 1 ecclesia do not know the English language. Thank you for sending a copy of the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’, we hope it will help us very much at times of sickness.
Bro. Rehani Pascal
I am keeping well, together with my family. Thank you for your letter and other materials which you sent me. I am sorry for the delay in responding, but it is because of the instability at the Camp. Sometimes we get no permission to go out of the Camp, and our Post Office is situated at least 30km from here, so before leaving we are obliged to get Authorisation papers.
Bro. Bernard Wabene W’Ikola
Thank you for the work you are doing. For us this way, we are disturbed by some sickness and also we are experiencing the sunshine, therefore farming is very hard. My message is found in Jude, vs. 24-25: "To him who is able to keep you from falling, and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy, to the only God our Saviour, be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord now and for evermore. Amen." Please kindly send me a copy of Bible Basics.
Bro. Yokosani Higenyi
Photo: Bro Yokosani Higenyi
We are amazed at the number of Brethren and Sisters who appear not to have a Bible of their own, as indicated in some of these letters. The Word of God is essential to our spiritual development, just as our daily food is essential to our physical bodies. We need to be reading the Bible ITSELF rather than ABOUT it.
In an endeavour to rectify this, we would be happy to receive spare Bibles from brethren and sisters to send out, or, if preferred, we can send names and addresses for you to send the Bibles direct. Or we can send for you a new central reference Bible, to anywhere in the world for £10. inclusive of postage
An objection sometimes raised to sending Bibles is that they may be sold. People willing and able to pay for a Bible must truly want one. Whilst this may have occurred in a few exceptional cases, it is not usual. I see a need for a more positive attitude in ensuring that all our members/senior Sunday School scholars, those seriously preparing for baptism have a Bible; where they cannot afford to buy one for themselves we should endeavour to supply them. MH
Sincere thanks go to your Committee who have sacrificed themselves in providing Gospel News to us in Uganda. It has really helped our spiritual development. God bless and reward you. Can you please send me my own copy?
Bro. Ofwono Amos
All brothers and sisters here like and love reading Gospel News, we always pray to God to enable you to continue the humble work of sending it to us. Another box of Bible Basics has arrived but it only means a few for each of the local Ecclesias and there is need for more. We hope and pray for the final print of the Ugandan ‘Runyankore’ edition of Bible Basics soon so that the non-English readers are accessed to the truth. We have appreciated the Bibles given to us, but they are never enough due to the growing number of people joining us
Bro Godwin Mugasi
Prayer is the only way we can speak to our Creator, the Lord God; it is the media He has made available for us to communicate with Him without any trouble. Unlike the systems we use to communicate between ourselves there cannot be any breakdown if we pray with faith. God hears our prayers and answers them. The speed with which sound travels from broadcasting infrastructures to our radios is much, much slower than the speed it takes for our ptayers to reach the ears of our Creator, "For the Lord God knows the things that we need before we even ask of Him" (Matt. 6:31-32 +v8).
In Zambia, in the rain season of 1994, there was no rain until January 1998. Normally the signs of the rains come in October, but that was not the case that particular season. However, all the churches prayed for rain and the sky opened, it poured and the drought threat was over. How merciful our Creator is! When Joshua prayed, the Lord heard his prayer and the sun stood still (Josh. 10:12,13). The apostle James says in his letter that a prayer said faithfully would heal the sick, even put one out of trouble (James 5:13-16). Elijah prayed that it should not rain for a few years and, because he was faithful to the Lord, it did not rain (1 Kings 17:7) and in verses 21 and 22 Elijah prayed to the Lord God for the life of a dead boy and the Lord heard Elijah and restored the child to life. Through prayer Elijah did many wonderous miracles. If we read through chapter 18 of 1 Kings God tells us not to pray for our brethren and sisters only, but for our enemies also because some of those people who oppress us are somehow God’s chosen people, but their time has not yet come, like that of the biblical Saul who later came to be known as Paul (read Acts 9:1-20) Also Cornelius, Caesar’s centurion, had faith when he prayed and the Lord heard and blessed him. The apostles of Jesus performed many miracles through faithful prayers. Our lesson here is perseverance in prayer and meditation on God’s inspired word, the Bible.
Bro. Willies Simbowe

Photo: At the Bush Camp in Zambia. Bro. Willies Simbowe in the middle, standing.
Please send some Bibles, like NIV, AV or ASV. The Bibles we have are NKJV and are not now in good condition because of using them daily. However, to have different versions is better than having just one version. An example I can give you is Micah 5:2. Some Christadelphians have doubts on this and those from other churches. They say Jesus was physically existing from the creation of the world and that Jesus is God Himself. Read also Dan.3. In the NKJV verse 25 ends with a big ‘G’ – "God"; in the RSV it ends with a small ‘g’ - "gods". Also read 1 John 5:7. In the NKJV "the Word" is a physical Jesus and this is what people think, but at verse 8 it says exacty as in the RSV at verse 7, and the RSV is talking about the composition of a human body
Bro. Pinoty Chimbele
Today we are living in bad times. However, a child of God is supposed to lift up his head, to look afar and see the blessings of God. Many Christians today are being persecuted. The most important thing for us is to lay up treasure in heaven, where thieves do not break in and steal (Matt. 6:19-20). We need to keep our lamps burning so that Jesus will find us ready when he comes. Provided we remain clean in our hearts and deeds we need not get worried about our life, what we shall eat and drink, nor for our clothes. Let us put God in our hearts and in all aspects of our life. God is good. So let us do these things during our lifetime; when we die that will mark the end for any opportunities. So let us strive to see that we achieve our goal, which is to be in God’s Kingdom. Present problems will be no more in the Kingdom. Christ is the best medicine we can ever have for a troubled mind.
Bro. Ignatius Chikkwa
The love of God is far greater than the love of man. Sometimes it is beyond our understanding. There is many an occasion in the Old Testament where the love of God permitted men to suffer for a little while so that far greater good could be done. Nowhere was the extent of God’s love more clearly depicted than when He allowed the sufferings of Jesus on the cross. This may seem strange to us, but it did not mean that God loved Jesus any less; it was because of God’s love for the world that He permitted the sufferings of His Son. Nor did the decision of Jesus to remain where he was at the time of Lazarus’s death mean that he loved Lazarus any less. To many it may seem a dreadful thing that Lazarus should have had to die. Why could not his pain and the grief of others have been averted? The Lord saw it differently. There was a greater purpose already clear to him. This is because God sees death differently, too. For us, death is a time of bereavement, of sadness and loneliness. To God, death is merely the sleep of those who love Him and who are part of His eternal purpose. The apostle Paul explains how this can be: "…even God, who gives life to the dead, and calls those things which do not exist as though they did" (Rom. 4:17).
Bro. Edward Mutale
I have been coming across Gospel News once in a while and the moment I read them they help me a lot spiritually. It will be of great help if you will send them, because they will be read by a group of four brethren.
Bro. Dinuiswayo Nyawali
I am a baptized Brother in Kabompo ecclesia and was baptized by Bro. John Palmer in August 2001. I have been trying to get included on your mailing list, but in vain.
Bro. Charles Muhupu
My promotion results are out and I am glad to let you know that I made it to the second year. We opened schools on February 14 and were only in college for two months before being sent on teaching practice to various schools; in the second term therefore we will be required to pay nothing. In the third term we will return for the crucial final Diploma paper.
Bro. Lapulani Malata
The whole Bible is the only true message from God, entirely inspired by Him. There is only one God, the Father, who created the world as described in Genesis. The Holy Spirit is the power of God, no one possesses its miraculous powers today. Jesus was born the Son of God by the power of the Holy Spirit. He was also son of man, through Mary. Jesus overcame all temptation and died to save his followers from sin and from eternal death. Jesus was raised from the dead by God; he later ascended bodily to heaven and is immortal. Jesus will return to earth and raise from the dead all who have known and understood the gospel. He will judge them and grant eternal life to the faithful. Jesus will rule as King over the ancient kingdom of God restored in Israel. His capital will be Jerusalem and he will be assisted by his immortal followers in ruling the world. The Kingdom will result in everlasting righteousness and peace on earth and all problems, sin, pain and death will finally be removed. The ‘devil’ is another name for sin, overcome by Jesus. Salvation involves the forgiveness of sin now and ultimate freedom from both sin and death following acceptance by Christ at his second coming. When a man dies he ceases to exist; no part of him goes on living. The only hope of everlasting life is by resurrection of the body at the return of Christ. Belief in God’s promises concerning the Kingdom of God and the work of Jesus Christ is essential. These promises were made to Abraham, David etc. and relate to Christ and those who are Christ’s., Belief, repentance and baptism into Christ by immersion in water are now required by God of all who would become ‘brethren in Christ’ and "heirs of salvation". Followers of Jesus need to live lives that will please and honour God.
Bro. Bornwell Mudenda
Thank you very much for the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’. I need more books talking about health care; this is the thing that I’m doing as a home-based care giver looking after sick people in the community.
Bro. Lameck Mtonga
At this time of year I am at the farm and have planted 15kg of cotton in my field and also tomatoes in my garden. The Danavant Company, who deal mainly with cotton farmers, provide cotton seeds to its registered members; the Company also provides chemicals to its members after checking and having seen that the cotton has grown well and nearly ready to be sprayed. It was in the year 2002 that I registered as a member and started planting cotton at the farm. Now the cotton is healthy and needs machine spraying so that worms etc. do not damage the leaves, flowers etc. The Company supply a sprayer, but only one per group of 15 people and therefore it takes a long time to get the sprayer as there are more than 15 in our group and the Company is unable to supply more. Because of this problem I would very much like to have my own sprayer, as it takes too long waiting in the group. Also, if I had my own sprayer I could use it for the tomatoes as well. If anyone could help me to get a sprayer of my own I would be thankful.
Bro. Webster Hambula
My family and I are quite fine. This is to let you know that I have received everything you posted and I thank you kindly. I am very thankful for the work you are doing by encouraging me towards God’s word and truth.
Bro. Joshua Muchili
God made this world and made man to be in control of all that he had created. Because of His tender love we are united spiritually; I know you and am able to call you'‘Brother'’ through Jesus Christ our Master though you are miles and miles away overseas. This is very wonderful. I was delighted to receive your letter and the most wanted copy of the debate with ‘Rev’ Jacqueline Henry, indeed this was a very crucial and sensitive issue.
Bro. John Kasanda
I am very grateful to receive, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’, the book ‘Demons’ by Bro. Duncan and the ‘Revision Studies’ booklet, also the news items. In this country it will soon be very difficult for an ordinary person to write a letter abroad due to postage costs. I do appreciate your efforts to assist me in every way humanly possible.
Bro. Elvin Muntemba
I wish to congratulate the CAT for their effort in spreaching the gospel in countries where Christians can be persecuted. Despite death threats you are not afraid to go and preach to those in prison. For this reason I am also determined to do the work of our Master. A while back I was distributing ‘Present Day Events" in park lands near Lubambe centre. When I gave one to a lady she read about God’s plan on Bush’s re-election and Arafat’s death. She asked me who I was and I told her I am a Christadelphian. She said, You know that people in this world think that singing and dancing in churches (as is the case in our country) is the way to worship God. The true gospel of God has past its true identity, so keep on what you are doing. I have received eight copies of the English Bible Basics, plus a KJV wide margin Bible. Surely this will be a success in helping towards the proclamation of the word of God because of it containing (1) the Bible Companion reading tables and (2) a summary of Christadelphian doctrines, all of which will help the reader to understand the word of God. I wish to inform you that I have started a new way of distributing Bible Basics. I try to infiltrate our doctrines into other churches; I begin with six copies of Bible Basics. I supplied a Christian bookshop in Kitwe town; this bookshop is frequented by people of different churches. If some of them begin to read and study Bible Basics they will share what they read with their fellow church members and, by God’s grace, the true Bible teaching will be known by many more people (Hab. 2:14). So please, if possible, send more English Bible Basics; I will try the same tactics in other towns of the Copperbelt.
Bro. Robert Miwele

Photo: Left Bro. Robert Miwele with Bro. Elvin Muntemba
As a matter of interest, I became a Brother last year, on April 18th. I came into contact with the truth in the Northern part of my country when my parents thought of moving there. I met Bre. Evans Mwansa and Stephen Chanda who shared the truth with me openly. Please send me Gospel News because I enjoy reading the encouraging articles and Christian experiences as we await Jesus’ coming.
Bro. Jaxon Kalumba Jnr.
I was an active Catholic before I joined the Christadelphians. In 1994 I heard the call from the Lord God through Bro. Nelson Bwalya and other brethren from Kitwe ecclesia. When I was only a contact I was doing my work in politics, being well known and feeling very pompous. I left worldly things in 1997 and was baptised in 1998. Nowadays in Misaka we are six baptised brothers – no sisters. We have tried to preach the gospel, but fail in this area; they are coming to have knowledge, but doing like Nicodemus did to Jesus. Their children come to my home like beggars and fear political leaders.
Bro. Costa Mwapa
I’m so glad to hear that you will be sending me the books, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ and, ‘How To Grow A Balanced Diet’; this will, indeed, help a lot. It all needs perseverance to have some of the things you mentioned go in the direction we want – that is as long as it doesn’t take wings overnight. You really need to spell out your ideas, which at first only a few will realize and go in your direction because of its importance. I like the saying, If you give a man a fish he will eat at once. If you teach him to fish he will eat for the rest of his life. It’s good you talked of three areas of concern, which I concur with. This will have an impact which many of us are going to really appreciate.
Bro. Wilfred Chibomba
I would like to start the Correspondence Course that is in two parts, ‘Introducing Bible Basics’ and from the Bible Basics manual. The other thing is, can you help me with a King James Bible. I gave the one I had to someone who didn’t have a Bible, so I’m using the NIV, but when we’re having a Bible study it is difficult to follow without a KJ Bible. If you can please help me I will be very happy.
Bro. Martin Sinrukwai
I am writing this letter to tell you that I really love having the ‘Introducing Bible Basics’. We really know that the word of God is the light to our path and we try to live by it. We should all continue working for the Lord, for we know well that our labour is not in vain, for we shall enter His rest when Jesus returns to set up the Kingdom. I also have to inform you that my father has changed our address to above.
Sis. Esther Muntete
I am grateful for the textbook, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’; it is quite an interesting and helpful book in our environment and very educative. I am in touch with a lady who is very interested in the truth which I have proclaimed to her. She has been convinced and is willing to be posted the Bible literature lessons from any interested tutor, brother or sister. I am appealing for an old Oxford dictionary to refer to the complicated vocabulary either in the Bible or in the literature. Brothers and sisters, we are living in the last days and we should choose the narrow and not the wide road. The ‘free agency’ is with us – for good or evil. We were created in the image of God so that we can pray to Him and follow His commands. In the Bible we are told that there shall be famine, war and outbreaks of diseases. These are actually signs of the times. We should be ever prepared for the return of Christ. He can come like a thief. There is no way we can elude death, it’s the penalty which was imposed on Adam and Eve after they had been deceived by the serpent and had eaten of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We too must die (unless Jesus comes soon) and wait for the resurrection and judgment. Whenever I fall asleep I want to be laid to rest in Christ with Christadelphian members. Through them I found the well pronounced truth. The present is the only time we have to repent.
Bro. Joseph Mucheri
I am now in Bulawayo looking for a better job. I was working as a gardener, but the money I was earning was below living conditions. If I fail to get employment I will go home and try to look for land to grow crops that are cash-crops. My question is, Why are brothers and sisters going back to the world? Many are not going to the meetings and some are fighting for positions in the ecclesia. Romans ch. 12 says there is one body and many members. The theme of ‘one body’ is very common: God chose one nation, one land, one covenant, one temple. We have read in Exodus that God delivered the people of Israel – His people, His family – from Egypt. God said that man and woman would be united and become one flesh. An example: if one part of a car wears out the whole system will stop. If one brother or sister draws back to the world they are a loss to the body of Christ. According to Romans 12 we each have a part to play in the one body and we must use our gifts according to the grace given to us by God.
Bro. Dzingai Sumburera
I would like to thank you guys for the good work you are doing by Gospel News. Keep up the good work and God bless you.
It takes two to argue. Without warning the driver of a car (driver A) changed lanes and cut in front of another driver (driver B) who had to brake suddenly. The incident could have ended there, but driver B showed his annoyance by loudly and repeatedly sounding his horn. After that the matter could have been dropped, but driver A put his hand out of the window and made an obscene gesture. Again, the episode could have ended there; instead, at the next set of lights driver B opened his window and shouted, ‘Idiot!’ The contest escalated until, finally, both drivers were out of their cars expressing themselves with punches. Opportunities to defuse the situation had been presented but ignored. This pattern of escalating hostility is an unfortunate aspect of human nature, souring friendships, marriages and other relationships. Both sides in such conflicts fear that letting the other side have the last word would be seen as a sign of weakness and defeat. People seem to believe that to walk away from contention would be humiliating. Humiliating? This word is interesting. You may not like someone else mistreating you, indeed, you should try to avoid it, but what is wrong with humility? James (4:6) wrote, "God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." God’s word declares, "It is to a man’s honour to avoid strife, but every fool is quick to quarrel" (Prov. 20:3). In God’s eyes it is honourable to swallow one’s pride in order to halt strife. Stopping an argument is not necessarily difficult; if one person stops, often the arguing ends there. It takes two to argue. The book of Proverbs tells us, "The beginning of strife is like releasing water". A small leak in a dam can quickly grow until there is no stopping the flow. Finally the dam bursts. "Starting a quarrel is like breaching a dam; so drop the matter before a dispute breaks out" (Prov. 17:14).
Bro. Tapera Bandare
We have Sunday service at a school in our community which sometimes attracts more than 30 adults and about 15 scholars (who are attended to by Bro. Bautie Mbewe and sometimes Sis. Susan Phiri). Our main service is a devotional session which is proving very interesting to every one. Also, we recently opened a class which is being run by Bro. Farai Phiri for the Bible students and every elder is free to assist. We always pray and ask for more prayer for the growth of our ecclesia and for our Brother Delory Mbewe who is unwell.
Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and, indeed, to every one. We should pray continually in every circumstance and give thanks to the Almighty. We should ask for forgiveness and deliverance from our sins because His love endures for ever. Therefore, as we have the opportunity, let us do good to all the people. Above all, brothers and sisters, we must have love and try to live in peace with each other. Read 1 Thess. 5: 15-28.
Sis. Memory Lunando
Thank you very much for all the publications we receive regularly. May God kindly add more blessings to this job well done. May Jesus soon be here for us to enjoy his partnership in the new Kingdom. May peace and grace be with you for ever and ever.
Bro. Gift Lungu
I am in isolation and write to request the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’. I live in a remote area where our nearest clinic is about 27km away, and from where I live to the main road is 12km. Mode of transport to the main road is either scatch-cart, wheelbarrow or bicycle, where he/she (the sick) can be carried by either a bus or a car to the clinic. In some cases there is no medication at the clinic and no money to get the person to the provincial hospital. I do appreciate the book, it will be most helpful to people like me. Many thanks to the author and to God who gave him such thoughts.
Bro. Moses Ajiweka
We have seven children at Zumba 7 where we also have our Sunday service. Our Sunday session starts at 10-11am. After Sunday School we have Bible studies with our four students and it is now two years since they began learning the truth about the Kingdom of God. We break bread every Sunday with Bro. Moses Ajiweka, Bro. Emmanuel Kondowe and Sis. Joyce Wiki. We have a problem: we only have one Shona Bible which belongs to Sis. Joyce. Most of our students speak only Shona, therefore there is a need for more Bibles. If you can supply one or two Shona Bibles it will help a lot. I am also requesting the book, ‘Where There is No Doctor’. We hope to have an ecclesia here as soon as we have more baptised brethren and sisters. Greetings to all Christadelphian brothers and sisters world-wide. Our prayers are with you. Please pray for us as we preach the truth in a world infested by evils.
Bro. Obert Wiki

Bro. Obert Wiki at work at Zumba 7 Anchor Store where he displays
Christadelphian books and discusses with customers the truth in the
Christ said, "There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth". We are pleased to announce the baptism of MISHECK HONDOMA and EVELINE SHAMBASUNTO on March 27th and of RANGI NAJIKADZINO, FADZE ZTARARE, GLORIA ZTARARE, and one student from Mpukufa village on April 17 We pray that God will bless our new Brothers and Sisters in their walk to the Kingdom of God and we give thanks that the Lord has blessed our ecclesia in strengthening our numbers. God willing, we hope to have additional baptisms soon. I am requesting a reading glass, dictionary, Shona Bibles, Shona Bible Basics, NIV reference and concordance Bible and. ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ and Bro. Thomas, His Life and Work. Please also try to send Hymn Books and Sunday School material because now I am dealing with pupils. I wrote to the Canadian, Save the Children’s Fund in March, but as yet have had no reply.
Bro. Emmanuel Maugente
My aunt, the owner of the house to which my letters were sent, has sold due to certain hardships we are facing here in our country, so please note the change of address. In my ecclesia we have started a Sisters’ Union. We Sisters are a helping hand to our brothers. Many marriages/homes are breaking due to the fact that we do not fear God. We might be baptised, but that doesn’t necessarily mean we know what we are doing in His eyes. I do feel His call each and every day. I think another way for the Sisters to advertise our church is to have it printed on our headgear, then people will want to know about us. We can spread the truth even by having choir competitions among our ecclesias, making our own casettes with our own music, not always hearing those from other churches. I feel pained by this. Please let us help each other in letting the truth be known.
Sis. Maureen Chimunya
I am so glad that I have heard the word and followed it and that my family are also Christians. The Bible tells us that we should be shining lamps which shine brightly. We should shine from ourselves in our homes and be seen to shine by our Christian works, so that people may follow our Lord and repent. I was in hospital in 2002 for over two months when I nearly died, but the Lord has done great things for me. I think of Job and all his sufferings, but he was blessed in the end.
Sis. Miriam Ncube
Don’t cease to post me some books and other reading material. Regarding my problems, I will wait and pray to God so that things will be easier.
Sis. Precious Phiri

Photo: Sis. Ratidzai Magadzire, wife of Bro. Tarirai, Nyandoro.
Abraham and his wife Sarah waited a long time and then the promise came of a son. As brothers and sisters we must be faithful believers, having been baptised (immersed) and made clean from our sins. Let us not be like the prodigal son who had half of the inheritance and spent everything. Then came the famine in the land where he was and would have eaten the pigs’ food. Then he thought it would be much better for him to go back to his father. This is like us when we repent, we work God’s work preaching the gospel.
Sis. Loveness Ngunga
I praise God for being with all of us during our troubled world. We should live with hope that one day the Son of God will come and rescue us, as God did to the people of Israel during their living in Egypt. God was with them, for He loved them. Hosea tells us of the love He had for His people. God is also with us if we keep remembering the love of our Lord Jesus in dying for us. Regarding my work, things are a bit better than they were. My work gives me much pressure which means that I sometimes work on Sundays. But God may provide me with a better job. God provides everything a man asks for through prayer and faith and according to His will.
Bro. Israel Mutundume
Life today is hard. From the beginning of March there was no food in our town. The business men are hiding it for the high price. The main thing is I must be sure about my salvation (1 Peter 2:13-15). We must put Jesus as a part in our hearts. People are greedy for money. Please pray for us that we will not lose our Hope. God’s eyes are always upon us.
Sis. Alice Wilanbo
When one member suffers the whole body also suffers. Here we are praying with one accord for our Brother Revy who has been unwell for some time and has been moved away from us to his rural home, where he is in isolation. Please pray with us for all in Christ to remain faithful. We are now nine Brothers in Kariba with the baptism of Decent Mashili and Emmanuel Mhenella last year.
Let us consider how we may spur one another forwards in love and good deeds, contending for the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints (Hebrews 11). I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and my song. I turned 40 recently and my years have been few and difficult, and the Lord has become my salvation.
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due to His name. Blessed is he whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit, only truth and freedom. For freedom, Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive the Bible, the written word of the Lord is true and is no lie. Just as it taught you, obey Christ’s commands and abide in the Lord.
The Free Gift is not like the trespass. For if many died through one man’s trespass, much more has the grace of the one man Jesus Christ abounded for many So that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. God will give to each according to what he has done. "To those who by persistance in doing good seek glory, honour and immortality, He will give eternal life."
The Lord says, "See, I have refined you, I have tested you in the furnace of affliction. For my own sake, I do this. How can I let myself be defamed. I will not give my glory to another." God created man in His image to be transformed by the renewing of his mind, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared, obeying Christ Jesus’ commands, living in him as he does in us.
Do not give way to fear. Your prayers have been heard, you have found favour with God. Be faithful, truthful and watchful.
Bro. Joshua

Photo, back from left: Brothers Witness, Joshua, Richard,
Innocent. Seated: Brothers William, Revi and David. This was taken at
the 2004 Annual Conference.
Photo: Sunday evening daily reading and Breaking of Bread. From left: Bre. David, Levi, William and Joshua.
It just seems as though the time which has been prophesied has come concerning both deeds and events that are happening. There have been earthquakes and the Tsunami disaster which killed thousands of people; houses and other buildings, seaports, gas pumps, water supply networks etc. have all been destroyed during that deadly event. Not only so many lives lost, but there was hunger and disease outbreaks. But what do world leaders think about this? We know that God is the head of all leaders; leaders in this world should therefore acquire their power and knowledge from God before ventuiring into any projects like the ‘Disaster Warning Systems’. All world events taking place today have been foretold in the Bible, and God, as the Creator, has a purpose for the world. As world events trumpet the soon return of our Lord, are we fit to stand for judgment and rule in the coming Kingdom? To the affected people in the Indian Ocean nations, we pray for them and hope God will always be with them in their time of need.
Bro. Witness Majecha
Thank you very much for continuing to send me Gospel News and thanks be to God for His mercy and everlasting love and His grace. Now, here are my problems: as I told you some time ago, I have been residing on a small farm compound paying monthly rent. Although I have poor health since years ago, through God’s care and the love of His only Son, Jesus Christ, I am kept from many temptations. As you know, I am isolated, living far away from my ecclesia and brothers and sisters. Last year I only met with them on April, 11th , 12th and 13th at the Resthaven Bible School when we had four visitors from the UK and since then I have had no opportunity to meet with them. From that time the farm has been invaded by ‘war veterans’ or ‘ex-freedom fighters’ and nobody is accepted to live on this farm. Since then I have not found any place to live and have tried hard, but in vain, I just have nowhere. I am still in the truth, although I cannot attend the weekly ecclesial meetings.
Bro. Maxwell Mlakah
Many thanks for all books you sent . They arrived safely and were received with great joy. Here in Zimbabwe things are not yet settled. Here, in the rural areas, more and more political gatherings are taking place and people are forced to attend. However, God is still with us as we do not even participate due to our beliefs. People are beaten and some killed. When I read of the ‘signs of the times’ these happenings shew us that the Lord is now around the corner. The world has been preached to, and the preaching still goes on, so people are hearing the gospel. Help us with this, and that God will keep us secure in Magunje.
Bro. Weston & Sis. Ruth Kamota
I want to write more articles until our Master comes to his vineyard, so that he will find me at work. We are blessed here through your work. God bless you, you are on the right channel. I don’t know how to express my heart on what you are doing on my side. The rains are now falling [Feb]; in the month of January we had very hard sun – three weeks without rain – so we have now got hope. I am preaching hard here at our place and the surrounding areas – buses, houses, banks etc. – giving leaflets, ‘Glad Tidings’ and other literature. Many people are responding to the word of God and some ask for some books, but I have got none to distribute. If I can get more leaflets, Bible Basics and Glad Tidings, I will do my level best to find the ‘lost sheep’. On March 21 we visited a Brother who is sick and is one of our members. He is now at his home at Bururuka. We encouraged all members of our ecclesia to visit him any time. We gave some prayers and sung hymns – our Brother loves hymn singing and at our ecclesia we sing and feel God near us. And we do sing – and I mean sing good! Our sick Brother was very happy and felt comfort from our visit to him. God willing he will be back to normal through God’s blessing and our prayers and support.
Bro. Stanford Kuuzha
My wife and I are strongly edified by Gospel News and monthly exhortations. In the past it was easier for us to travel to our nearest ecclesia, which is about 86km, once per month. As a self-employed person I was using my home-made gas bottle to raise fares for us. Now, carbide stones (these are stones which dissolve in water to form gas) are hard to come by – if you happen to find them you buy them at an exorbitant price. At our ecclesia they mostly say there is scarcity of money (bus fares) due to sky-rocketing of prices. This directly implies that my wife and I benefited much from monthly exhortations and Gospel News.
Bro. Christopher Mugwagwa
Thank God for the 10 Bible Basics in English which I have distributed to brothers and sisters. We also need more Shona Bible Basics. Though the parcel took a long time to arrive, I was glad to receive the books. Here we have many brethren and sisters who are studying Bible Basics, but we need a dictionary for some of the more advanced words. I enclose a photo of Chishumba ecclesia.
Bro. Emmanuel Mangente
Photo: Chishumba Ecclesia
I am pleased to see the publication of my articles since they help develop those of my colleagues who are not in the truth and have the conception that only those from Europe can write articles! I have now found a vacancy at Morgenster Teachers’ College. I thank God for you in all my prayers for your sincere help. I’m facing a lot of questions from various denominations, since the College I am at is a Reformed Church Institution where you are supposed to attend their services. There is also a lot of pagan belief, so pray for me to remain in the truth revealed in the Bible. I couldn’t cope with the preaching here because there are so many pagan doctrines. God willing, they will get to know the truth. I would like to send greetings to my tutor, Sis. Rebecca Paul, whom I have not heard from. I have tried to contact her, but with no response. If she can, may she please contact me. I hope that this year will herald the Lord’s coming, since there are many facts pointing to his coming – wars, poverty, drought, increased theft and crime etc. Even so, come Lord Jesus. Finally, all of you have unity of spirit, sympathy, love of brethren, a tender heart and a humble mind (1 Peter 3:8).
Bro. Simon Mudavose
I thank you for your faith. I say, God bless you for giving us the book, ‘Where There Is No Doctor’ which I received on February 7. We are now busy reading it so that we can fight off the different diseases which are facing our country.
Bro. David Ngwenya
April was a very busy month for me. On the 8th I went to Mozambique visiting students and only managed to meet a few of them, the reason being that I didn’t inform them that I was going. I left them with money so that one or two of them could come to my place in Zimbabwe, but they haven’t turned up. On the 15th I left Chipinge for Bulawayo to attend the South Sub-Committee and while there I met several brothers from other ecclesias. I had an opportunity to give an exhortation. On the 29th I left Chipinge for Mutare for my personal business as well as taking the opportunity of visiting brothers in Mutare. I telephoned Bro. Stanford who came and met me and we also met another brother, so we went straight to a quiet room where we did the daily readings. They asked questions and I helped answer them. From Mutare I went straight to Rimbi where I had an appointment with students on the 30th. Then on May 2nd I proceeded to Mozambique visiting students.
Bro. Moses Dhlakama