The Sunset of Time
"The end of all things is at hand". "Behold, I make all things new", (1 Peter 4:7; Rev 21:5). They say that all good things come to an end. I have a better version: all bad things are soon going to end and only the good will remain.
The fact that our world is tormented by evil is not secret. Just read any newspaper on any day of the week. You will be reminded, though you probably had not forgotten, that all is not well with the planet.
Each night the sun sets on countless lives that have been ravaged by normal occurrences of the day: Ravaged by war. Ravaged by crime. Ravaged by broken relationships. But the same sun always rises again, only to reveal that the madness continues. Despite the many anguished cries that plead so desperately that morning should not come, it does - again and again and again. That is until the sunset, not of another day, but of time itself, descends upon this earth.
Be assured the tears that flood over our bustling world are not shed in vain. The Almighty God has promised to wipe away all tears from our eyes. A glorious day of healing is just ahead.
The sun will finally set on all sin and suffering, never to rise again. There is One enthroned in heaven who has promised the eternal demise of evil; affliction will not rise up again.
Sin will run its course. Sinners will repent or rebel once and for all. This hijacked planet will return to its owner. All intelligent beings will proclaim with one voice, "Just and true are your ways, O King of the saints" (Rev 15:3). "Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father" (Mat 13:43).
The plans have already been made for a new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells (2 Peter 3:13). For the first heaven and the first earth, the present brutal nightmare we now endure, will soon pass away. When that day of gladness comes there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying and there shall be no more pain (Rev 21:1, 4).
The sunset of time will be followed by the sunrise of eternity. This present reality of heartache will give way to the new reality of endless love and peace. So do not hesitate to answer the question that matters most: How can I be one of the happy citizens of God’s coming kingdom?
Well, there is another sunrise you should know about. This one is more personal and awaits its day of dawning in your heart. Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness. God says to you who obey "My saving power will rise on you like the sun and bring healing in its rays" (Malachi 4:2). You may claim your citizenship in the kingdom of Christ by inviting him into your heart as Saviour and Lord. Understand and believe the essential Truths and be baptised. He will heal the wounds your sins have made by the light of H is forgiving and renewing grace.He has reserved a place for you in his plan. Do not miss it for anything.
Bro James Zuitete (Harare, Zimbabwe)