The Call to Glorify God
We must all think more carefully about the purpose of glorifying God. Why should we glorify God? First and foremost, we must know that when Jesus was praying, he said "Father, glorify your Son that your Son also may glorify you. I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work you gave me to do" (John 17:1-5).
There are things at times that make many people turn away from God. Some people think that fellowshipping big brothers and whites may make them see God but in actual fact that is useless. Many brothers have ended up belittling poor brothers who preach to them, but I only ask you, brethren, to complete the work of God (1 Kings 19:7-13).
Which work? This reference relates how Elijah replied to God and shows us that we must complete God’s work before we glorify Him. How can we complete God’s work? It is by living the Truth and preaching to others the good news of God. So, my dear brethren and sisters, prepare the way for the Lord by completing his work.
Bro Mayende Erisania Sifuna (Busia, Uganda)