Actions Speak Louder than Words
Just as Jesus told his disciples to "Go ye and preach the gospel to every creature," we might be able to move the whole world if all of us, worldwide, arise and play our part. Before Christ comes, we might, with his help have transformed the faces of our countries, and they repent like Nineveh and be saved. The key words are: Discpline and deeper devotion. Let us arise and fulfil our possible destiny. Let us not let Christ down. These are not mere words, they are words with power of achievement.
God will test us because the rewards are great and therefore the test must be great also. He will prove our sincerity and we should expect that there will be more difficulties. We are currently the bearers of the word of God, we have been chosen by Him. Let our life be a sacrifice to Him and so eagerly wait for the second coming of His son to raise the saints to shine as stars in the firmament. If you are willing and ready, arise and say "Here I am, O Lord, send me out".
The good news of the Kingdom of God must be taken to all territories and islands which are yet unopened to this message. The conditions of the present world, place before us Christadelphians both obstacles and opportunities in an increasing number of countries. The world is witnessing the fulfilment of the warnings that the Bible contains. Now is the time when Christadelphians must cling to the covenant of God, resist every temptation and remember that they are the holders of the precious trust.
May I encourage all Christadelphians, in a spirit of faith, to arise everywhere and teach the word of God with love and great effort. By prayer and the power of God, we shall succeed. Dearly beloved, I call upon you all to arise with sacrifice, confidence and trust in Christ. I also ask you to listen to the voice of the Lord and be out to serve. If you can join my hands, please ACT.
Bro Nimrod Masida (Bungoma, Kenya)