Testimonies from Cape Coast (Ghana)
Since my baptism in 1981 I have experienced much hope and joy in fellowship with Christadelphians; their teaching is very, very good. As a Christian my faith is very strong – like that of our Brother Abraham’s was in God. The Almighty Father told him to go from his country and kindred to a land that God would show him. I was a Roman Catholic, but when God called me I didn’t look back. Sometimes I face very critical situations in life which demand giving up things in life, but when I remember Abraham I feel better. I also remember Exodus 14:14, "The Lord will
fight for you, and you have only to be still" and Isaiah 41:10, "Fear
not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will
strengthen you. I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious
right hand." With these words in mind I hope and put my trust in God.
God will fight for us. I pray that our Almighty Father will remember us
in all our situations. I also ask for prayers from our brethren and
Bro. Joseph Agyemang

Bro. Joseph Agyemang in a wheel-chair with his wife, Monica and two of their children.
I was baptised on January 1, 2005. Really, my little experience of just a month and one week with Christadelphians shows that they really know the Bible. Now I can read the Bible regularly, but in the past it wasn’t like this. I pray that the brethren and sisters will pray for me so that my new faith will survive the pressures of this present world.
I am Sister Monica Williams Agyemang, the wife of Bro. Joseph Agyemang.

Photo: Two recently baptised, Bro. Stephenson Joel Aidoo and Sis. Monica Williams Agyemang
I am a lad of 20 years old. I was a Methodist church member, then stopped for reasons beyond my control. My Uncle, Bro. Joel Ebow Acquah, brought me to the Christadelphians. I was baptised on January 1st, 2005. I pray that our Father will protect and guide me in my new faith. I also finished learning carpentry about three months ago and I ask brethren and sisters world wide to pray for me so that God will help me to get employment. May our faith increase and our Saviour, Jesus Christ, remember us all in the coming Kingdom.
Bro. Stephenson Joel Aidoo

Photo: Some of those at Cape Coast. Bro. Joseph Agyemang (front). I recall Bro. Joseph as a cobbler mending my sandal when I was out there in 1982 and his determination to work for a living, despite his affliction. It is lovely to see his wife, who has now been baptised, and his family. May God bless them all. MH
I would like to really thank the Almighty as He has led my life through history. I was eager to find a place at Morganster Teachers college for a three year diploma course, and for the provision of finance to cater for the fees. Many people are dying because of hunger, crimes, violence and suicide but by his grace, I’m alive to preach the gospel to all nations as he said on his departure.
Finally, brethren, pray for me to be in sound doctrine as I am far from other brethren at College. I should be grateful if you would send me some copies of Bible Basics (English/Shona) as I have many students here in need of them. And also a booklet, ‘Who are the Christadelphians?’ Brethren and sisters worldwide, preach the gospel without ceasing till he come. (Luke 19:10;Hebrews 2:11 2 Peter 3:15).
Bro Mudawse Simon (Masvingo, Zimbabwe)
Always remember that, whatever betide you,
You are never alone, for God is beside you. Helen Steiner Rice